50 Years of Kappa League


and Guide Right Chairman must certify that your Guide Right Program will not: a. Utilize line names or line numbers b. Have crossing jackets or clothing with line names or line numbers c. Have a probate or coming out show d. Have hazing of any type e. Use any type of hand signs Further each chapter is required to have a Social Media Policy and monitor chapter and Guide Right social media to prevent inappropriate postings

highlighted the purpose of the Chap- ters Advisor Training Cluster. The Cluster “works to train and support the fraternity’s advisors of undergraduate chapters…the committee focuses its activities on providing chapter advisors with the necessary information and materials to address the many aspects of supporting the undergraduate chapters and creating an environment of Achieve- ment for our undergraduates." Addition- ally, some of the challenges discussed impacting chapter advisors are noted as the following:

Remarkable team efforts remained the touchstone at every turn of our planning and execution of the Inaugural 2020 CRWLC. A special thanks to all panelist and presenters namely Cleo- phus Thomas, Jr., Esq., General Coun- sel; K. Andre Gladden, MTA Chairman; Alvin L. Barrington, National Chapter Advisors Training Cluster Chairman; Linnes Finney, Jr., Senior Grand Vice Polemarch, Evan R. Jackson, Junior Grand Vice Polemarch and Freddy Colston, Parliamentarian; Mark A. Gallashaw, Sr., Southwestern Province Keeper of Records; Rhen C. Bass, CPA, Grand Keeper of Records and Exche- quer; Kevin L. Burnett, Guide Right Chairman, Joseph L. Wiggins, Eastern Province Executive Administrator | Organizational Effectiveness; Kevin P. Scott, Grand Historian; Grand Board Member Robert L. Jenkins, Jr., Esq. and Jwyanza B. Watt. We extend an enormous debt of gratitude for the diligent work of our 12 C. Rodger Wilson Leadership Confer- ence Province Chairmen: Marcus D. Bailey (EC); Dr. DeAndre Howard (E); Keith Crosby (ME); Marvin O. Pettaway (MW); Lenell Pryor (NC); Anthony A. “Tony” Morgan (NE); Jahquan C. Hawkins (N); Samuel W. Bell (SC); Dr. Joseph W. Ducksworth (SE); John “Tony” Foster (S); Andre G. Harden (SW) & Timothy Lankford (W). The CRWLC turns 60 on August 24, 2021. Here's to everlasting commit- ment! Here's to "Training for Leader- ship!" Here's to 16th Grand Polemarch C. Rodger Wilson! φν π

• Financial Shortfalls • Social Media Responsibility • University Compliance • Campus Leadership • Title IX Compliance • COVID-19-Virtual Learning

MTA Training Update & Overview

MTA National Chairman K. Andre Gladden introduced members of his team and he also answered questions around MTA Certification in that his presentation was an MTA update and not an MTA Certification. Brother Glad- den pointed that, “We are rolling out of a New Fall 2020 MTA 3-Step Certifica- tion Process." A new MTA Certification process was requested by the insurance com- pany and risk management leadership. Province MTA Coordinators will con- tinue to conduct Part 1 virtually or in- person and after completing MTA Cer- tification Part 1 a link will take brothers to Part 2 of MTA Certification which will be the 10 Webinars with Knowl- edge Checks. After six modules leading up to Knowledge Checks consisting of seven simple questions after which the completion of all webinars and Knowl- edge Check, brothers will be directed to the Final Exam (Part 3). A passing grade of 80% is required for Certification.

Title IX Sexual Violence and Gender Discrimination on College Campuses was presented by Brother Darryl McGee and Brother Calvin Smith presented Student Leadership with two specific student outcomes 1) characteristics of effective leadership and followership and 2) characteristics of being effec- tive and visible chapters on campus. Brother Dr. John Cade presented the Advisors: The Nucleus of a Collaborative Partnership which included relationship from four different perspectives includ- ing institutions and students, alumni chapter, province and Grand Chapter. The National Chapter Advisors Cluster presentation culminated with the exis- tential statement quoting Founder Elder Watson Diggs “You must make our motto “Phi Nu Pi” mean something to you. The organization is not one for personal aggrandizement nor one to fulfill petty vanities. It is to aid you in becoming noble, wise and true.” The virtual Inaugural 2020 C. Rod- ger Wilson Leadership Conference was recorded and hosted via the gotomeet- ing.com/gotowebinar.com platform. The entire CRWLC is available to all members via their respective province of Kappa Alpha Psi.

National Chapter Advisors Presentation &Training

National Chapter Advisors Clus- ter led by Brother Alvin L. Barrington presented a very detailed, engaging and stimulating presentation which


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