King's Business - 1914-04



to, give Him the crown of Great Brit­ ain and India!” In her young woman­ hood, with life before her, she crowned Jesus King of kings and Lord of lords; and now in her old age, with grey hairs and many cares that she has ■borne,.she wants to give Him every crown that God has given her. One of. the most thrilling moments we ever felt was in a convention of the Christian Endeavorers, when Dr. Clark, the president, rose with a piece of yellow paper fluttering in his hand, and said, before about 20,000 young people, "I have a telegram from Jap­ an.” There was silence in which you could hear your hearts beat. He stood there and read it, just three little Words, “Make Jesus King!” We were silent, and then applause after applause burst forth, and the people wept as they looked into each other’s faces:, To a Japanese that means something, “Make Jesus Mikado!” Tomorrow we will have something to say about the Coronation, but while wb are waiting for the Coronation to come, let us Crown Him here. While He.tarries in the coming in glory, let Him come in grace. Let us enthrone Christ the Lamb of God in our hearts and’lives, and heaven is begun.

room, when they reach the “Hallelm. jah Chorus’ will rise and stand till the music ceases, except the Queen.” I t' is the Royal etiquette that the Queen should keep her seat. The music con­ tinued, sweeter and .fuller, sweet enough for heaven, I think. When the “Hallelujah Chorus” was reached, the people rose and stood with bowed heads. It was noticed that the Queen was deeply moved. Her lip quivered, her eyes filled w ith.tears, her body trembled, until they came to the burst of melody, “King of kings, and Lord of lords.” Then, in spite of Royal eti­ quette, the young Queen stood up, and with bowed head remained standing until the music ceased. A nobler, queenlier thing she never did. I heard that when Canon, afterwards Dean Farrar, was acting as Chaplain to the Queen, he visited her when she was ill. She had been reading a pam­ phlet of book about the Second Com­ ing of the Lord, and she said, “Chap­ lain, what do you think about the Sec­ ond Coming of the Lord ?’’ I do not know his reply, but as he left he said, “Your Majesty, why have you asked me about that question ?” .“Oh,” she said, “I wish He would come while I am alive, for nothing would give me more pleasure than with my own hands

ttì> euertj creature tuijtrij ta in Ijeatteu, ani» ou ttje earttf, ani» uuì»er tlje earttj, auì» aurl| aa are tu tiye Bea, ani» a ll tifai are tu tl|em, Ifearì» 31 aagtug, Meaaing auì» Ifouour, auì» glortj, auì» power, be uuto Ifttu tifai aittetlf upou tlje tlfroue; auì» uuto tlje Sìatub for eoer auì» euer.—IKru. 5; 13.

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