King's Business - 1914-04

MOTTO: “I the Lord do keep it. I will water it every moment lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.”—Isa. 27:3. THE KING’S BUSINESS R. A. TOBEEY, Editor ,J, h . SÀMMIS, T. C. HORTON, J. H. HUNTEB, Associate Editors Entered as Second-Class m atter November 17, 191(1, at the postoffice at Los Angeles, California, under the Act ,of March 3, 1879. Organ of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Auditorium Building, Cor. F ifth and Olive, Los Angeles, California.


Eev. A. B. Prichard, V ice-President. J. M. Irvine, T reasu rer. E. A. Torrey, Dean.

Lyman Stew art, President. W illiam Thorn, S ecretary. T, C. Horton, Superintendent. E. A. K. H ackett. . S. I. Merrill.

Giles Kellogg. H. A. Getz. .

DOCTRINAL STATEMENT We hold to the H istoric F aith of the Church as expressed in the Common Creed of Evangelical Christendom and including: The T rin ity of the Godhead. The D eity of the Christ. The M aintenance of Good Works. The Second Coming of Christ. The Im lnortality of th e Spirit. The Resurrection of the Body.

The Personality of the Holy Ghost. The Supernatural and P lenary au­ th o rity of the Holy Scriptures. The U nity in D iversity of the Church, which is the Body and Bride of; Christ. The Substitutionary Atonement. The Necessity of the New B irth. p _ . The In stitu te trains, free of r Ui p 0 S B(*ost, accredited men and women, in the knowledge and use of the Bible. (1) The I n s t i t u t e Department Classes held daily ex- cejpt Saturdays and Sundays. (2) Extension work. Classes and con­ ferences held in neighboring cities and towns. (3) Evangelistic. Meetings conducted by our evangelists. (4) S panish' Mission. Meetings every night.

The L ife Everlasting of Believers. The Endless Punishment of the Im ­ penitent. The R eality and Personality of Satan.


(5) Shop Work. Regular services in shops and factories. (6) Jewish Evangelism. Personal work among the Hebrews. (7) Bible Women. House-to-house visitation and neighborhood classes. (8) Oil Fields. A mission to men on the oil fields. (9) Books and Tracts. Sale and dis­ tribution of selected books and tracts. (10) , H arbo r W ork. For seam en in Los Angeles harbor.

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