King's Business - 1914-04



their attention and an invitation is extend­ ed to go to the meeting at the mission hall. These meetings are conducted nightly : at the above named corner about seven-thirty in the evening. Over six thousand tracts were distributed there during the. last •month and between one and two thousand men listened to the Gospel, while thousands passed by while ft-was being preached. Six­ teen persons professed the Lord during the month. Illustrated lessons with the stere- opticon are given each Friday evening. Now the lesions are on the tabernacle in the wilderness.— L. H. Jamison, Supt. .. He is my life, my sunshine and my hope;,” And the One whose face had been “so marred, more than any man," heard and was glorified by. the testimony of His child. • O n M arch the eighth , the first of a series of Vesper services was held in one of the large downtown hotels. It is hoped by the use of the old time Gospel hymns, hallowed by childhood memories, to pave the way for the short Gospel message. We are asking Him for openings in many of the apartment and rooming houses and ho­ tels. It is a great opportunity to reach non-churchgoers and business girls, theatri­ cal people and traveling men. Pray for this - new work. T he destructive criticism given voice in the class .rooms of one of our high schools was the indirect means of plunging a young convert into the darkness of doubt and un­ belief. In agony of soul she cried, “Oh, to once more know that there is a God. Oh, to once more have even the peace of ignorance that was mine when as a child I told my beads in the Catholic church and confessed my sins'to the priest!’’, The first in a long chain of answered prayers was the wonderful way in which ,God made it possible for her to. enter a Christian board­ ing school.! There,, :“in His light she saw light,”, and “looking:unto Him was light-

pel is preached in Spanish, first by one then by another of those present, while the others stand by and pray. One or two go out onto the sidewalk and distribute tracts to those who pass by. Much Scripture is quoted by the speaker, for God’s Word bears the promise of blessing. The atten­ tion is often intense. However, the crowd keeps changing,-only a few staying through­ out the service. Therefore while the preach­ ing is- connected in thought, yet there is need of making each part of it complete so that all may receive the message. At the close of the service the audience is thanked for T HE NIGHT was so very stormy that a Bible woman seriously questioned the impulse (?) that led her miles across th e city to a revival meeting. But a young .woman, far from her home, a stranger in :the city, was attracted to the meeting and came in to spend a lonely evening: By bringing the two women together, the Lord showed His leading and also brought the young woman for the first time to an open confession of Christ as her Master. A very indifferent professing Christian, after many refusals, finally joined a Bible class: -God’s word .so gripped her heart and life that she now studies it every day with her husband and children, is concern­ ed about her neighbors and is doing per­ sonal-work, She tells every one what the Word has done for her and is letting her voice be heard in prayer in class for the first time in her life. W e found a poor, lonely old woman, with a face so sadly disfigured, one shrank from looking upon it. She could hear only when you were close and spoke in a loud tone into her one good ear. She had work­ ed faithfully all day and was preparing to leave when I asked her if she knew Jesus Christ as her Saviour. With a bright smile and looking up into my face with her really :beautiful’ eyesj she said, “Jesus? Oh yes!

The Bible Women’s Work

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