King's Business - 1914-04


among the Jews. It is full of inter­ est to Bible students.”—Preachers’ Magazine. God’s Chosen People. Israel: Past, P resen t and Future. By J. R. Cald­ well. Cloth ............................ ......... .50 A historic and *prophetic outline of God’s ways with Israel. H istory of th e Jew ish Church. By A rthu r Penrhyn Stanley, D. D. In th ree volumes. Set.... ............. 2.50 General headings: The Patriarchs; The Judges; Samuel and the Pro­ phetic Office; The House of Saul; David; Solomon; The Kingdom of Israel; The Kingdom of Judah; The . Babylonian Captivity; The Persian Dominion; The Grecian Period; The Roman Period. Maps, genealogies, and chronological tables are append­ ed. Israel and the Church. By Jam es H. Brookes, D. D. Cloth.................. .75 ‘‘It is most important th at Chris­ tians should learn where to locate truth, so to speak, and they should always pause to consider how and to whom the testimonies, promises, and warnings of the Bible are to be ap ­ plied.”—The Author. “ Israel My G lory’; or, Israels Mis­ sion, and Missions to Israel. By John Wilkinson, th e founder and director o f the Mildmay Mission to th e Jews. Paper, 50c; cloth............ 1.00 This work begins with the national election and guaranteed preservation of Israel; shows th at the promises to the Fathers were confirmed by Christ; explains the causes, conse- auences, and duration of the rejec­ tion of Israel, and covers many other points of vital interest in the history of the Chosen People. Isra e l’s Inalienable Possessions. The G ifts and th e Calling of God Which A re W ithout Repentance. By David Baron. Bound in heavy, w hite pa­ per ............................................ Z ............. .20 This treatise shows th at the histor­ ical incidents of the Old Testament are beautiful parables of God’s pres­ ent and future dealings with Israel. Jew ish A rtisan L ife in th e Time of Jesus, According to the Oldest Sources. By F ranz Delitzsch, D. D. Cloth ............................................... . .75 The author is well versed in Rab­ binic literature, and has opened a new field in the department of the New Testament contemporaneous history, thus throwing new light up­ on the country in which Jesus work­ ed and upon the people among whom He moved. Jew ish Problem, The: Its Solution. Or, Isra e l’s P resen t and Future. By D avid Baron (a converted Jew ). P ap er .................................I........... .............. 20 T his w ork is highly comm ended by A rth u r T. Pierson. Jew ish Question, The. By A. C. Gae- belein. Cloth........................_______ _ .75 An exposition of th e eleventh chap-

te r of R om ans. A c h ap ter on ‘‘T he M essianic Q uestion,” by C. I. Sco­ field is appended. Land of Israel: A Text-Book on the Physical and H istorical Geography of th e Holy Land, Embodying the Results of Recent Research. By Robert L aird Stew art, D. D. 337 pages. Cloth..-.... ................... E ig h teen m ap s an d n um erous illus­ tratio n s. A convenient index is a p ­ pended. Lectures on Messianic Prophecy. By M ark L ev (a Hebrew Christian). Paper, 75c; cloth...................... ............ 1.00 T hese lectu res ‘‘tra c e th e Blessed C h rist of God to etern ity passed, an d tra v e rse w ith H im th e long field of M essianic prophecy to e te rn ity fu ­ tu re .” Memoir of M aria, a Converted Jewess. P ap er .....................L .................. 20 ‘‘O ur Jew ish b re th re n m ay learn from th is sim ple n a rra tiv e th a t th ere is a hope in C h ristian ity w hich all th e ir learn in g an d w ork of piety can n o t give; an d th e experienced C h ristian m ay d erive in stru ctio n from one who w as enabled th u s to grow in C hrist, an d glorify God, a l­ th o u g h ‘chosen in th e fu rn ace of a f­ fliction.’ ”—Jew ish Intelligence. Messiah, The, as Revealed in th e Old T estam ent Hebrew Scriptures, Be­ ing a Two-fold Testimony to Jew s and Gentiles, or the Whole World, Concerning th e Messiah—the Son of God—th e Savior of th e World—the Lord Jesus Christ. Compiled by M. Paper ....................................... . .25 P illa r o f Fire, The: Israel in Bond­ age. By Rev. J. H . Ingraham . Cloth ....... ....................................... 75 . T his is a series of le tte rs w hich il­ lu stra te th e scenes of th a t period of th e h isto ry of E g y p t in w hich th e Israelites w ere held in bondage by h e r kings. Shepherd of Israel, The, and H is Scat­ tered Flock: A Solution of the Enigm a of Jew ish H istory. By Da­ vid Baron. Cloth.....,.....:..:................. 1.00 A n exposition of P salm LXXX , in ­ cluding th e sum m ary of Jew ish h is­ to ry , in o rd er to confirm an d eluci­ d a te th e S crip tu re an d to show how tru ly th e W ord of God h as been fu l­ filled in th e h isto ry of th is unique people. Short and E asy Method W ith the Jews, A ; Wherein th e C ertainty of th e Christian Religion is Demon-' strated. By th e Rev. Charles Les­ lie, M. A. Cloth_____ __________ ... .40 Sketches of Jew ish Social L ife in the Days o f Christ. By Rev. Dr. Eider- sheim. 295 pages, to which are add­ ed two appendices and a helpful in­ dex. C lo th ...... ........................................... 50 T h is book gives valuable in fo rm a­ tio n especially u sefu l in connection *:... 1.25

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