King's Business - 1914-04


taught by the Roman Catholic Church. Booklets and T racts Fam iliar Conversations on Romanism: F a ith Is in God and H is Word, Not in the Church. By J. N. D arby...........05 M ary? or Christ? Or, Christ on th e Cross, and the P en iten t Thief.................01 N icolaitanism ; or, The Rise and Growth of Clerisy. By F. W. G rant .05 An address on Revelations 2:6, 15. Roman Catholic Mass, The. and The Bible. By Charles C. Cook. Each, 2c; per dozen ............................................20 Some Teachings of the Roman Cath­ olic Church Examined. By L. S. A, Each, 2c; per dozen............„ . .................. 20 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISM Is Saturday or Sunday the Christian Sabbath? By Rev. W illiam Arm­ strong. P aper ............................ ......... .20 A refutation of Sabbatarianism. Seventh-Day Adventism: Whence I t Is; W hat I t Means; W hither I t Tends. By David Anderson-Berry, M. D j , F. R. S. Cloth............................. 35 This claims to be an exhaustive ex^ amination. Seventh Day Adventism Renounced. By D. M. Canright. Paper, 60c; cloth .......¿1 ....:.........„...v.--------- 1.00 A book which cannot be refuted by Seventh Day Adventists. Booklets and T racts j God’s Day Honored. By Abbie C. Morrow. One d o z e n ..................................06 H ard Nuts fo r Seventh Dayists. Single sheets, 25c per 100; in pamphlet form, 2c each; 100 for................... 1.00 L e tte r on th e Old and New Creations, A, in Relation to the Sabbath and the L o rd ’s Day. By R. H .......—... .07 L o rd ’s Day, The. By Rev. A. B. Simp­ son ........................................................ .02 “ Ought Christians to Keep th e Sab­ b a th ? ’ By R. A. Torrey.... .....................10 The author has taken his stand up­ on what the Word of God teaches. Sabbath, The. By Dr. I. M. Haldeman .05 The original command. Israel and the Sabbath, Christians and the Sab­ bath, etc. Sabbath, The .................. 02 The seventh day set apart as the Sabbath for an earthly people in reiationship with God, Sabbath Rest, The. Each, 3c; per dozen _____ Lessons on the seventh and eighth days of Scripture. Seventh D ay Adventists, The, and the Sabbath. By W illiam E aston...... Seventh-Day Adventism : W hat Is It? By A. E. Booth ....:___________ .

A. Sullivan, ex-Monk. Cloth............ 1.00 The horrible tales here told cannot but arouse the reader to the urgent necessity for spreading enlighten- mnt concerning these atrocities. F ifty Years in the Church of Home. By F a ‘her Chinictuy. 832 pages. Cloth ........................................................ 2.50 This strange recital of experiences as a Roman priest is accompanied by sworn declarations which are con­ vincing. Fundam ental Ideas of th e Roman Catholic Church. By Hugh Foster. Cloth ...,................................ ................. 1.00 This is an explanation and discus­ sion for Protestants and Catholics. The Romanist’s viewpoint is stated in a calm, fair manner, and is taken from authoritative sources. In the Net. By Rev. A. B. DeMille. P aper _......___.20 A warning to Protestants against convent schools. Judge Fairly . By Rev. W illiam Lockett. Cloth ...........;..................._... .75 This is a reply to J. Faa di Bruno’s Catholic Belief,” which is indorsed by the bishops and priests of the Church of Rome. The statements in “Catholic Belief” are met, one by one, with the Revealed Word of God. Modem Romanism Examined. By Rev. H. W. Bearden, M. A. Cloth ... .75 Right Rev. H. O, G. Moiile, 1). I>., writes as follows: “The book be­ longs to th at not large class of con­ troversial works which bring to the difficult and painful process of re­ ligious debate a notable, spirit of mingled decision and fairness which in itself educates the reader for right thinking.” Priest, The Woman, and The Confes­ sional, The. By F ath er Chiniquy. Cloth ...... -- 1-00 A book which pictures the downfall of innocent young women through experiences in the confessional. Roads from Rome: a Series of P er­ sonal N arratives. Compiled by Rev. Charles Stuteville Isaacson, M. A. Cloth ...........................85 These narratives have been carefully compiled “with a watchful scrutiny of authenticity and good faith.” Highly recommended by the Right Rev. Handley C. G. Moule, D. D. Romanism: a Menace to th e Nation, together w ith “ The Parochial School, a Curse to th e Church, a Menace to th e N ation.” (Two books in one). By Jerem iah J. Crowley, a Roman Catholic priest fo r tw enty- one years. 691 pp. Cloth............1... 2.00 ’ Startling charges are h e re . made against individuals in the Hierarchy and a score of prominent priests, with photographic proofs and illus­ trations. W hat Rome Teaches. By M. F. Cu­ sack. Cloth ...... . ............. ..................... 1.25 This book aims to be a clear and correct account of the doctrines



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