C+S February 2023 Vol. 9 Issue 2

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THE COVER ElevateHER 2023

CHANNELS ELEVATEHER 10 What is ElevateHER? 12 2023 ElevateHER Cohort 25 2023 ElevateHER Advisors 28 ElevateHER Past Projects

TRANSPORTATION + INFRASTRUCTURE 34 How Groundbreaking Technology Is Enhancing Grass Roots Communication, Fostering Greater Community Understanding on Transit Projecto

35 Investing in Inland Ports WATER + STORMWATER 37 A New Kind of Architect BUSINESS NEWS

38 Leveraging Data to Solve Construction’s Population Problem 40 Changing Perceptions: The NCCER and Efforts to Increase the Role of Tradeswomen SOFTWARE + TECH 41 Digital Twins ain’t no Doppelgängers

departments 8 Events 44 Benchmarks 45 Reader Index

Columns 5 A Conversation with Jamie Claire Kiser 6 Strength, Culture, and Connections: ElevateHER is changing the AEC industry Shirley Che


Perception of the Construction Industry Prior to Joining

Distribution of responses for perception of the construction industry prior to joining collected by Dr.Timothy Taylor, NCCER.





Physical/Hard/ Intimidating

Not Welcome

If Men Can Do it So I Can

Male Dominated Industry





Open Minded

Constantly Prove Ourselves

No Perception

Tough Women

Discrimination & Harassment PAGE 40 2%






February 2023



VOLUME 9 ISSUE 2 csengineermag.com

publisher Chad Clinehens, P.E. | 479.856.6097 | cclinehens@zweiggroup.com media Director Anna Finley | 479.435.6850 | afinley@zweiggroup.com ART director Maisie Johnson | 417.572.4561 | mjohnson@zweiggroup.com Editor Luke Carothers | lcarothers@zweiggroup.com

800-466-6275 1200 North College Avenue, Fayetteville, AR 72703 PO BOX 1528, Fayetteville, AR 72702-1528


Civil + Structural Engineer (ISSN 23726717) is published monthly by Zweig Group, Fayetteville, AR. Telephone: 800.466.6275. Copyright© 2023, Zweig Group. Articles not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Zweig Group. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Subscriptions: Annual digital subscription is free. To subscribe or update your subscription information, please visit our website www.csengineermag.com/subscribe/ or call 800.466.6275.

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February 2023

A Conversation with Jamie Claire Kiser

Jamie Claire Kiser founded ElevateHER in 2019 with a singular purpose–to find actionable ways to improve the recruitment and retention of women in the AEC industry–and, now, nearly four years later, that vision hasn’t changed. Like many other women working in the AEC indus - try, Kiser had experienced a working environment that was statistically and structurally stacked against her. However, she found no catharsis in the appraisal of her surroundings. Rather, like so many other people in the AEC industry, Kiser wanted a way in which to improve the conditions for women in the AEC industry through shared experience and collaboration.

Sensing this need for a platform, Kiser established ElevateHER in late 2019. At the heart of ElevateHER is the belief that the problems that slow women from entering and moving up in the AEC industry can be solved through actionable collaboration. Using the ElevateHER platform, wom - en and men from around the AEC industry–from entry level to the ownership level–can come together to share their experiences and knowledge with the goal of creating actionable plans that will address the recruitment and retention of women in the AEC industry. Nearly four years after its founding, ElevateHER is continuing to grow and will celebrate its fourth cohort joining the program in Dallas this Febru - ary. In anticipation of the 2023 ElevateHER Symposium and Kickoff Event, Civil+Structural Engineer sat down with Jamie Claire Kiser to talk about what makes ElevateHER such an important force for the AEC industry: C+S: You founded ElevateHER in 2019 based on an idea formulated on a late night flight. In those first moments and days, what was your vision for ElevateHER, and has it changed any four years later? JCK: It really hasn’t changed since then. I recently went back and looked at that first email I sent, and [ElevateHER] has become exactly what I was hoping it would be. I wanted people to come together and focus on recruitment and retention from a wider perspective. I wanted to focus on what [the AEC industry] wasn’t doing to bring energy out of people and figure out how we can move past that. It’s been really cool how action- oriented and specifically people have engaged with it. The Kickoff Events are always so productive, and I know this one will be too. Once people get to engage and not feel alone, they immediately turn to figuring out how to make their shared problems better. It quickly goes from complaints and individual problems to what would make it better. Then, they realize how much can be accomplished in a year. This has made the reach in - credible, and its probably one of the coolest things I didn’t exactly see coming. The connections that cohort members have made and how much their careers have grown has been incredible. They now have a whole network of people they hadn’t met before. C+S: Looking at the applications for the 2023 ElevateHER Cohort, there is a common thread of people wanting to either receive mentorship or provide it for others. For you, who have been your professional mentors, or what have you learned from a lack of mentorship? JCK: I have never really had a mentor in AEC, and that’s been a big sticking point for me. I have people I work closely with and are the first people I send ideas to, but mentorship is a hard thing. One thing I’ve had is advocates, or people who saw my potential. I hate the self-made narrative because nobody is entirely self-made. One of our past projects, MentHER Match, is really focused on these ideas. I think they [Mentorship and advocacy] are very important things you can do for somebody. C+S: Mentorship and advocacy are built into the ElevateHER program, and teams often seek to establish even larger networks to support these ideas. Switching back a little bit to the process of the program itself, can you talk about the role of advisors in ElevateHER? JCK: The Kickoff conference is when the advisors come into play. These are the people who have been through the cohorts before as well as a few friends of the program. Our advisors are able to provide good context and experience, which helps people brainstorm. Solving big problems can be complicated, and there are many things under the broad umbrella of recruiting and retention. The advisors provide guidance and keep the cohort moving forward. They also are able to perform the emotional work required for this kind of work. Questions and conversations about a more successful future can be draining. Our advisors are very important to the program. C+S: Looking back at the past of the ElevateHER program, what impact do you think ElevateHER has had on the AEC industry? JCK: It was the first program that wasn’t discipline-specific, and that was really important to us. You didn’t have to be an architect or engineer to care. AEC firms are made up of many different kinds of professionals, not just Architects and Engineers. [ElevateHER] has helped change those sorts of discussions. I initially struggled with the name because I felt I was potentially speaking for other people. However, I’ve found that the more voices that join the ElevateHER conversations, the more the accountability of the group grows. C+S: What do you see as the future of ElevateHER? JCK: I want to have a fund available to help support groups as they complete their projects. Many of these projects are [potential] business ideas, and it would be really cool to support them with investors. A lot of these projects are technology-based, and an investment could open everyone on that team up to a secondary revenue stream. These really are amazing ideas, and to take the next step in many cases we need investors to help execute them. If you are looking to sponsor ElevateHER or attend the 2023 ElevateHER Symposium, please visit the ElevateHER website for more information.


February 2023



Strength, Culture, and Connections: ElevateHER is changing the AEC industry

When Luisa Madrigal–with the gift of strength–surprised Disney as the most popular character from Encanto, instead of her sister Isabela, whose power is to conjure beauty and “perfection,” main - stream media awoke to the realization that strength, instead of outward beauty, is now the quality that resonates the best with the masses. I am no Luisa, my shoulders measure 18 inches apart, my arm span is about 5 feet long, and I can overhead press about 50 pounds for a few reps on a good day. All of these measurements are a little below average for an American woman; but with this little frame and limited strength, I join Luisa and most other women I’ve ever met in real life in trying to carry the world’s problems on my shoulders. During a lunch with Emily Gossett, a principal and one of the first handful of female leaders of the design and architecture giant, Gensler, we both got a little carried away with all the problems that we should help solve, locally, nationally, and even globally – we stopped short at the galaxy level. We were both silent for a moment, acknowledging the weight of it all. But then right away, we remembered that we were not alone. There is an army of people like us who already have boots on the ground in every single firm and organization, and they're chipping away all the world’s problems one step at a time. We have been moving the needle together whether we know the other people or not. And that brings me to ElevateHER, formed by Zweig Group as a part of its commitment to help recruit, retain, and engage the best minds in the industry. In the last two years that I have been a part of this movement, I have witnessed the power of bringing together individual contributors from all around the country. A platform like ElevateHER has allowed the impact created by each of the change agents in - volved to be amplified. The circles of influence each of the cohort members bring are now exponential, and it’s blindingly obvious that the whole is bigger than the sums of its parts. Let’s zoom in on STEAM (previously STEM) in K-12 and see how ElevateHER cohort members have come together and divided up the effort. The inaugural 2020 ElevateHER cohort took on this piece of the pie with project She Belongs Here, offering videos and activities like the fortune teller and career cards for anyone to share with and show the children in their lives, especially little girls, that they, too, can be AEC. The 2022 cohort further expanded the effort with project TeacHER by gathering and offering K-12 resources specifically to benefit educators, as well as resources that will equip AEC professionals to be more effective advocates at their local career days. There is even now a map on the website for educators from around the country to locate and connect with nearby AEC professionals for career days at their school. Workplace culture is a big pie. Multiple projects from each cohort have tackled the topic, focusing on a different piece each time. In 2020, the WeRise team developed a card deck of employee experience conversation starter prompts, and team Redefining Success focused on modernizing the definition of success, and putting the power of career progression, in the control of the employee. In 2021, team The Right Fit developed a toolkit to help AEC professionals advocate for a better work-life fit within their own firms. The toolkit included a self-assessment, a policy hub, and sample pitches to help others draft their own tasks. Team She Is Welcome Here broke down what a returnship was, and strived to connect “returners” with firms that either already have returnship policies in place or were ready to start. There are many more projects that are intertwined, and many examples of how individual contributors have come together via ElevateHER to share the weight of the mission with others with aligning pas - sion. Through ElevateHER, Zweig Group will continue to facilitate these connections and efforts, by serving as the platform where these resources are readily available to others who might be just starting on this path. We recognize the power of our reach into the industry, and we promise to use that to help lighten the weight in creating a more sustainable AEC workforce. I am very proud to bring the ElevateHER® Symposium to you this February. The team has been very thoughtful and intentional with the curation of speakers and topics, so our attendees can not only be in - spired, but also equipped to turn inspiration to action. It is going to be a packed day with a strategically- planned agenda, where attendees will have the opportunity to connect with each other, and the time to let the content sink in. We hope to see you on February 15 in Dallas!

Shirley Che

SHIRLEY CHE is director of Marketing and Events at Zweig Group. Contact her at sche@zweiggroup.com.




February 2023

As the country comes together to restore the health of our national infrastructure, Atlas Tube is proud to play a supporting role providing quality steel products and components all made right here in America.

events + virtual Events

February 2023

The Precrast Show February 23-25 – Columbus, Oh

The Precast Show provides a platform for discovering new technologies, creating new business opportunities and sharing industry knowledge. https://precast.org/theprecastshow/ March 2023

Command Alkon TrainingDays February 6-9 – Chicago, IL

Whether you are a new system user or needing to freshen up your skills, TRAININGDAYS provides an in-depth, in-person classroom experience where you can stay up to date on our product features, network with other users, and ensure you have the best possible foundational knowledge to help your operations be successful. This dedicated time focused on learning, allows system users to take their knowledge and skills to the next level. https://commandalkon.com/trainingdays/ Geo Week is the premier event for increased integration between the built environment, advanced airborne/terrestrial technologies, and commercial 3D technologies, bringing together former stand-alone events AEC Next Technology Expo & Conference, International Lidar Mapping Forum, and SPAR 3D Expo & Conference, and powerful partnership events including ASPRS Annual Conference, MAPPS Annual Conference and USIBD Annual Symposium. Geo Week is at the forefront of this integration, providing education, technology, and networking for professionals to help businesses to digitize their workflows and break down silos between disciplines. https://www.geo-week.com Geo Week & AEC Next February 13-15 – Denver, CO Join Zweig Group and the newly inducted 2023 ElevateHER Cohort at the ElevateHER Symposium in Dallas on February 15, 2023. The 2023 ElevateHer Symposium will include presentation overviews of the 2020, 2021 and 2022 ElevateHer™ cohort’s research findings, team projects, powerful panel discussions, and DEI focused keynote presentations from industry leading change agents. The symposium is intended for anyone interested in solving the AEC industry’s top challenge: recruitment and retention. We hope to see you there! https://zweiggroup.com/pages/elevateher-symposium Canadian Concrete Expo February 16-17 – Toronto, Canada Canada's ONLY National Trade Show Dedicated to the Concrete, Aggregates, and Construction Industries. https://canadianconcreteexpo.com/ ElevateHer symposium February 15 – Dallas, TX NATE UNITE is the place to interact with key decision-makers in the broadcast and telecommunications tower erection, service and maintenance industry. Displays ranging from service providers to manufacturers of industry-related products highlight the exposition. Don’t miss out! Your company will gain tremendous exposure by attending and participating in NATE UNITE 2023. https://natehome.com/nate-unite-conference/nate-unite-2023/ NATE UNITE Conference February 20-23 – Orlando, Fl

Leadership Skills for AEC Professionals Spring March 30-31 – Austin, TX

Zweig Group’s strategy approach, previously reserved for advisory clients, is brought to the training environment for the first time ever. This course equips leaders with practical skills to identify opportunities, develop and execute strategy, and build support for initiatives within their organization. This training provides a high impact learning experience that is designed to help emerging and current leaders master the one area that is so often neglected in modern leadership training: developing and executing strategy to solve complex problems. https://zweiggroup.com/products/leadership-skills-for-aec- professionals-spring-2024

Conexpo March14-18 – Las Vegas, NV

The largest construction show in North America. More equipment. More people. More possibilities to bring your business to the next level. https://www.conexpoconagg.com/

The UK Concrete Show March15-16 – Birmingham, England

Over 200 exhibitors from across the industry will be displaying some of the latest & greatest innovations and products on offer. With everything under one roof at the UK’s only show dedicated to all things Concrete, this is the event you will not want to miss. https://concreteshow.co.uk/

Adobe Summit March 21-23 – Las Vegas, NV

Summit 2023 is an in-person and virtual event with innovative keynotes, 200+ sessions, hand-on labs, preconference trainings, and networking activities. It’s a unique opportunity to join a community of Experience Makers from around the world to learn, be inspired, and make connections – and ultimately, to empower you to make the digital economy personal. https://summit.adobe.com While the U.S. has a military advantage over its adversaries, competition is growing. As the government funnels more resources into strategic competition, uncrewed systems will be at the forefront of U.S. competitiveness. Join AUVSI to learn how uncrewed air, maritime, and ground vehicles help set the stage for future combat, and gives the U.S. a competitive, strategic edge. AUVSI PRESENTS: UNCREWED SYSTEMS & STRATEGIC COMPETITION March 22




February 2023

Specification® (NDS®) for Wood Construction. https://www.cpe.vt.edu/sdwnds/index.html

https://www.auvsi.org/events/webinars/auvsi-presents-uncrewed- systems-strategic-competition Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Engineering and Construction March 22-23 We are facing the new era in AEC industry. AI has arrived in the arena, and it is now present from design to construction and usage phases. Building information modelling, smart buildings and creation of smart cities have exponentially added to the amount of the existing data. Whereas visual programming has made data-driven design more reachable, and the immersive technologies have enhanced the visual management of the data. To succeed in the digital landscape, we should further develop our AI capabilities and match them with the customer values and business opportunities. To make a breakthrough with AI in AEC, we need open-minded and future-orientated business leaders beside the AI-orientated engineers and researchers, as well as companies and universities working together in an international context. This conference will offer in-depth review of current status and future impact of AI in AEC industry. It is about sharing, sparring and networking. It is a place, where the global AI in AEC community meets and pushes together the industry to take the next step in AI deployment. It is time to move from building the foundation towards creating the value from data and AI. See you in future! #AIAEC2023 https://www.ril.fi/en/events/ai-in-aec-2023.html A digital bridge over three continents: designing and building scalable, interoperable and reusable digital twins for sustainable cities and resilient infrastructure. https://www.digitaltwins2023.com/ April 2023 With the increased use and deployment of uncrewed and autonomous systems, concerns about privacy often come up. Whether it is personal privacy, civil rights, or civil liberties, collecting and using data safely and appropriately is of utmost importance for legal concerns and public acceptance. Join this webinar to hear from leaders in the privacy space on overcoming concerns and ensuring appropriate and legal collection and use of data. https://www.auvsi.org/events/webinars/auvsi-presents-data-privacy Digital Twins 2023 March 23 AUVSI PRESENTS: DATA PRIVACY April 12 This course is designed for individuals who never had the opportunity to study design of structures in a university-level course, but are involved in the design, construction, and inspection of wood buildings. The primary focus and objective of this course are a knowledge of wood design basics and understanding of the many factors routinely used and required by the 2018 National Design Design of Wood Structures introductory course April 26-27 – Blacksburg, VA

M&A next Symposium April 27-28 – Savannah, GA

Reserve your seat at the table as Zweig Group’s M&A thought leaders share insights and provide deep learning through an interactive experience focused on current and “next” practices in the world of M&A. This highly interactive event is designed to provide M&A education and practical application through interactive roundtable discussions, thought leadership from expert panelists, and focused networking to connect leaders from across the country. You will end the day better informed about the opportunities for M&A as a growth strategy. https://zweiggroup.com/products/m-a-next-symposium-2023 May 2023 XPONENTIAL is a yearly gathering of global leaders and end users in the uncrewed systems and robotics industry. Founded on the belief that cross-pollination drives innovation, it features opportunities to connect and problem-solve with experts across markets and domains. At XPONENTIAL, more than 8,500 of the world’s top experts in autonomous technology come together to change the course of human progress. We’re proud to welcome technologists, users, policymakers, and strategists from over 20 industries and 60 countries. No matter where you fly in from, XPONENTIAL will help you stay competitive and take advantage of immediate opportunities. https://www.xponential.org/xponential2023/Public/Enter.aspx Xponential May 8-11 – Denver, CO Equip yourself today to meet tomorrow's threats. At AUVSI Defense, military officials from across all branches, federal security personnel, and industry leaders discussed the most critical issues surrounding the integration of uncrewed technologies — including acquisition, global competition, and industry/government collaboration. https://www.auvsi.org/auvsi-defense-2022 Join thousands of the brightest minds in digital construction to learn, innovate and connect in-person. On 17-18 May 2023 at ExCeL London, DCW will put the spotlight on the tech and tools solving the built environment’s most pressing challenges. See hundreds of expert speakers and inspiring brands all in one place. Register your interest today and be the first to hear about next year’s show. https://www.digitalconstructionweek.com/ AUVSI DEFENSE 2022 May 8-11 – Denver, CO Digital Construction Week May 17-28 – London


February 2023



What is

Founded by Zweig Group in 2019, ElevateHER® is about the future of the AEC industry. Each year, a cohort of up to 40 AEC profession - als from all over the country–and org Charts–join forces to develop and disseminate actionable plans that aim to solve the recruitment and retention crisis in the industry via the lenses of diversity, equity, and inclusion. These actionable plans are made available to the entire AEC community and are ready for turn-key implementation. ElevateHER® was founded by Zweig Group’s managing principal and director of advisory services Jamie Claire Kiser. Although no one in 2019 could have fully predicted how turbulent the last few years have been, Kiser recognized the need for a new platform within the AEC industry–one that harnesses the power of diversity, equity, and inclusion to create real, tenable solutions to a better future for the AEC industry. Kiser developed the first concept for ElevateHER® when most people would be sleeping–on a midweek 2 am flight. Over the course of that three-hour flight she found herself contemplating the solution to workforce inconsistencies in the AEC industry–identifying pain

points and rigorously planning for the solution to the issue at hand. With this email, the concept for ElevateHER® was born. After proposing the concept to her colleagues, the team then began to research from Zweig Group’s own data. The results were crushing. 100 percent of women principals in the AEC industry had considered leaving compared to 49 percent for men. Furthermore, the data re - vealed that zero women were given any portion of their ownership for free, compared to men who responded “yes” to the same question 33 percent of the time. Consistently, the number one challenge identified by principals of Zweig Group’s Hot Firms was recruitment and retention. And, when it comes to recruitment and retention, the data once again told a similar story. Women are entering engineering and architecture programs at higher rates than ever, but they aren’t staying. To compound this, the women who are staying and growing into leadership roles have seri - ously considered leaving the AEC industry altogether.




February 2023

In light of the ongoing labor shortage in the AEC industry, these issues were not only about equality, but also about practicality. The AEC industry cannot afford to let the issues of gender roles and inequity stand in the way of appealing to the best and brightest minds. Elevate - HER® was founded based on the real experience of women in the AEC industry and the consensus was clear: women need to feel that they can have a meaningful career as engineers or designers or surveyors or CAD technicians. How it works Potential new cohort members are asked to apply for the ElevateHER® program throughout the year. The new ElevateHER® cohort is an - nounced at the start of the new year and the new members are invited to join current cohort members at the Winter/Spring ElevateHER® Sympo - sium. The 2023 ElevateHER® Symposium & Cohort Kickoff Retreat is being held in Dallas, Texas on February 15th through the 17th.

At this event, cohort members will work together–guided and encour - aged by advisors–engaging in workshops, learning about past Elevate - HER® projects, participating in panel discussions, and hearing from keynote speakers. These critical discussions and networking activities will serve as the catalyst for our 2023 ElevateHER® projects. The goal of ElevateHER® is to work together to find a way forward– not only assessing and acknowledging the troubled waters around us, but building bridges to a better future. One of the foundational compo - nents of the ElevateHER® program is the ability to create actionable plans. Within the ElevateHER® cohort, smaller teams are formed with the concrete goal of improving the recruitment and retention of women in the AEC industry. Cohort members who joined ElevateHER® in previous years return as advisors to help the new cohort create their plans. These teams continue to check in monthly and meet at the El - evateHER® Mid Year Summit in June. These projects are also then presented at Zweig Group’s annual ElevateAEC conference.


February 2023



2023 ElevateHER Cohort


DIVISION MANAGER, SSOE GROUP 17 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry During her nearly two decade career in the AEC industry, Adrienne Taylor first found success by developing her technical skills and knowledge, which was a catalyst for early advancement. After moving into a personnel management position, Adrienne began thinking more about her team, and this shift in mindset has led her to challenge the problems in the AEC industry that restrict advancement for women. These issues, which are restricting innovation and efficiency according to Taylor, can be solved with improved education, providing opportunities, and following through.



3.5 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Alejandra Ruiz is passionate about creating an AEC community that is equitable and diverse– seeking to improve as a leader, coworker, and individual to create more opportunities for women. Alejandra is interested in learning about procedures and policies that can increase diversity and lead to equitable opportunities for marginalized communities. Using her experience as a civil engineer and bilingual Mexican American woman, Alejandra is constantly engaged in improving the understanding and knowledge about the needs of these communities.




February 2023



27 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Alicia Albini’s path to professional success was a difficult mountain to climb, and her non- traditional path led her to develop a customized approach to assisting coworkers, other leaders, and employees with their projects, challenges, and professional development goals. This approach involves adopting a growth-based mindset and a change in perspective–allowing people to become comfortable with being uncomfortable and opening doors to opportunity, achievement, and positive change. Alicia’s approach is a customized strategy towards recruitment, inclusion, and retention in the AEC industry that involves a combination of a strength-based approach to professional development, mentorship, proper workload planning, and fostering team cohesion.


BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING LEAD, PK ELECTRICAL, INC. 7 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Amanda Hartman joins the 2023 Cohort from PK Electrical, Inc., a female-founded and owned electrical engineering firm with offices in Denver, Colorado and Reno, Nevada. Amanda draws inspiration from the founder and CEO of the firm, and has found a passion for promoting and providing resources for women of all ages to pursue a career in STEM. She has also developed a unique perspective of the AEC industry– providing soft skills and relationships in support of a technical firm–which allows her to bring more minds to the table when solving issues.


February 2023




25 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Amanda Roehl possesses a wide range of skills and marketing knowledge, using them to operate a female-owned and staffed firm that serves dozens of AEC and B2B clients throughout the United States as a Drop-In Marketing Team. Amanda believes that many firms are overlooking the best and brightest talent and customers because they don’t fit the stereotypical AEC persona from previous decades. She strives to use her marketing skills to discover ways to connect leaders with the resources and tools to affect change.


CIVIL ENGINEER, ISG 6 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Amanda Thomas has a unique approach to conversations that drive the AEC industry forward, seeking not to be the smartest person in the room but rather learning about people’s experiences and backgrounds to foster new ideas and perspectives. Amanda’s industry experience has given her the adept ability to communicate technical language to non- technical professionals, which is invaluable when communicating across several disciplines working on the same team. Skills such as these can be taught to young professionals as a way to build confidence and self-esteem in the workplace.





February 2023

SUSTAINMENT LOGISTICS AND TECHNICAL WRITER, QTEC AEROSPACE 15 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Amy Kunselman has spent most of her working career in male-dominated fields, which has led her to seek ways to address the behaviors that are holding women back professionally without alienating others to the point that they are not willing to listen and learn. Amy’s perspective has changed significantly throughout her life–professionally and personally–and she has experienced the different ways in which women and men are treated or valued based on their work status. She is particularly interested in advocating for the LGBTQ+, who she believes are still not given a fair and safe environment to live and work in.


DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, FLATIRON CONSTRUCTION 17 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Andrea Narendorf’s experience in the AEC industry has developed into a key understanding of the challenges women face when it comes to recruitment, retention, and diversity. This experience led Andrea to seeking a network of women within the industry who face challenges head-on to find actionable solutions that will continue to build momentum and increase the participation and success of women. Andrea further believes that exposing girls and young women to individuals who look like them and are successful in the AEC industry will serve to increase not only the number of women in the industry but also their diversity.



February 2023





1.5 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry During her professional career, Carmen Pemsler has grown into an advocate for people who are not often prioritized and has worked with several professional development groups, such as serving as the Vice President of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), During her time at Boise State University chapter. Working with these professional organizations and attending their conferences, Carmen recognized the benefits of the tools and connections being provided and seeks to develop those resources for others. She is passionate about giving back to her community and frequently volunteers as a mentor to help move students towards careers in STEM.


PRINCIPAL & DIRECTOR OF EXECUTIVE SEARCH, ZWEIG GROUP 6 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Chad Coldiron has spent the last 6 years of his career in the AEC industry in recruiting and executive search and has worked internally within Zweig Group to build a diverse and knowledgeable team. Chad leverages his robust industry awareness with an expert understanding of both recruitment and retention as well as strategic planning and budgeting to generate change and elevate the AEC industry.




February 2023


SHE/HER/HERS CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS LEADER, HED 10 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Emily Havelka joins the 2023 Cohort from HED in Southfield, Michigan. An accredited professional services marketing practitioner, Emily is passionate about using marketing and communications as a means to elevating the voices and issues that create positive impact and systemic change within the AEC industry.


PRINCIPAL, DIRECTOR OF INTERIOR DESIGN, CYNTERGY- TULSA, OK 13 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry In her career in the AEC industry, Stephanie Putzke has learned that the best way for a leader to grow and affect change is to have external support. Stephanie has repeatedly demonstrated the courage to speak up and suggest change, leaning on her own experiences to shape policy suggestions. Stephanie seeks to create a platform to share ideas and ask questions that would benefit not only her own leadership skills but also her team and firm culture as a whole.


February 2023




3.5 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Hannah Barlow has cultivated a professional and personal interest in creating healthy, resilient, and curious communities, and she has committed herself to learning, sharing, and applying evidence and brain-based models that allow teams to show up more fully in their humanity at work and drive engagement. Hannah believes that the AEC industry is deeply in need of this knowledge and practice to combat the systemic burnout and inequity that plague it. She strives to use these practices to improve her own firm and team and hopes to share it more widely and collaborate with others in the AEC industry to make it a norm.


CENTRAL TEXAS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LEADER, O’CONNELL ROBERTSON 15 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry 15 years as a Marketer and Business Developer in the AEC has given Jessica Bazan a unique insight into working with firm leaders, marketing teams, and design professionals to cultivate and support relationships across all markets. Jessica uses this insight to work towards empowering women to build careers in an industry where they comprise a small percentage of full-time salary workers. This has driven Jessica to dive deeper into recruiting and retention challenges, focusing on internal professional development programs and promoting diversion and inclusion.





February 2023

INTERIOR DESIGNER, HOEFER WELKER 3 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Kara Koenig comes from an AEC industry background, with her grandmother, grandfathers, and father having careers in different fields within it. From an early age, this immersion in the industry meant that Kara was keenly aware of the lack of opportunities for women, young professionals, and people of color. She believes that more opportunities must be created for historically marginalized groups to bring meaningful change to the AEC industry. This includes implementing DEI initiatives, ensuring women are given equal access to promotion and retention opportunities, providing salary education and transparency, and encouraging self-advocacy for minorities.



1.5 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Katie Fitzpatrick is a marketing professional with a wide range of experience from graphic design to event production. Katie recently began working in the AEC industry and is immersed in gaining the knowledge and tools needed to tell the story of women in the AEC industry. By learning about the hardships and experiences of women from all different backgrounds, roles, and stages of their AEC industry careers, Katie hopes to tell their stories and use her marketing skills to advocate for women in the AEC industry with the goal of continuing to improve and broaden the influence of women in the industry.



February 2023





1 Year of Experience in the AEC Industry Kellie Delaney’s first year in the AEC industry has been spent soaking up information and knowledge in the pursuit of legitimizing and promoting her firm’s fantastic work. In these pursuits, Kellie is focused on leveraging her skillset and education to create meaningful recommendations, training, and toolkits for decision-makers in the AEC industry. Kellie believes that it is the responsibility of the AEC industry to help prepare the next generation of workers while not sacrificing the retention of the current workforce, and it is up to us to set the environment where these changes can thrive.


SENIOR MARKETING SPECIALIST, BHC 5 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Laci Budd is constantly challenging herself, and has recently done so by spending the last year completing a professional services marketer certification along with co-chairing BHC’s employee-led DEI committee. These experiences have changed Laci’s corporate views and expectations in order to better serve those around her. In challenging herself and expanding her mindset, Laci is constantly striving to bring a voice and encouragement to those who may be struggling in their career while also educating those around her to seek equality for all.




February 2023


DIVERSITY & INCLUSION PROGRAM MANAGER, MEAD & HUNT 8 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Lalitha Benjaram studied Civil and Environmental Engineering in school, and spent the first 8 years of her career working in Mead & Hunt’s Water Resource Group before becoming involved in their Employee Resources Group (ERG) in 2018 and quickly discovering her passion for DEIB initiatives. Lalitha moved to the role of ERG Program Manager in 2022 and is focused on developing strong programming internally and externally so that her company–and the AEC industry overall–is an environment where currently underrepresented groups feel included, valued, and empowered to stay and take on leadership roles. She believes that DEIB is a collaboration that can only work by getting people in the AEC industry to work together to improve our approaches.


SENIOR ASSOCIATE, SSOE GROUP 12 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry During her time in the AEC industry, Laura Morton has seen four substantial projects through every phase from design to construction, allowing her to develop a well-rounded perspective on the architecture profession. Laura's experience has led her to the understanding that buildings and spaces should be designed by architects and engineers that represent the user, drawing from a place of shared experience, culture, or background. Morton also believes that we can nurture a pipeline of young women, LGBTQIA+ people, and minorities into the design and construction world by providing STEM exposure and the arts, giving us a chance at reaching a more equitable future for the AEC industry.


February 2023



COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT MANAGER, SAN ANTONIO LEAD, WSP, USA 3 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Lawson Picasso’s professional and personal life experience have allowed her to develop a keen understanding of the challenges and needs for benefits that support individuals impacted by social and economic disparities. Lawson’s professional approach towards diversity and inclusion comes from her background in strategic planning and community- designed engagement. This approach allows Lawson to foster conversations about addressing equality in the AEC industry.


SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER, DBR 11 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry During her time in the AEC industry, Maria Jacqueline Chang has worked regularly with project owners, architects, engineers, and contractors from the design phase to construction, which allowed her to develop a strong set of communication skills. Along with being a professional engineer with extensive knowledge in mechanical, electrical, and plumbing as well as experience designing complex systems, Maria is passionate about helping other AEC professionals navigate and work through the challenges they face.





February 2023


23 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Michele Ouimet has over 25 years of design, communications and marketing leadership experience. Through her proven ability to lead, manage and motivate marketing teams, she has successfully established herself as a leader within the marketing industry. Experiencing the challenges women face firsthand, Michele is passionate about creating a workplace environment that supports woman and provides opportunities for them to grow into leadership positions. To this end, Michele co-founded the firm’s Women’s Organization, an internal initiative that aims to educate, engage and empower its female workforce while developing a stronger identity within the firm and the surrounding communities.


HR MANAGER, L.A. FUESS PARTNERS 14 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Being a woman who has spent nearly the entirety of her working career as a support professional in the AEC industry, Sarah Welsh has a unique perspective of the challenges women face in the industry. Sarah has been an active member in two different chapters of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC), serving on the board of directors and chairing various committees. Her participation in this association and their outreach programs demonstrate her continued passion for promoting STEM and construction careers for women.



February 2023



SHELBY HARVEY TALENT DEVELOPMENT & HR LEAD, BHC 6 Years of Experience in the AEC Industry Shelby Harvey inhabits several roles for BHC in Overland Park, Kansas, managing their internship and college recruiting as well as co-leading their DEI committee. Harnessing her passion for

ensuring equitable access to opportunities, Shelby uses her position as an HR professional to serve her coworkers, organization, and community. Using objectivity and empathy, Shelby constantly strives to improve upon ideas, which is only strengthened by her desire to elevate others.

Thank you





February 2023

2023 ElevateHER Advisors Advisors serve a special role in the ElevateHER program. Advisors are made up of individuals who have already been through the cohort process. These advisors work closely with new cohort members, providing guidance, support, and mentorship as they develop new projects that will positively affect the AEC industry.


Christina Turner has always been passionate about helping those around her reach their full potential, especially when it comes to supporting women in the workplace, building their confidence, and sharing growth opportunities. To this end, Christina has several notable achievements including establishing a Women’s Employee Resource Group that fostered a diverse inclusive workplace aligned with the organization’s mission, values, and goals. She views the ElevateHER movement as a way to bring positive change to the AEC industry for all individuals regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. DATHAN GASKILL ZWEIG GROUP WELL ENGAGED 2022 Prior to Dathan’s role at Zweig Group, he was the CFO of Garver, LLC where he helped develop and was the executive sponsor of Connect–Garver’s professional women-based mentoring and support group. During his long career in both the finance and AEC industry, Dathan has repeatedly demonstrated himself as both a team player and a team builder. DAWN KOPECKY BARR REDEFINING SUCCESS 2020 Dawn Kopecky is passionate about attracting younger people to the profession, believing that, for young people to seriously consider a career in the AEC industry, the culture must be more amenable to their value system. Dawn believes this will make the AEC industry a better place to work for the next generation, helping it become more inclusive, compassionate, and accepting. LISA HUDDLESTON BHC ROUTEDEI 2021 Lisa Huddleston’s experience in the AEC industry spans not only two plus decades but also the entirety of North America, with experience in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. In recent years, Lisa has been focused on leading young professionals and developing greater DEI efforts in the AEC industry. EMILY WALDENMEYER HP ENGINEERING WELL ENGAGED 2022 Emily Waldenmeyer has repeatedly demonstrated her tremendous design experience at award winning firms, and has also been instrumental in building from the ground up. Emily leads from the trenches–teaching, leading, and empowering her team to surpass their goals. These experiences allow Emily to deliver creative solutions to both complex and simple challenges. CARRIE CASILLAS FORENSIC ANALYTICAL BREAKING BIAS 2022 Carrie Casillas has over 20 years of experience in managing Human Resources and has served as a coach and advisor to leadership teams in her various roles. Currently, she manages every as- pect of the Company's employment needs and ensures that all Human Resources initiatives are strategically aligned with the vision, mission, and core values of the organization.


February 2023






Laurel Stone has built an impressive career in the AEC industry, now serving as the Founding Principal of StoArc Studio, an architectural design and project management consulting firm based in Dallas. While building her career, Laurel has been able to pursue her passions of mentoring emerging professionals and advocating for the career advancement of women in architecture. These passions are demonstrated through Laurel’s continuing work with various local professional organizations such as the Texas Society of Architects. MICKEY GARCIA SILVEREDGE SYSTEMS SOFTWARE ROUTEDEI 2021 Mickey Garcia has held many roles since joining BHC in 1997 and is currently focused on lead- ing a team that supports the market segments through project set up and invoicing, as well as providing project management training, guidance, and support to the various segment leads, project managers, and project teams. Mickey has earned several designations and degrees in- cluding an MBA with a project management focus in 2019 and a Women in Leadership course in 2020. MISELA GONZALES-VANDEWALLE O’CONNELL ROBERTSON WEAREAEC 2022 Misela Gonzales-Vandewalle professional vision is to lead talented teams of problem solvers in designing buildings that enrich the lives of the people they serve. Coupled with her experi- ence as the daughter of bilingual educators, Misela has shaped her career around education and the shaping of educational environments. Using her knowledge and expertise, Misela provides students with access to the tools necessary to create a future with greater possibili- ties, influencing her personal mission to be instrumental in cultivating a more diverse future for the AEC industry. STEPHANIE TEETES UNDERGROUND SUPPORT SERVICES MENTHER 2021




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