Marketing Manual

3.1 What are you trying to Accomplish? Your ultimate goal is to develop disproportionate market share and dominate your market. This market dominance is the result of a well-developed and executed plan. The business that advertises regularly, so that any given MOLLY MAID household sees its message six to nine times a year, gains “top-of-mind” awareness and eventually dominates the market. Important Points to remember:

 It takes a minimum of six to nine impressions to equal one sale

 It costs 5 times as much to gain a customer as it does to keep one

 A unadvertised business is invisible to the consumer

 Marketing is an investment, not an expense

3.2 The Marketing Pyramid Consider your marketing strategy as a 3 tier pyramid with each tier representing a different audience and list of advertising vehicles to reach that particular audience. All three levels of the marketing pyramid should be considered when designing a marketing plan for your business. The most effective marketing plan will be one that maximizes marketing dollars at each level. A description of the advertising vehicles within each level will be described in section 4 of the Marketing Manual. Market Planning


Leveraging the Customer’s Behavior

Customer Acquisition -

“Reach and Frequency”

Where people go when they need a cleaning service.

Qualified Households by MOLLY MAID

52 Weeks

 Bottom Level - Foundation : The bottom of the pyramid represents the places you need to be 52 weeks out of the year for consumers in your territory to easily find

MOLLY MAID Marketing Manual Copyright  2015, Molly Maid, Inc.

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