February 2023 Oracle

At the end of November 2020, Phil Hahn took us for a quick tour around ORPS. I was hanging on the back of the golf cart conducting a Microsoft Teams call for AT&T. A week later, Jeff and I returned to ORPS during a mandated 30 day shelter in place

I have been an owner since 2014, and have previously served on the Marketing Committee, and the Board as CFO signing checks issued here each week. I already know “ how ORPS runs ”! In 2016 I was involved “ re - marketing ” ORPS with a NEW interactive

order. We fell in love with ORPS and purchased Lot 2 at the end of January 2021. ORPS is truly an amazing RV Resort and we plan to be here for many years. The social benefits of belonging in ORPS rival the best of communities. Correspondingly, ORPS ownership is a real - estate investment. As owners, we benefit from understanding the investment attributes. Additionally, to preserve our investment, we must diligently maintain and improve the infrastructure. For example, the new dog park has added both social and investment value. With our community now effectively returning to normalcy after two years, I know owners who are unhappy with ORPS. My personality seeks unity. I want everyone to be happy and I avoid people who are divisive. While I understand making everyone happy is impossible, I do have many years of experience getting people to reconcile differences. My professional experience includes 25 years as an IT Manager at AT&T (beginning with PacBell). The last 10 years of my career I was my VP's Chief of Staff for an organization averaging roughly 500 employees and 1,000 contractors. From a high level, I was involved in most administrative aspects of my VP's organization. Finally, I must again mention what a great asset the new dog park is. Our Basenji girls are pretty well known. Our future is much brighter because of the dog park. If you haven't done so already, please check out The View at Two YouTube channel (@theviewattwo) for more information about my background, both personal and professional. Additionally, you may see what owners are recommending for our amazing resort!

Website, and the “ Tour ” video we still use today. The result of these efforts resulted in ORPS reducing lot inventory from 240 in 2015 to under 100 in just 2 years and eventually under 50 by 2018. The FUTURE IS NOW with new challenges, and I ’ ll be “ direct ” in what I stand for: 1. I am equipped to handle challenging periods having done so previously here. 2. I am “ not ” affiliated with ANY “ cliques ” or “ Sporting Group ” therefore I have NO “ hidden ” Agendas or affiliations. I pledge to represent all 1213 lot owners whether they are part OR full time. 3. I am a team player AND Communicator! I believe in digging up all “ facts ” before ANY decision is made AND Communicating necessary info to all and in a “ timely ” manner. We DO NOT presently communicate “ enough ” info to our Owners in my view. Just read the comments made on some of our Facebook Community pages and you can ascertain why I have this view! 4. I believe in taking owner Surveys “ as frequently ” as needed! We NEED to field our owners VIEWS on major financial issues or proposed changes “ before ” these major decisions are made. 5. I believe in “ supporting ” our top Management limiting the Board to “ what it ’ s supposed to be ”…. being Advisory and Oversight. It should not interfere or try to do Managements job! We change “ faces ” on our Board too frequently to do anything else effectively. ORPS is an intricate “ business ” and you cannot have our “ ship ” change course every time we add or change a face! We need steadiness “ at the Helm ”! Proposals should originate from and be presented by our Management working with our various Owner Committees supported by broader Owner feedback. The Board merely approves of proposed courses of action or not! I am asking for YOUR vote to represent you all!




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