King's Business - 1967-01


Since 1908, Biola has been the Christian education center of the West. Over 15,000 former students are serving in places of spiritual leadership around the world, not only in the ministry but also in the business and professional society.

ROSE OF SHARON CHAPEL Away from the busy activities of Campus life, the choupel provides the students with an ideal place for meditation with the Lord. The prayer chapel was given by a former student in memory of his bride of only a few months who died of luekemia.

The Biblical Division includes studies in Bible, Christian Education, Doctrine, and Missions. The majors in these areas enable the student to render valuable service to the church and church-related organizations at home and abroad. Extensive practical experience coupled, for example, with the new intern­ ship program in Christian Education, make these majors an excellent blend of study and practice. Biola College is accredited with the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. In addition, with accreditation through the Collegiate Division of the Accrediting Association o f Bible Col­ leges, Biola students receive from two to three times more Bible and doctrine than other comparable Christian liberal arts col­ leges require.

Dr. Bynum Holding the D.R.E. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. Bill Bynum serves as Divisional Chairman and professor of Christian Education. He is an enthusiastic teacher who is much in demand as a consultant.

Write for Pictorial Catalog


Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home T l r a e B u s i n e s s A PUBLICATION OF BIOLA SCHOLSAND COLLEGES _______ _ Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman Vol. 58, No. 1 • JANUARY, in the year of our Lord 1967 • Established 1910 \M vk HI c . A r t i c l e s W HAT IS THE CHRISTIAN LIFE? — John B. Houser IF THE CHURCH CATCHES ON, SHE M A Y CATCH UP! — Clarence Jones .................................................

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14 18 20 23 26 27 39 44

LIM IT ING GOD THROUGH THE HOME — John E. Hunter BREAKING THE SOUND BARRIER — Dick Hillis .............. FROM CINDER PATH TO WHEEL CHA IR — Elmer Lappen INSPIRATION — B. B. Warfield .................................... THE EARLY CHURCH — James H. Christian .................. APPRECIATION FOR BIOLA COLLEGE BRANDED — Edwin Raymond Anderson ......................... CHRISTIAN RADIO: IT'S FUTURE DEPENDS ON YOU! — Wilbur Nelson ................................................. THE GOOD SAMAR ITAN — Herbert Henry Ehrenstein

46 49

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F e a t u r e s

MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland


OVER A CUP OF COFFEE — Joyce Landorf 8 SCIENCE AN D THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ...................... 32 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ....................................... 33 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot 34 TALK ING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ............................ 36 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ......... ............................. 40 CHRISTIAN WORKERS CL IN IC — Chester Larson ................... 42 JUNIOR KING 'S BUSINESS ..................................................... 52 C o l u m n s 4 ................. 10 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ......................... ...... 37 C o v e r The Village of Saas-Fee located high in the district of Wallis Switzerland. In the background are mountains: Alphubel and Taschhorn. This is one of the wonderful majestic sights members of the Biola European — Holy Land Tour will view June 5-26. (See page six for full details.) — Photo by Klopfenstein — All Rights Reserved —

S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor


JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager

BILL EHMANN: Coordinator EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker



ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. • . . . . Second-class postage paid in La Mirada, Calif. Additional entry offices in Los Angeles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press. Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, tingle copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business.'

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I Triumph Over Handicaps j

Films For Christ Association announced the release of a new 35-minute color film entitled “ Impact of Archeology.” The motion picture centers on Dr. Joseph Free, well-known Biblical ar­ cheologist who headed the Wheaton College Department of Archeology for many years. The film demon­ strates how the Old Testament has ben verified over and over through archeological discoveries. Dr. Free closes with a personal testimony of what Jesus Christ means to him. The World Relief Commission of the National Association of Evangelicals has received United States Govern­ ment approval for an ex tensive Christian relief and social action program to assist the people of Chile. This is the first time the ministry of World Relief C o m m i s s i o n has reached into South America. The agreement reached last sum­ mer between the World Relief Com­ mission and the Chilean Evangelical Council of Churches has signaled the start of what will become the World Relief Commission’s largest assist­ ance endeavors. The Chilean Evan­ gelical Council of Churches repre­ sents that country’s 800,000 to 1 million evangelicals, by far its larg­ est Protestant group. Pastors from every denomination met at Arrowhead Springs, Campus Cru­ sade for Christ headquarters, in San Bernardino, California, to con­ sider together how they and their churches can have a more effective evangelistic impact on their commu­ nities and on the world. The Pastors’ Institute of Evange­ lism scheduled for November 28 through December 2 focused atten­ tion on the fulfillment of the Great Commission in this generation. The program included lectures, semi­ nars and workshops emphasizing the philosophy of evangelism, effective methods of evangelism, the ministry of the Holy Spirit, world vision, and strategy. The Central American Mission Center in Dallas, Texas Recently dedicated three new buildings on their mission center in accord with the mission’s no-debt policy. Buildings were erect­ ed only as funds became available. The buildings serve as offices, tem­ porary missionary residencies, and apartments for retired missionaries. Bobby Richardson, the all-star sec­ ond baseman for the New York Yankees, was honored recently on Bobby Richardson Day at Yankee

Stadium as a part of the special cere­ monies in which a number of Chris­ tian organizations participated. The American Tract Society supplied a new tract written by Richardson es­ pecially for the occasion. It was handed to everyone entering the sta­ dium. It contained a rare salvation testimony by Mr. Richardson. The American Tract Society reports that after all fifty thousand copies of the original printing were distributed, requests continued to come in mak­ ing additional printing necessary. Dr. Irwin A. Moon, Manager o f Moody Institute of Science, was fea­ tured at the annual meeting of the National Education Associations De­ partment of Audio-Visual Instruc­ tion at Rochester, New York. This group of educators was invited as guests of the Eastman Kodak Com­ pany in its twenty-two-hundred-seat auditorium where a program called “ Frames of Mind” was presented. Dr. Moon along with three other in­ ternationally known film producers was selected to present his views in words and pictures on the roll of the motion picture in today’s world. Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, along with more than one thousand persons from many different states, were present for the dedication of the newly-constructed international head­ quarters building of the Narramore Christian Foundation. The two-story facility houses the psychological clin­ ic along with the other ministries of the foundation. The ministries of the Narramore Christian Founda­ tion of which Dr. Narramore is Pres­

NEITHER DOWN NOR OUT by Chester E. Swor In his own special style, this popular writer and youth counselor has given proof that no handicap, however seemingly impossible to overcome, is beyond the power of God and the courage of the individual to conquer. $3.25

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Biblical jf- Evangelical /; 'A, Jy Evangelistic


ident include radio, psychological services to missionaries, individual correspondence on Bible questions and other problems, seminars and counseling f o r Christian leaders, psychological clinic, internships for graduate students in psychology, and a program of one-month intensive training for ministers. Rev. Harold J. DeVries has been ap­ pointed to a new administrative posi- Continued on page 9

J t v /

Progressive Business-Like

For information about our work in Canada, the U.S., and in Mexico— through out-sta­ tions, camps, schools, radios, etc.— write to: Dr. David H. Clark UNITED IN D IAN M ISSIONS, INC. P.O. Box U Flagstaff, Arizona 86022



LET GOD BE GOD in your business dealings

planned to bring the standards of God into your decision making . . . to give you the authority to actually do what you know in your heart is right. We do this because we don’t believe in pressing everyone into a mold. In fact, we believe God created each person a totally unique individual. We be­ lieve the most important business in the world is shaping a life—not just for now, but forever. But you can’t do it unless you let God be God in your life. Write for our station log, and let us help you shape a life.

Are you making a living, or shaping a life? You don’t have to com p rom ise your standards to stay in business. Of course, it’s hard not to. Somebody’s always trying to push you into a mold. You’re not sup­ posed to be d iffe re n t. . . not too different anyway. But what would happen if you figured out what you really believe about God’s way to be a successful businessman . . . and then stepped out on it? What would happen if you let God be God in your busi­ ness practices? We come to you on your radio every day but Sunday to give you courage in your daily witness. Our Bible study ministry is

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a message from the editor

Europe and the Holy Land



*# '

FOOLS T h e B ible is often called “ the most up-to-date document in all the world.” It describes men as they are. It reveals God as He is. It tells what men become in Christ and out o f Christ. It relates the thoughts o f men. One o f the most striking descriptions found in the Word o f God has to do with an individual who denies the existence o f God. We read it in Psalms 14:1: “ The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” So we cannot be indifferent to what we have been reading in newspapers, secular magazines and the religious press during recent months concerning a rather sig­ nificant segment o f the population who are loudly proclaiming that "God is dead.” In other words, they are saying that there is no God. This is nothing new or original. History is replete with accounts o f men and nations who held to this notion either in their pronouncements or in their manner o f life. A great civilization existed prior to the flood o f Noah’s day. They were the descend­ ants o f Adam, but even in those earliest times they had gone so far away from God that for them He had ceased to exist. Our Lord said concerning them, “ They were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away” (Matt. 24:38, 39). From Noah and his family who were the only ones saved out o f the flood, there arose another great civilization. Over a period o f time, they too ruled God out o f their thinking, forgetting all about Him and living as though He were dead. They exalted themselves until in their pride they declared: “ Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name” (Gen. 11:4). Bear in mind that this civilization was not trying to reach unto God. He was completely out o f their thinking. They were trying to build a tower that would reach high enough so that they could boast o f their abilities. They wanted to make a name for themselves. But we read, "The Lord came down” (Gen. 11:3). It was as though even an infinite God had to come down in order to see what man with his very best efforts could accomplish. Then the God whom those men believed to be dead confounded their language and scat­ tered them abroad over the face o f the earth. Because they could THE KING'S BUSINESS

Great Britain, France,

Switzerland, Italy, Greece,

Egypt, Lebanon, Israel Never-to-be-forgotten is this out­ standing tour sponsored by Biola. Teacher will be Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, with hostsDr. Samuel H. Sutherland and Mr. Al Sanders.Low cost of only $1095.00 from New York includes all expenses for com­ plete 21 days. Evangelical empha­ sis for the entire family. JUNE 5-26, 1967 Write for free brochure BIOLA TOURS

13800 Biola Ave. La Mirada, Calif.


not understand one another, they became suspicious o f one another. Troubles arose. Wars ensued. Today we are reaping in the wars among the nations the results o f the ideology o f that civilization o f Babel. The interesting fact is that while all o f these civilizations are dead, God is not! In the book o f Exodus we read the story o f the Pharaoh who knew not Joseph. The Egyptian dynasty which was reigning at that time had the Jews in total subjection. God raised up Moses to be the great deliverer o f the Jewish nation. Boldly he con­ fronted Pharaoh, demanding in the name o f Almighty God that the Egyptian monarch let the children o f Israel go. Whereupon Pharaoh scornfully said, "Who is the Lord? . . . I know not the Lord” (Ex. 5 :2). Centuries passed. Pharaoh and his successors have been dust for thousands o f years, but God is still alive! The Jews became a mighty nation. Their power waxed and waned under the various kings who ruled over them. Finally, because o f their idolatry, they were taken into captivity. One o f the powerful kings o f Babylon, under which the Jews were held as captives, was Belshazzar. He made a great feast to glorify himself. We read that he gave an order and the Babylonians "brought the golden vessels that were taken out o f the temple o f the house o f God. . . . They drank wine, and praised the gods o f gold and o f silver, o f brass, o f iron, o f wood, and o f stone” (Dan. 5:3, 4 ). Belshazzar knew about the God o f Daniel, but he had said to himself and his people that God was dead. Instead, Belschazzar and his empire are dead long since. God is not! More centuries went by. Under the inspiration o f the Holy Spirit, Paul wrote concerning the ancients and indeed regarding all who believed and lived as they did, that they had "changed the truth o f God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator” (Rom. 1:25). All o f those people and nations who have worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator are dead, gone and forgotten. God is not! "Fools?” Yes, the Apostle Paul wrote: "Their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:21-22). The book o f Jude describes perfect­ ly all those who deny God: "Certain men crept in unawares . . . denying the only Lord God. . . . These filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise authority, and speak evil o f dignities. . . woe unto them . . . they are spots on your feasts o f love . . . feeding them­ selves without fear; clouds they are without water, carried about o f winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; raging waves o f the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the black­ ness o f darkness forever” (Jude 4 -13 ). Thus, the Bible reveals the true nature o f all down to this day who are promoting this notion that God is dead. As a matter o f fact, we agree with them 100%. Their God is dead. Their God has always been dead. They know absolutely (continued on page 54)


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Over^. 6ûpQf

If you know anything at all about Dr. Ralph Byron, chief cancer surgeon at City Of Hope Hospital in Duarte, California, you know that his life was dra­ matically shaped by a verse of scr ip tu re , Ezek iel 22:30: “ I sought for a man that should . . . stand in the gap . . . but I found none.” You would know, too, that Dr. Bryon pledged his life to be the man for the gap and this brilliant man truly has been, ever since, a man who’s filled the gap. I first heard this verse some years ago at a New Year’s Eve| service. Our pastor, Dr. Ted Cole,I based his whole message on iu and, like Dr. Byron, I too wanted to be God’s person for the filling of the gap. Let me tell you about the gap. It seems that in Biblical times it was common war procedure to fight up into a canyon-like draw. If you could, you maneuvered your army into the upper part of the canyon. Very often there would be a narrow passageway at the top, the width of one man, so one soldier at a time would fight in this gap to his death. Then another would take his place. This would go on until the last man was killed or the victory won. Once the man took his place in the gap, he knew he would fight with all the vigor and pow­ er of his body and that he would fight until his death. Each New Year’s Eve I recall this same sermon and I find I have just one prayer and one aim once more. “Oh, dear Lord, help me to be the woman for the gap. Help me to take my position as a wife, a mother and a singer and stand fast in the gap of life. Help me to be strong when I would get weary, to be courageous when I would feel cowardice and lovingly to carry on when I would feel defeated.” Now the New Year has begun. I wonder what it will bring? Some times there are great years, sometimes they are like these past two years, sad with the loss of our baby son, our grandfather

> >



by Joyce Landorf

♦ f.'

and our dear mother, yet the Holy Spirit abides, holds fast and con­ tinues to give the promised vic­ tories. Expectantly I look for­ ward to this new year and while I do not know what it will hold I do know that the victories have already been bought and paid for. I must claim them and I must continually watch the gap to see that my position is firmly set right in the middle of it! BERRIES N ' BEANS Don’t let the unusual com­ bination of ingredients discour­ age you from trying this SIM­ PLE dish. It came to our house from Ruth Calkin who got it from a lady in the beauty shop who got it from her friend, etc., but it’s just delicious. Make it and don’t tell what’s in it until everyone tells what he thinks is in it. Mix together: 1 lb can of cranberry sauce 1 lb can of pork and beans Bake in an uncovered 8 " x 8 " pan for one hour at 325 degrees. Serves four. This is good with ham or pork chops or even left-over turkey.

VERSE FOR TODAY I may not know God's plan for me Each hour of every day. But I will leave the choice with Him, And trust Him all the way! Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own under­ standing. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5, 6. This lovely poem by Annie John­ son Flint is our prayer for you this brand-new year. He giveth more grace when the bur­ dens grow greater; , He sendeth more strength when the labors increase. To added affliction He addeth His mercy; To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace. When we have exhausted our store of endurance, When our strength has failed ere the day is half done, When we reach the end of our hoard­ ed resources. Our Father's full giving is only begun. His love has no limit; His grace has no measure; His power has no boundary known unto men. For out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.




PEOPLE continued from page 4 tion of the Evangelical Alliance Mis­ sion. Mr. DeVries will become fur­ lough secretary for TEAM after a six-month assignment on the field of Trinidad. He is former pastor of the Central Free Church of Minne­ apolis, Minnesota where he has served for the past four years, and is a former member of the Board of the Evangelical Alliance Mission. Dr. Paul Myers (right), known to millions of people around the world as “ First Mate Bob,” was recently

#555 M YUNG HI


A heartful

ofjoy fo 33c a



honored by the Western Religious Broadcasters at a banquet in South­ ern California. Programs of “ The Haven of Rest” have been on the air for more than thirty-five years. With “ First Mate” is Mr. A l Sanders, Vice President of Public Relations for Biola. More than fifty broadcast producers and radio station opera­ tors participated in the award. Jonas Gonzalez, a 1954 graduate of the Latin American Biblical Semi­ nary, has been named to head up a department in the curriculum of the seminary this year with emphasis on evangelism. The seminary, teamed up with the Evangelism Division of the Latin American Mission, will begin the Department of Evangelism with the 1967 school year. Jonas Gonzalez was the national advisor for the 1964 Venezuela In Depth Movement. The session of the semi­ nary will open in March, 1967. In addition to Gonzalez other experi­ enced advisors of Nation-Wide Evan­ gelism in Depth Movements in Latin America will teach the courses of­ fered by this new department. Class­ room studies will be coupled with the opportunities for practical ex­ perience. The students will be grant­ ed the Bachelors Degree in Theology with specialization in Evangelism. William T. Greig, Jr., Executive Vice President of Gospel Light Publica­ tions in Glendale, California, has an­ nounced several additions to the staff of the organization. The Rev. Arthur Funkhouser, Pastor of the Faith Cal­ vary Church of Lancaster, Pennsyl­ vania for the past eleven and one half years, has been named Eastern Regional Representative for the or­ ganization at Sunday School Con- Continued on page 43

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FOUND KING'S BUSINESS I am a child of the King and a coach cleaner on a Great Northern train. A passenger left his KING’S BUSINESS on the train and I found it and like it very much. Please start sending me the KING’S BUSINESS. Also I have friends and relatives to whom I would like to have you send the KING’S BUSINESS. Mr. Tom Schuster, St. Paul, Minn. E d it o r ’ s N o t e : This gentleman sent in an order for seven gift subscrip­ tions for his friends and loved ones. We encourage all of our readership family to utilize this means of provid­ ing an evangelical witness for your friends and loved ones. WMBI BROADCASTING Thank you very much for the fine article on “ Forty Years of WMBI Broadcasting.” It was very kind of you to consider WMBI as a topic and dem­ onstrates again our mutual fellowship in the Lord in our attempts to make His name known abroad. Charles Christianson, Station Manager, WMBI CULTS CRITIQUE I am a Unitarian and I deeply resent the implication (in June 1966 Cults Critique) that we are a “ cult.” We are an honored church of long and proud history. If we, because of our views, are a cult, then, the Jews who are respon­ sible for most of the Bible, are a cult. Your article is well-written in part, but the last paragraph is simply stag­ gering in its ignorant, bigoted conclu­ sions. You put yourself in the position of judgment which we Unitarians leave to God. If we are condemned to “ eter­ nal damnation” (words you don’t have any way of realizing the meaning o f), then most of the world will be there. Most of the great social movements have been started by Unitarians — prison reform, child labor laws, the Red Cross, humane treatment of animals, civil rights. Don’t you think God in His love has put it in these Unitarian hearts to thus improve the lot of His sons? You have sent to damnation all of the innocent people on earth who never heard of Jesus but have wor­ shipped God in their own and His rev­ elation. You have sent to damnation all the Jews of the world. Why, in whatever doctrine you be­ lieve, do you not discard every word of the chosen people in the Bible? You

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wouldn’t have much left to read! This vast people you have sent to—where is it?—will far outnumber the people who have ever heard of Jesus. They will also number among them Emerson, Al­ bert Schweitzer, Clara Barton, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Jefferson, Lincoln. God is the Father of us all. I can’t believe our loving Father can be so cruel as you are. Please don’t quote any pas­ sages in the Bible. I consider myself a deeply religious person and I read the Bible every day. I love God and all His creation as I am able to perceive it. Mrs. Nina E. Krueger, Hubertus, Wisconsin E d it o r ’ s N o t e : This is in part the reply our Cult Critique editor sent in answer to this criticism: “ It is true that denominations do come under another category . . . for one thing, this column is too brief to cover them adequately. However, sev­ eral have asked me about Unitarianism . . . one reader wanted to know if the teachings of Unitarianism and the Je­ hovah’s Witnesses on the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Trinity were not identical, and of course they are, since both have embraced the views of Arianism. “ It is not I, Mrs. Krueger, not the King’s Business, nor our schools, which have stated that men were lost with­ out a personal acceptance of Christ as Saviour, but the Bible itself. It was Christ who said that He was the way, the truth and the life, and that no man could come to the Father but by Him; it was Christ who said that if the un­ believing Jews of His day did not be­ lieve that He was the Saviour, they would die in their sins; it was Christ who said that the unsaved were ‘con­ demned already’ because they did not believe on Him; it was He who spoke of ‘the broad way that leadeth to destruc­ tion’ and the ‘narrow gate and the nar­ row way’ which leads unto life and that few find it. Salvation is in a Person and there is no other way. When Jesus made plain to the multitudes that fol­ lowed Him that salvation could be ob­ tained only through Himself, as the Lamb of God, who shortly would lay down His life for the sins of the world, many turned away and walked no more with Him. But some did believe and God turned the world upside down through those who did receive Him and went everywhere proclaiming Him as risen Lord and Saviour. The first to be evangelized were Jews, as you know, and the New Testament was written for the most part by converted Jews— those who saw in Jesus Christ their Messiah, the fulfillment of all the prophecies, the great Apostle Paul be­ ing one of them. “ It was interesting to have you write that you read the Bible every day. If you read even one of the Gospels with an open heart, you cannot fail to see the Lord Jesus Christ as He is. I am sure if salvation were by good works, your church would fare very well, but, Mrs. Krueger, it is not. Our righteous­ nesses are not acceptable to God as a means of salvation.”

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■ do not ask , “W hat is a C hristian ?” fo r we ■would get many answers to that question. Some would reply, “A Christian is one who is a member of a church, or one who attends church. Another would say, “A Christian is a person who is reli­ gious, that is, he reads the Bible, he prays.” Still others would say, “ A Christian is one who tries to follow the Golden Rule; he is one who is sincere, a good person, one who is really doing the best he can.” Yet one may do all of these things, be the best person possible and never possess the Chris­ tian life. For it is just that, it is a life. What kind of a life is this Christian life? I. IT IS A NEW LIFE. It is a new life which comes from above—John 3 :3, 7: “Jesus answered and said . . . ‘Except a man be bom again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.’ ” “Marvel not that I said unto thee, ‘Ye must be bom again.’ ” The Christian life originates in a new birth, a spiritual birth, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Receiving this new life which is from above, we become new creatures—II Cor. 5 :17: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are be­ come new.” We still bear the same name, outwardly are the same persons, but inwardly we are new creations. Receiving this new life through the new birth also makes us a partaker of the divine nature—II Peter 1 :4 : “Whereby are given unto us great and precious promises: that by these ye might be par­ takers of the divine nature, having escaped the cor­ ruption that is in the world through lust.” By our physical birth we become partakers of the nature of our parents. By our spiritual birth we become partakers of the nature of our Heavenly Father. Like produces like. Jesus said: “That which is bom of the flesh is flesh; and that which is bom of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3 :6 ). II. IT IS A NEW KIND OF LIFE. 1. It has found satisfaction in Christ — Matt. 11:28-30: “ Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn o f Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” We have found some One, a Person, and He satisfies completely. In the world people go to night clubs, to theatres, to the mountains, to the beach, seeking a something that will satisfy, but never finding it. The advertising slogan of one of America’s largest tobacco companies, “ They Satisfy,” is expressive of the devil’s lie. They do not sat­ isfy. They only form a habit that enslaves the

F O R 1967 :

by Dr. John B. Houser, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Corvallis, Oregon



one who uses them. But one who possesses the Christian life finds lasting satisfaction in Christ. “He satisfies, joy He supplies, Life would be worthless without Him ; All things in Jesus I find.” 2. It is a life characterized by love for one an­ other—John 13:34-35: “A new commandment I give unto you, That you love one another ; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my dis­ ciples, if ye have love one to another.” Jesus said the distinguishing mark of His followers would be love for one another. When Chris­ tians manifest this love to one another, they reveal to the world that they have a new kind of life. 3. It is a life lived by faith — Rom. 1:17; II Cor. 5 :7 : “ For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith : as it is writ­ ten, the just shall live by faith” ; “ For we walk by faith, not by sight.” We are so prone to want to see where we are going, what we are doing, what the end will be, that there is little or no place for faith in our lives. But the Chris­ tian life is a life of faith, and therein it differs from any other kind of a life. All life must have food for the life itself to be maintained. This is equally as true of the spiritual life as it is of the physical life. The amazing thing about the Christian life is that the Lord Jesus who gives the life, also sustains it. In John 6:51, He said : “ I am the living bread which came down from Heaven : if any man eat of this bread he shall live "irever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” The Lord had miraculously fed the five thousand men with the five loaves of bread and two fishes, at the close o f a day o f ministry. That bread and meat only satisfied them temporarily. The next morning they returned for more, but the Lord said to them, “ Labour not for that meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of Man shall give unto you” (John 6:27). The Christian life, then, is a life that feeds upon Christ Himself. It draws from Him all that is needed to sustain the life and make it grow. This truth is also seen in our Lord’s teaching of the vine and the branch in John 15. The life of the vine flows out into the branches, making the whole vine one. As the branch is dependent upon the vine for life, for the power to bear fruit, so are we de­ pendent upon Him. When we realize that we are thus joined unto Christ it becomes easy for us to see how we can III. IT IS LIFE SUSTAINED BY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.

take His patience, His strength, draw upon His power, to live this life day by day.


We frequently hear people say they will become Christians when they are sure they can live the Christian life. What they do not know or realize is that they can never live the Christian life them­ selves, in their own strength. Nor did God ever in­ tend anyone to live it in his own power. Jesus said to His disciples just before ascending to Heaven, “ But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you” (Acts 1 :8). See also John 14:16-17. It is the indwelling Holy Spirit who will guide us into the truth—John 16:13. Our part is to walk in the Spirit—Gal. 5:16, and to be filled with the Spirit—Eph. 5:-8, not “quenching” or “ grieving” Him—I Thess. 5:19, Eph. 4:30. As we do these things, we will find that He will em­ power us to live the Christian life. This life that had its origin in the new birth from above will find its ultimate completion in the glories of Heaven with our blessed Lord. “ For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory”—Col. 3 :3-4. The Christian life is to be lived out here on earth, but this is not the end. Our Lord has gone to pre­ pare a place for His own and has promised to come and receive us unto Himself—John 14:2-3. There we shall be forever with Him and the throng of redeemed ones. Then the toils o f life here, the cares, the burdens, the sorrows, any hardships that may have been endured for Jesus’ sake, will seem as nothing and be forgotten, in the joy of being in His presence and home in Heaven. “There’s a land that is fairer than day, V. IT W ILL BE A GLORIFIED LIFE.

And by faith we can see it a far; For the Father waits over the way, To prepare us a dwelling place there.” “We shall sing on that beautiful shore The melodious songs of the blest, And our spirits shall sorrow no more, Not a sigh for the blessing of rest.”

Reader, do you possess this Christian life? If not, you can have it right now, simply by receiving the Lord Jesus as your personal Saviour. “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power [or the right] to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name: which were born, not of blood, not o f the will of the flesh, not of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:13-14).




by Clarence W. Jones


w # hen G ospel broadcasters from all over the » » world gather in Church House, near 900- year-old Westminster Abbey in London next April, a new milestone in communications will be set. “Microphone men” of every color and many lan­ guages will gather freely to meet for an exchange o f ideas in an atmosphere o f Christian fraternity. The missionary engineer from the Philippines will rub shoulders with the program producer who is a highly-esteemed national from Africa. Mission ex­ ecutives from several continents will face the in­ creasing challenge o f Radio and TV in overseas operations o f the Church today and in the future. Diverse and distinct cultures and concepts will be fused into the one great objective before the II International Christian Broadcasters Conven­ tion —greater and more effective use of broadcast­ ing in all its forms and phases for Gospel purposes on a universal scale. “Television is the newest missionary,” says Dr. Eugene R. Bertermann, Director of the vast Lu­ theran Hour TV program outreach. Paul Finken- binder echoes this view among evangelicals and reinforces his opinion by producing sacred films with Spanish personnel for release over the bur­ geoning TV systems of Latin America. Robert B. Clark, Manager of HCJB-TV in Quito, Ecuador, tells of the outstanding spiritual success in a recent TV evangelical campaign : “During a week of special evangelism in our TV station, scores of viewers phoned in their questions and carried on sustained interviews with the evangelist. He was still ‘in camera’ after having given the Gospel for 10 minutes and opened the telephone lines to all who wanted a ‘live answer’ to their questions right then. “ Some were so interested, they were led to the Lord right on the phone during the pro­ gram. Many came out to HCJB-TV offices later for counsel and to receive their copy of the Bible. Better still, in a week o f meetings in a local church conducted by the same evan­ gelist as further ‘follow-through’ on the TV campaign, over 100 TV viewers attended. Of these, 33 made public profession of accepting Christ. This response is all the more remark­ able since these TV viewers are mostly from the ‘upper classes’ of professional, diplomatic and government people who have been quite inaccessible heretofore.” The direct and “ personal” confrontation with dynamic Christianity by individual listeners and JANUARY, 1967

viewers which Radio and TV afford is not to be minimized by the Church. There are hundreds of preachers using Radio and TV locally as well as full-time broadcasters who insist that “ roof-top” evangelism as an entrance to homes and hearts must be expanded as a valid influence of the Church and its Gospel in community and world affairs. “ Every alert and concerned pastor and mission group is eventually going to be involved in Radio or TV expansion of their other basic ministries,” says Robert H. Bowman, President of the Far East Broadcast Co., with transmitter and studio com­ plexes throughout the Orient. “ Some groups will continue to be formed that will concentrate upon ‘electronic evangelism and Bible teaching’ as do ELWA of Africa, Trans-World Radio o f Monaco and Bonaire, HCJB of Ecuador and Panama, as well as FEBC.” This is truly a “ space-age,” not only for orbit­ ing missiles with astronauts, but for orbiting the Gospel “ ’round the round world.” Psalm 19 has “ come alive” for Christians of the 20th Century in a new and almost fantastic fashion as “the heavens declare the glory of God,” pouring forth Gospel programs 24 hours daily in hundreds of languages over the entire global surface. In a strange and amazing manner, science has provided the key to world communication o f Christ’s saving message so that truly “ their line has gone out through all the earth,” in ways never before realized. Soon it will be a daily fact of life that “ there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.” What should this current status o f modern broadcasting potential mean to Christians every­ where? It should mean that we look upon our opportunities for using Radio and TV facilities everywhere and anywhere they open up to us as a God-given sacred trust and privilege. It means we should throw away our short-sightedness and “ sus­ picions” concerning this “new thing,” and grasp eagerly the chance to air the Gospel far and wide. It means we need to stop our negative attitudes which calculate everything in terms of cost where open doors of advance are concerned. Money is not our chief or first need to “ get on the air” ; rather it is men and women (young ones, especially) of vision, faith and courage who are ready, like Joshua, to move ahead at God’s command. “Every place that the sole of thy foot shall tread upon that have I given you” (Joshua 1 :3). Where are the modern Joshuas, ready to enter the “Canaan” of Gospel broadcasting today, to do battle at the walls of “ Jerichoes” that surround many islands of 15

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