FOUND KING'S BUSINESS I am a child of the King and a coach cleaner on a Great Northern train. A passenger left his KING’S BUSINESS on the train and I found it and like it very much. Please start sending me the KING’S BUSINESS. Also I have friends and relatives to whom I would like to have you send the KING’S BUSINESS. Mr. Tom Schuster, St. Paul, Minn. E d it o r ’ s N o t e : This gentleman sent in an order for seven gift subscrip tions for his friends and loved ones. We encourage all of our readership family to utilize this means of provid ing an evangelical witness for your friends and loved ones. WMBI BROADCASTING Thank you very much for the fine article on “ Forty Years of WMBI Broadcasting.” It was very kind of you to consider WMBI as a topic and dem onstrates again our mutual fellowship in the Lord in our attempts to make His name known abroad. Charles Christianson, Station Manager, WMBI CULTS CRITIQUE I am a Unitarian and I deeply resent the implication (in June 1966 Cults Critique) that we are a “ cult.” We are an honored church of long and proud history. If we, because of our views, are a cult, then, the Jews who are respon sible for most of the Bible, are a cult. Your article is well-written in part, but the last paragraph is simply stag gering in its ignorant, bigoted conclu sions. You put yourself in the position of judgment which we Unitarians leave to God. If we are condemned to “ eter nal damnation” (words you don’t have any way of realizing the meaning o f), then most of the world will be there. Most of the great social movements have been started by Unitarians — prison reform, child labor laws, the Red Cross, humane treatment of animals, civil rights. Don’t you think God in His love has put it in these Unitarian hearts to thus improve the lot of His sons? You have sent to damnation all of the innocent people on earth who never heard of Jesus but have wor shipped God in their own and His rev elation. You have sent to damnation all the Jews of the world. Why, in whatever doctrine you be lieve, do you not discard every word of the chosen people in the Bible? You
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