wouldn’t have much left to read! This vast people you have sent to—where is it?—will far outnumber the people who have ever heard of Jesus. They will also number among them Emerson, Al bert Schweitzer, Clara Barton, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Jefferson, Lincoln. God is the Father of us all. I can’t believe our loving Father can be so cruel as you are. Please don’t quote any pas sages in the Bible. I consider myself a deeply religious person and I read the Bible every day. I love God and all His creation as I am able to perceive it. Mrs. Nina E. Krueger, Hubertus, Wisconsin E d it o r ’ s N o t e : This is in part the reply our Cult Critique editor sent in answer to this criticism: “ It is true that denominations do come under another category . . . for one thing, this column is too brief to cover them adequately. However, sev eral have asked me about Unitarianism . . . one reader wanted to know if the teachings of Unitarianism and the Je hovah’s Witnesses on the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Trinity were not identical, and of course they are, since both have embraced the views of Arianism. “ It is not I, Mrs. Krueger, not the King’s Business, nor our schools, which have stated that men were lost with out a personal acceptance of Christ as Saviour, but the Bible itself. It was Christ who said that He was the way, the truth and the life, and that no man could come to the Father but by Him; it was Christ who said that if the un believing Jews of His day did not be lieve that He was the Saviour, they would die in their sins; it was Christ who said that the unsaved were ‘con demned already’ because they did not believe on Him; it was He who spoke of ‘the broad way that leadeth to destruc tion’ and the ‘narrow gate and the nar row way’ which leads unto life and that few find it. Salvation is in a Person and there is no other way. When Jesus made plain to the multitudes that fol lowed Him that salvation could be ob tained only through Himself, as the Lamb of God, who shortly would lay down His life for the sins of the world, many turned away and walked no more with Him. But some did believe and God turned the world upside down through those who did receive Him and went everywhere proclaiming Him as risen Lord and Saviour. The first to be evangelized were Jews, as you know, and the New Testament was written for the most part by converted Jews— those who saw in Jesus Christ their Messiah, the fulfillment of all the prophecies, the great Apostle Paul be ing one of them. “ It was interesting to have you write that you read the Bible every day. If you read even one of the Gospels with an open heart, you cannot fail to see the Lord Jesus Christ as He is. I am sure if salvation were by good works, your church would fare very well, but, Mrs. Krueger, it is not. Our righteous nesses are not acceptable to God as a means of salvation.”
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