King's Business - 1967-01

One o f today 's m iss ionary leaders te lls o f God 's fa ith fu l d irec tion in his life.

T he first indication God wanted me in China came when I was thirteen years old and a fresh­ man in high school. Our little Methodist church in the great North­ west set aside one week each year for evangelistic meetings. My folks attended every meeting. To please them, Don, my twin brother, Harry, our old­ er brother, and I went along. Going got us out of tiring homework and gave us an opportunity to see “ the gang.” In 1926, Dr. George Bennard, the author of “ The Old Rugged Cross,” was invited as the evan­ gelist. I confess I have no idea of the content o f any o f Dr. Bennard’s messages, least of all what he said on that Thursday evening. He did not speak on mis­ sions, but when he gave an invitation to accept

Christ, I came under such conviction that God wanted me to be a missionary to China that I rushed to the wooden altar rail to tell God I would “Go.” Long minutes later I stood up and left the altar. As I walked out to the Model A Ford, I was aware that China was my destination and God was my Boss. In the car on the way home, I told Mother and Dad of my decision to be a missionary. Their re­ action was one of real joy. “We gave you to God before you were born,” Mother said. For a few months I really worked at this new enterprise. But the tide was too strong. Other things were just more interesting — school, the gang, football, and the excitement o f staying free



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