One o f today 's m iss ionary leaders te lls o f God 's fa ith fu l d irec tion in his life.
T he first indication God wanted me in China came when I was thirteen years old and a fresh man in high school. Our little Methodist church in the great North west set aside one week each year for evangelistic meetings. My folks attended every meeting. To please them, Don, my twin brother, Harry, our old er brother, and I went along. Going got us out of tiring homework and gave us an opportunity to see “ the gang.” In 1926, Dr. George Bennard, the author of “ The Old Rugged Cross,” was invited as the evan gelist. I confess I have no idea of the content o f any o f Dr. Bennard’s messages, least of all what he said on that Thursday evening. He did not speak on mis sions, but when he gave an invitation to accept
Christ, I came under such conviction that God wanted me to be a missionary to China that I rushed to the wooden altar rail to tell God I would “Go.” Long minutes later I stood up and left the altar. As I walked out to the Model A Ford, I was aware that China was my destination and God was my Boss. In the car on the way home, I told Mother and Dad of my decision to be a missionary. Their re action was one of real joy. “We gave you to God before you were born,” Mother said. For a few months I really worked at this new enterprise. But the tide was too strong. Other things were just more interesting — school, the gang, football, and the excitement o f staying free
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