King's Business - 1967-01

coming up zestier than ever for '67


Overall Theme:

1. CON TACT Sound educational methods to reach and involve pupils, to enable them to retell Bible Stories at home—a vital church-home link. 2. CORRELATION Every minute works to reinforce Christ-centered lesson aims, to implant the Word in impressionable hearts and minds. 3. COST (Savings) All the materials you need for 10- or 5-day schools, at less cost than other 5-day courses!

All new and as timely as atomic power . . . this dynamic course dramatically focuses on God’s power for living today! It is designed to arouse active curiosity concerning the Lord Jesus Christ . . . then satisfy it by presenting Him in a manner that appeals to children, youth, and adults, and leads them to seek a Person-to-person relationship. You’ll find teaching simplicity, a powerful message, and delight­ ful new materials in this new course, to make recruit­ ment easier, teaching more rewarding, and results most gratifying. See for yourself. Mail coupon today! Departmental Themes: Nursery-JESUS, THE WONDERFUL SON OF GOD Beginner-WANTING TO PLEASE THE LORD Primary-GROWING AND DOING FOR JESUS Junior-FOLLOWING MY GUIDE Young Teen-ACCEPTING CHRIST’S CHALLENGE Older Teens and Adults-KNOW WHY YOU BELIEVE NOW 2 EXTRA BONUSES IN THE '67 INTRODUCTORY KIT! Reusable Attache Case

. . . and fantastic new TEACHING AIDS

Imaginative Teaching Aid Kits for each department with delightful, correlated visuals to make this the freshest VBS ever!

in sim ulated leather! Includes Teachers' and Pupils’ materials for Nursery through Young Teen, new publicity aids, 16-page planning and ordering guide, 1967 VBS Leaders' Handbook (48 pages) . . . Special Introductory Record featuring Word Record muscians: Korean Orphans Choir, Frank Boggs, Bill Pearce and Dick Anthony, plus highlights of the ail-new Scripture Press VBS for 1967!


Dept. KBS-1


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