King's Business - 1967-01

Science and the Bible by Bolton Davidheiser, Ph.D.

Youth for Christ International ^ * Wheaton, Illinois • 60187 5 V Tf! Q | I do want Youth for Christ's j X JJ O • newhandbook, “Teenagers: How You Can Understand and Help I Them.*' Also send me the facts about the | expanded Youth for Christ program, and tellmehowI canhelp.

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influenced by the advertising, for if it were not effective the tobacco com­ panies would not spend well over $200,000,000 a year to extoll the taste of this brand and that. That they can profit by this kind of ad­ vertising is particularly remarkable in light of the fact that one of the more obvious effects of cigarette smoking is that it very severely re­ duces the ability of smokers to taste anything. People who have given up smoking testify that one of the pleasant experiences of their new life without cigarettes is the regain­ ing of the ability to taste foods, and the accompanying ability to smell flowers and other things. For example, one smoker after shaking the habit, compared the “delightful experience” of having restored the full use of his olfactory and taste ability to the experience of a per­ son taking off dark glasses which had been worn constantly for years. Another says that after giving up cigarettes for one month, he enjoyed the taste of food for the first time in ten years. A smoker who has given it up says that the smell of other peoples’ smoke is obnoxious to him. Yet smokers as a whole seem to be utter­ ly oblivious to the foulness of their smoke to the senses of non-smokers. In fact, it is not unusual for smokers to become quite rude when this is pointed out to them. The death-dealing properties of cigarette smoke aré now well known, but the smokers smoke on with no apparent concern. This unconcern seems to be matched in our society by an equal unconcern for the only source of eternal life. Concerning the taste which leads toward a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and to eternal life instead of death, we read in the Bible: “ O taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusteth in Him” (Psa. 34:8). “ How sweet are Thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey in my mouth!” (Psa. 119:103). “ The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous alto­ gether . . . sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb” (Psa. 19:9, 10).

I T is customarily said that we have five senses by which we can gain information about the environment (taste, touch, sight, smell, and hear­ ing), but there are at least two more — the sense of temperature and a muscular sense by which we are able, for example, to distinguish an empty box from a full one by lifting it. The average person would prob­ ably say that we can distinguish in­ numerable tastes, but actually there seem to be only four (sweet, sour, bitter, and salty). Other sensations which we call tastes (vanilla, straw­ berry, pineapple, etc.) are really smells received by the olfactory nerve endings by way of the com­ munication between the nose and the throat. The same thing does not “ taste” the same way to everyone. This is evident when it is realized that there are people who claim that they actu­ ally like the taste of spinach! Also tastes can be acquired. There are people who do not like the taste of beer but who wish to go with a beer­ drinking crowd. By forcing them­ selves to drink beer they eventually acquire a taste for it. Some people have a much greater discrimination in tastes than others. There are peo­ ple who can sample a wine and tell the year in which the grapes were harvested. There are others, like Louis Pasteur, who have an interest in wine tasting, but try as they may they cannot even distinguish good wine from bad. A discussion of such undesirable things as spinach, beer, and wine leads naturally to the subject of cigarettes. Currently the tobacco companies are stressing the taste of their product. According to the ad­ vertisements, every kind of cigarette tastes better than every other kind. •Even among cigarettes produced by the same company and given differ­ ent names, each one is said to taste better than any of the others, or this is the implication. This kind of advertising is an in­ sult to the intelligence of the smok­ ing public, but the smokers do not seem to mind. In fact, they must be

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