boo k re v iew s
by Arnold D. Ehlert, Librarian, Biola College
traces the European, British, and American streams which join with the revival that already had begun and proceeds to present the mission ary and evangelistic arms of the or ganized church, as well as inde pendent bodies. Rural and urban movements are examined. Finney, Moody, and other stalwarts are stud ied. A good deal of attention is giv en to the effects of revival move-' ments on the nations involved. The book is a stimulus to evangelism as well as a comprehensive review of the working of God over a wide range of territory. — 302 pages, cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $5.00 BO O K EN D S ___________ (A Review of Current Publications) THE ZONDERVAN'S PASTOR'S ANNUAL (1967) by William R. Austin. 283 pages; cloth; Zonder van Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. The author presents fifty-two morning services, fifty- two evening services, and in addition gives helpful sermon outlines and illustrations for mid-week meditations and other programs. The book is complete with funeral meditations as well as suggested ceremonies for weddings. It is very helpfully arranged with cross references in the index of topics. The author is pastor of the First Baptist Cnurch of Vernon, Texas. POWER FOR CHRISTIAN LIVING by Ethel Joan Wilcox. 208 pages; paper; G-L Publications, Regal Books, Glendale, Calif. The author is asso ciated with Campus Crusade for Christ and em phasizes the struggle one faces as he battles the problems of himself. The victory which can be found in the power of Christ, the only all suffi cient One, is carefully faced through Scripture and Christian living. The abundant life is stressed through the overcoming presence of God's -Holy Spirit. SIR W ILLIAM M. RAMSAY, ARCHAEOLOGIST AND NEW TESTAMENT SCHOLAR by W. Ward Gasque. 95 pages; paper,* Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.50. This is another in the Baker Studies in Biblical Archaeology series, and presents the contribution of this distinguished student of the Bible, Biblical history, and archaeology to our knowledge of the Sacred Book. Every well-stocked Biblical library will con tain several of his works, such as Luke the His torian, The Seven Churches of Asia and others. SAMUEL, MY FRIEND by Harry Albus. 135 pages; cloth; William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $3.50. The story of a Chinese boy rescued from starvation in 1921, brought up and trained in the Home of Onesiphorus in China, and who later became Chairman of the Board and presented the needs of the homes, several of which are located in the Near East. THROUGH HOSPITAL WINDOWS by Lois Hor ton Young. 31 pages; paper; Judson Press, Valley Forge, Pa.; $1.00. A delightfully put-together booklet of poetical thoughts in and about hos pitals. Typographical layout and the use of color printing make it a different production from the average. MARK GOD'S WORD by Ray W. Davenport. 16 pages; paper; available from the author at 111 So. Washington Ave.. Whittier, Calif. 90602; $.35. This is a guide to a system of color marking, using seven colors (the Venus coloray set of eight colors is recommended). Included is a "ruler" for underlining, but which contains a number of pertinent items of information and advice.
Fire On The Mountains by Raymond Davis
Cambridge Bible
As general director of the Sudan Interior Mission, the author has served in Africa since 1934, spend ing a great deal of his time in Ni geria. Dr. Davis probes the story of the indigenous church in Ethiopia, pointing out the reason for its tre mendous growth, even under adverse circumstances. The book relates the trials of missionaries as well as their triumphs. More than this, however, the volume is the moving chronicle of the Lord Himself at work. How else could one account for the fact that 48 converts became more than 10,000 in only five years, except that God sent revival? The book is a “ must” reading for any Christian interested in lifting up his eyes and looking onto the fields which are whitened already to harvest. —: 253 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.95. The Old Lighthouse by James R. Adair Well-known for his editorial work on the “ Power” series of Sunday school publications, the author re counts the moving story of the Pacif ic Garden Mission located on Skid Row in Chicago. It was in 1877 that George and Sarah Clarke began this ministry among the drunkards, drug addicts, prostitutes, and thieves in this locale. Following the urging of D. L. Moody the work, originally known as “ Colonel Clark’s Mission,” was called, “ The Pacific Garden Mis sion.” Among the many who found Christ as Saviour were such well known people as Mel Trotter and Billy Sunday, two of the trophies of God’s grace through “ The Old Light house.” — 157 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $2.95. The Light of the Nations by J. Edwin Orr This succeeds two scholarly works on the history of revival and spirit ual renewal, one dealing with Brit ain and one with America. It takes up the story through the nineteenth century to 1914 and develops it in a more popular form. The author
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