spoken word whenever it is possible. Read Isaiah 43:10 where it is writ ten, “Ye are my witnesses . . .” If, while maintaining this prayerful at titude toward your unsaved land lord, you find that his taunts become unbearable, you certainly could feel justified in making a change, but be sure before you leave, that he has had a clear understanding of how to be saved. It should be remembered at the same time, that believers on the Lord Jesus Christ are exhorted to not enter into any kind of fellow ship with the unregenerated (2 Cor. 6:14). We should not be unequally “ yoked” with them. TIME OF THE RAPTURE Q. Some say that the Church will be translated at the end of the first three and one-half years of the sev entieth week of Daniel, which is just before the tribulation period. Others say that the Church will not be translated until after the tribula tion, but will go through it. Please explain. A. The Church will be raptured be fore the seventieth week of Daniel begins. Second Thessalonians 2:7, 8 is one of the clearest passages that proves this fact. The Antichrist will not be revealed until the Holy Spir it’s restraining influence in the Church is taken “ out of the way.” Of course, the Antichrist is to be the ruling personage of the seventieth week of Daniel’s prophecy. The Church began on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2), and is now in the process of being formed. One day, perhaps sooner than men real- lize, the last member will be added to the body of Christ, which is His Church. This is called by Paul in Romans 11:25 “ the fulness of the Gentiles,” which expression may be freely translated, “ the full number of the Gentiles.” When the Church is complete, then God will call us home to Heaven and not until then, will the seventieth week of Daniel begin to run its course. THE KING'S BUSINESS
BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON Q. What is the battle of Armaged don and where will it be fought? A. Zechariah 14 tells us that just prior to the time of the end, the na tion of Israel will be surrounded by all the nations of the earth whose armies will be gathered in the valley of Megiddo, on the plains of Es- raelon. There Armageddon will be fought. There is a difference of opin ion as to the time but it is my opin ion that it will occur just prior to the time the Lord sets up His mil lennial kingdom. BAPTISM ESSENTIAL? Q. Is baptism essential to salva tion? A. Nothing is essential to salvation except a personal and simple faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, based of course on the acceptance of the Saviour. The teaching that baptism at any time is a means of salvation is Satanic. Salvation is by grace through faith with “nothing” added. Ephesians 2:8-10 puts the matter in exactly the right order — “ For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” All these things that men add to this statement are inventions of the devil to befog the simple truth that sa lva tion is “ always” by grace pure and simple. RENTING FROM NON-CHRISTIANS Q. Is it wrong to rent a house from one who scoffs at the things the Christian holds precious? A. There is nothing wrong in a Christian having dealings with the unconverted and the ungodly, pro vided those dealings are just and right. As a Christian you are not responsible for the unbelief or for the mockery of the man from whom you rent. Your business is to show forth Christ both by life and by
COUNTING THE COST Q. What is the meaning o f Luke 9:62: “And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom o f God” ? A. It is necessary to read the pre ceding verses in order to under stand this statement. This is the ac count of a “ certain man” who de clared that he wanted to follow Jesus whithersoever He went. So Jesus explained what was involved in following Him, stating that while the foxes had holes and the birds had nests, He had no home at all on earth. This deterred the en thusiastic man who began to make excuses for a “ delaying action” ; he had to go and bury his father, etc. Another man heard Him and wanted time to go home and bid farewell to his relatives. Jesus saw clearly through these flimsy excuses and un derstood perfectly that these men, for all their brave words, were really not ready for discipleship, for following Him across country with out comfort, income, home, family and all the things that were dear to them. So in this sixty-second verse He was really saying: “ Count well the cost of following Me, and don’t start unless you mean to go all the way for you are not fit to be includ ed in the kingdom of God as a labor er.” It has nothing whatever to do with salvation, but only with Chris tian service. ONE DEVIL Q. Why does the New Testament speak so often of devils when there is only one devil? A. Evidently you refer to the King James or Authorized Version of our English Bible. The American Stand ard (Revised) Version (1901) more accurately translates the word de mons when it does not refer to Sa tan, the only dev.il. In other words, there is only one devil; there are many demons, his emissaries. 34
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