LOVE Finally, brethren, farewell. Be per fect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in.peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you (II Corinthians 13:11). 1. His love is universal. 2. His love is unchangeable. 3. His love is everlasting. 4. His love is unfailing. — D. L. Moody W A LK ING IN THE SPIRIT I. WHAT IS IT TO WALK IN THE SPIRIT? 1. It is to recognize the Spirit as abiding in us. 2. It means to trust Him in all of life. 3. We must consult the Spirit if we would walk in Him. a. “ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart. . . . In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths’’ (Proverbs 3:5, 6). b. Obey His guidance as coun selor and He will give His almighty power as the mighty God. 4. If we would walk in the Spirit we must both obey and hearken to Him. 5. Walking in the Spirit implies that we shall keep step with the Holy Spirit. II. SOME OF THE BLESSINGS OF THUS WALKING IN THE SPIRIT 1. A complete and delightful deliv erance from sin. 2. Serenity, tranquility, and stead fastness. 3. Such a walk will enable us to meet the providences of God in victory and to maintain the per fect harmony between our in ward life and His outward lead ings. a. So Simeon and Anna were led of the Spirit into the Tem ple at the very moment to find the Christ child (Luke 2). b. So Philip was led of the Spir it (Acts 8). Shall we trust our unseen guide, and as we step out into the mysterious and momentous future, shall we walk more humbly, simply, instantly, and obedi ently in the companionship of His guiding hand? — A. B. Simpson
MAYBE . . . Bu t cha lkboards are usually judged by usefulness. We believe Broadman cha lkboards excel in th is respect. A size for every c lassroom ; m ost in choice of long- wearing black or green w riting surface. A lso , corkboards constructed of durable, natural cork, which ho lds p ins and tack s securely. See the complete line of practical, nice-looking Broadman Be stBoard s. Combination Cork and Chalkboards Popular, practical two-in-one combination with green chalkboard on the left, tan cork on the right. Full length chalk trough. Natural oak frame. No. 9 — 24 x 36 inches ..................................................... $7.95 No. 10 — 36 x 48 inches ..................................................... $13.95 Chalkboards Feature a premium writing surface in green or black. Trimmed in durable natural oak frame. In three convenient sizes. From $4.70 Corkboards Top quality, long-wearing cork which receives pins or tacks and holds them firmly, then seals punctures instantly. Framed in natural oak. No. 5 — 24 x 36 inches ...................................................... $ 7.9 5 No. 6 — 36 x 48 inches ...................................................... $13.95 Reversible Floorstand Boards Perfect for large groups; usable indoors or out. Interlocking side clamps allow board to be adjusted and locked in any of ten different positions. Green writing surface on both sides. No. 7 — 4V2 x 6 feet overall size .................................... $45.95 No. 8 — 4Y4 x 6Vi feet overall size ..................................... $50.95
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