King's Business - 1967-01

APPRECIATION for Biola College

S U M M E R I N S T I T U T E S of M I S S I O N A R Y M E D I C I N E MISSIONARY DENTISTRY Orientation in our school laboratory by means of lectures, demonstrations followed by further lectures and actual clin ical practice in the

T hrough the years Biola has had thousands of parents send their students for preparation to serve the Lord. Their ministries in Christian endeavor have not only been here at home, but also around the world as well. Recently we received a most en­ couraging letter from Chaplain and Mrs. Roy 0. Bancroft of Phoenix, Arizona. Mr. Bancroft carries on a distinctive ministry among those in the local hospital who have physical as well as spiritual needs. In his let­ ter addressed to our President, Dr. Sutherland, as well as the faculty, he says, “ I want to express my apprecia­ tion to the leadership and faculty of Biola College for the fine train­ ing afforded my son David Ban­ croft and his wife Susie during their five years at the College. It is most gratifying to know of the emphasis placed on spiritual de­ velopment along with excellent academic training and the encour­ agement given for dedication to Christian service. I am most happy to send the enclosed check to be used in your student aid fund to assist other students to enjoy the privileges that David and Susie received. They join me in this desire to see other students likewise benefited.” We thank the Lord for parents who not only have been interested in seeing their young people trained, but also in making provisions so others may have this same privilege and opportunity for the future. Here at Biola every investment for Christ means that we can continue to press forward in our opportunity of Chris­ tian service around the world. Per­ haps it has been some time since you have written to the school. May­ be you have never written before. It may be that you don’t have any young people who will ever come to Biola. It is even conceivable that you have never met a student. Yet you know that for which Biola stands and the position to which we have rigidly adhered since the school was founded in 1908, “ earnestly contend­ ing for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints.” We would appreciate hearing from you. It would be a real encouragement to us and this ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ. Our mailing address: Biola, La Mjrada, California 90638, where little is much when God is in it.

International Dental Institute of Mexico. M is s io n a r y TROPICAL m e d ic in e ,

C o m p r e h e n s i v e study of tropical diseases by use of films, slides and case study research . Practica l labor­ atory analysis and clinical practice provided. MISSIQ.NARY NURSING, MIOWI_FERY_ O r i e n t a t i o n by means of a study o f films on difficult deliveries followed by clinical instruction and opportunity to assist in home deliveries in

Mexico Classes Start June 19, 1967| WRITE FOR CATALOG

B io ta S c l i o o t o f W iM io n a r y W e d ic in e 13800 BIOLA AVENUE, LA MIRADA, CALIFORNIA 90368 and 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90017


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I Saw Petra Land Time Forgot Missing Missionaries My Life to Live Africa Awakes Red Terror in Malaya Teen to Teen *

Land of Promise Heavens Declare Broken Fragments George Muller Story Crisis in Morality India's Sorrow Siam *


Phone: 691-1163




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