t ì A M While visiting or living in Los Angeles, plan to stay at BIOLA HOTEL. Clean, comfort able, convenient. Reasonable rates by day- week or month. Dining Room. Next to the historic Church o f the Open Door and the Central Los Angeles Public Library. Operated as a public service by the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. RATES ON ROOMS Without Bath SINGLES DOUBLE Twin Beds With Bath SINGLE DOUBLE Day $ 2.00 $.2.50 S 3.50 Week 11.00 13.50 18.50 Menth 42.50 52.50 57.50 Day $ 3.50 5 5.00 Week 22.00 31.00 Month 07.50 77.50 l i r a IKEBOtB - U
The following is condensed from one o f a series of lessons on the cults by Dr. Philip R. Newell, of Moody Bible Institute Extension Staff, and is used by permission o f the author: TONGUES OF CONFUSION It is estimated that there are more than 400 religious denomina tions in the U.S. Most of these, in cluding Roman Catholic, Eastern Or thodox, and the major Protestant denominations, are not native to America. Most are also characterized by countless “ split-off” groups with trivial differences of opinion, usually resulting from some erratic misin terpretation of Scripture. Superstition and Scriptural Ignorance Responsible for The Cults It is basic ignorance of Scripture, coupled with the innate superstition of the unconverted, which together have provided the breeding ground and insured the success of the four major extra - denominational cults which flourish in America today, namely Mormonism (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1830); Seventh Day Adventism (1863); Christian Science (1879); and Jehovah’s Witnesses (first in corporated, as Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society, in 1884). Since it is the ceaseless attempt of the great adversary of men’s souls to blind their minds to truth (II Cor. 4 :4 ), it is significant that each of these systems seeks to set aside the efficacious power of the blood of Christ as the sole means of man’s acceptance by God. This is done (a) by denial of man’s inherently sinful nature (in contradiction of Romans 3:19, 22, 23; 5:12; Ephesians 2:2, 3; I John 1:8, 10 ); (b) by intro ducing various “works of righteous ness” allegedly necessary for for giveness of sins (in contradiction of Romans 3:28; Ephesians 2:8, 9; Ti tus 3 :5 ; Hebrews 10:10-14). In the case of Christian Science, this ob jective is attempted through denial of the fact of sin itself, thus mak ing unnecessary the sacrifice of our Lord (see Hebrews 9:12). THE KING'S BUSINESS Differing in Detail, The Cults Share A Common Objective
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