Existence of The Cults A Literal Fulfillment of Scripture
In I Timothy 4:1-3 the Spirit of God anticipated the existence of the cults as a phenomenon of the end of the age: “ But the Spirit distinctly says that in later times there will be some who will fall away from the faith, and devote their attention to misleading spirits, and to. the teach ings of demons, who will make use of the hypocrisy of lying teachers” (20th Century N.T.). This passage unmistakably reveals the true origin of the alleged “ revelations” con tained in the extra-Scriptural writ ings and teachings of the founders of these systems. “ Every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh [in the Incarna tion as God manifested in flesh, to accomplish redemption by His death and resurrection] is not of God” (I John 4 :3 ). Lessons To Be Learned from The Cults Despite their tragic doctrina l errors, the cults pose a serious chal lenge to true Christians in their zeal for witnessing, their sense of dedi cation and urgency, their willing ness to endure ridicule, and in the imperative need of Scriptural knowl edge in exposing and refuting their false teaching. GROW ING OLD? Did someone say, "She's getting old"? I tell you now that isn't so; They're only counting up the years Which have been plenty — that I know. It's just the house in which I live The house that's weathered many a gale; I'm really not surprised you think It's looking somewhat worn and frail. The hue is changing on the roof, Which has become a shining white; The windows too are growing dim The walls are warped and lean a sight. Foundations are not strong and straight As years ago they used to be; M y house is just a shaky wreck, But don't confuse my house with me! The one who lives within this house Is joyful, young, and bright and gay, Just starting on the life that lasts Throughout the Lord's eternal day. You're looking at the outer side, Which surely is not much to see; But when you say, "She's getting old!" You're mixing up my house with me! — Emma Wendt
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