King's Business - 1967-01

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PEOPLE continued from page 9 ventions, conferences, and teaching clinics throughout the Eastern Unit­ ed States. He will also serve as con­ sultant to churches in matters re­ lated to the total Christian education ministry. Mrs. Kay Coppleman, formerly of Winnipeg, Canada, has joined Gos­ pel Light Sales Division as Retail Store Counselor. Mrs. Coppleman managed a publishing company in Winnipeg for fifteen years. Her new position places her as assistant in the export sales of Gospel Light Ma­ terials and in further development of the company’s dealer service pro­ gram. Also joining Gospel Light staff is Miss Marilyn Heiliger who has been ap­ pointed as editorial assistant for the organization’s Teach Magazine. Miss Heiliger served as a Director of Christian Education. She is now completing work on the MRE degree at Talbot Theological Seminary. Peter Schneider, Ber lin Crusade Chairman, is shown interpreting for Dr. Billy Graham at the opening night of the Deutschland Halle Conference. Eleven thousand were in attendance, and two hundred and ten inquirers came forward. Leighton Ford, associate evangelist of Billy Graham, conducted the great­ er Kalamazoo crusade at the Portage Northern High School Gymnasium with over flow crowds. The gymna­ sium was filled to capacity with over flow attendance seated in the High School auditorium. They were able to view the service by way of closed circuit T.V. Dr. Eric S. Feif, Convention Direc­ tor, has announced that the eighth Intervarsity Missionary Convention has been slated for 1967 at the Uni­ versity of Illinois, at Urbana. The traditional dates of December 27 to 31 are being maintained. The Rev. J. R. W. Scott, Alsos Church of London, England, will speak at daily Bible exposition hours. Mr. C. Stacy Woods, General Secretary of International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, has also been booked as one of the speakers. Dr. Donald Husted, one of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Associa­ tion, will participate in the musical program.

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