King's Business - 1967-01

But the man in Christ bears a brand-mark as well. And this is one of two designs. Carnality, worldliness, playing fast-and-loose with sacred reali­ ties, betray themselves in the careless manner of living. A car­ nal Christian inspires no one to anything! Christ-un likeness quickly becomes a repelling irri­ tant. Little wonder that so much of today’s cheap, too -w or ld ly Christianity is rejected with dis­ gust! But there is a brand-mark of holier design. The apostle Paul who envisioned himself a “ calf for Christ” identifies it: “ I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus” (Galatians 6:17). One translation renders the “western” flavor — “ I bear branded in my body the marks of the Lord Je­ sus.” The apostle was referring to the physical aspect as outlined in TI Corinthians 10, but the deeper, spiritual application is all too evi­ dent. Branded by the Blessed One, solely for Himself! Are you iden­ tified with it? Has there been that “ glory moment” of a total conse­ cration to the claims of His over­ all Lordship, when there was the inner-burning impact of the Holy Spirit? If so, your life will bear the testimonial of a holiness which carries upsetting power and leaves behind a priceless benediction. That branding-iron is poised o’er each of His blood-bought re­ deemed ; but alas! how many scat­ ter to the dim, far side of the “ pasture” ! Such a branding de­ mands a high price; the “wooded pile” must be an altar for the consuming o f all which hitherto had been pleasant and profitable. If His holy branding iron be poised over you, rather than plunged deep within, remember that you have been “bought with a price” (I Cor. 6:20). He yearns thus to identify His blood-bought property, which is too easily smudged by the dirty caressess of worldliness. Shall He continue to be hindered?

CovenantRetirement Centers are more than superb retirement com­ munities. They are a way of life. They offercustom-designed retire­ mentplans tofit individual needs featuring beautifully appointed suites and semi-suites. They provide complete active retirement service with companionship, recre­ ation, security and independence withina Christian environment. Covenant Village NORTHBROOK % Mr. Harvey E. Anderson 2745 Techny Road •Northbrook,Illinois Covenant Palms M IAM I % Mr. Victor Person 8400 N.W. 25th Avenue «Miami, Florida Mount Miguel Covenant Village SAN DIEGO % Rev. G. Marian Enns 325 Kempton Street «Spring Valley,California Hearthstone Manor FOLSOM % Mr. L.Dow Coffman 6700 O ak Avenue «Folsom, California Mountain View Covenant Center DENVER pr o p o se d Applications areavailable topersons ofvarying economic levels. Informa­ tion is available by writing the center of your choice.


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