But the man in Christ bears a brand-mark as well. And this is one of two designs. Carnality, worldliness, playing fast-and-loose with sacred reali ties, betray themselves in the careless manner of living. A car nal Christian inspires no one to anything! Christ-un likeness quickly becomes a repelling irri tant. Little wonder that so much of today’s cheap, too -w or ld ly Christianity is rejected with dis gust! But there is a brand-mark of holier design. The apostle Paul who envisioned himself a “ calf for Christ” identifies it: “ I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus” (Galatians 6:17). One translation renders the “western” flavor — “ I bear branded in my body the marks of the Lord Je sus.” The apostle was referring to the physical aspect as outlined in TI Corinthians 10, but the deeper, spiritual application is all too evi dent. Branded by the Blessed One, solely for Himself! Are you iden tified with it? Has there been that “ glory moment” of a total conse cration to the claims of His over all Lordship, when there was the inner-burning impact of the Holy Spirit? If so, your life will bear the testimonial of a holiness which carries upsetting power and leaves behind a priceless benediction. That branding-iron is poised o’er each of His blood-bought re deemed ; but alas! how many scat ter to the dim, far side of the “ pasture” ! Such a branding de mands a high price; the “wooded pile” must be an altar for the consuming o f all which hitherto had been pleasant and profitable. If His holy branding iron be poised over you, rather than plunged deep within, remember that you have been “bought with a price” (I Cor. 6:20). He yearns thus to identify His blood-bought property, which is too easily smudged by the dirty caressess of worldliness. Shall He continue to be hindered?
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