quite modest sums a short few years ago are being offered for— and promptly being sold at — enormous prices. There is a reason for this. Ra dio has proven itself to be a very effective means of advertising and is coasting along blithely on this reputation and on the current prosperity. Therefore, radio man agement can be quite discriminat ing and choosy in accepting pro grams, especially during those hours when television provides a minimum o f competition. Just how long radio can survive the present trend of unimagina tive, unentertaining, uninterest ing programming remains to be seen. But, for now, radio is thriv ing. Religious broadcasting has suf fe red several d isadvan tages
And what were those plans? More than likely a disc jockey, with a line of inconsequential chatter and less than inconse quential music frequently punctu ated by commercial announce ments. Perhaps, too, a telephone calling format was adopted. If there is any sanctified way for a Christian to wager, I will do so that, should the D.J. or telephone program be taken off the air, the station would not receive 1400, or 140, letters of protest. A larger station in Arizona (affiliated with the same network, by the way) accepted our pro gram for early morning release. Due to unforeseen developments, we felt it necessary to discontinue on the station, after a rather short run. To our surprise, the management took the matter to
1570 kc. 5000 watti F IN E S T IN S A C R E D P R O G R AM M IN G Serving California’s Central Valley Sacramento • Lodi • Stockton
Post Office Box 600 Lodi, California 95240
Readers are encouraged to use this Radio Directory as a guide for Chris tian Radio Programming in your area.
through the years. In the first place, it is not strictly entertain ment, and many station managers think of radio as primarily an entertainment medium. Then, too, there are some religious broad casts (possibly we should say many of them) which fail to pre sent a program of interest or ap peal to any but those sentimen tally and religiously favorable to them. It is factual also to state that there are radio executives— and again we might say many of them—whose interest in matters of religion and faith is not much more than casual, if that. If there is a religious resurgence in Amer ica it will take some time for that fact to reach them in a sufficient intensity to cause them to plan their programming accordingly. Other factors could be mentioned,
its listeners, asking them, if they regretted the loss of the program, to write and say so. Quite a num ber did, and their letters were forwarded to us. We were so pleased and delighted by the atti tude of the station that we went back on the air, there. In both of these cases the atti tude of the station manager was the determining factor. And the attitude of the radio station man agers these days is interesting to contemplate. In spite of what you may have heard, only a few would-be blase fledglings in the entertainment field say radio is a thing of the past. According to figures I have received, radios are still selling nearly two to one over television sets. Probably radio “never had it so good.” Stations which sold for
FEATURING TIME-TESTED PR06RAMS TO AMERI CA'S RICHEST AGRICULTURAL AREA LISTENERS Back to the Bible, Baptist Layman Hour, Bible Fellowship Hour, Bible Study Hour, Biola Hour, Christian Brotherhood Hour, Christians in Ac tion, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, Forward in Faith, Haven of Rest, Heaven and Home Hour, Janz Brothers, Morning Chapel Hour, Call of the Orient, Hour of Decision, Lutheran Gospel Hour, Old Fashion Revival Hour, Radio Bible Class, Revivaltime, Showers of Bless ing, World Literature Crusade, Lay mens Hour, Christian Reformed, Han ford; Mennonite Brethren, Dinuba; Peoples Church, Fresno. LIMITED AVAILABILITIES FOR QUALITY PR06RAMS CALL .. Writ* 209-591—1130 BOX 157, Dinuba ALSO KCIB-FM FRESNO Both locally owned and Operated by Dave Hofer Jr. and Egon Hofer
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