King's Business - 1967-01

“ A L L C E D

THE GOOD SAMARITAN by Herbert Henry Ehrenstein

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Rev. Richard DeHaan Teacher Radio Bible Class

How prone we are as Chris­ tians to become “ iced-up” ! We struggle along bearing a heavy load which weighs us down and makes us ineffectual in our serv­ ice, and we are robbed of the joy and peace of a surrendered, cleansed, and trusting life. There are at least two kinds of “ ice” which bears down heavily upon the Christian: one is SINS, and the other is WEIGHTS! God, however, has provided the means for remov­ ing both, for we read in the Scripture: “ If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteous­ ness” (I John 1:9). Not only so, but “ they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isa. 40: 31). like eagles, not scratch like sparrows!

W E had landed at Chicago’s O’Hare Field in a blinding snowstorm. As I boarded anoth­ er plane for the trip to Grand Rapids, preparations for takeoff were still being made. Seating myself by a window, I looked out and saw a truck standing alongside equipped with a tow­ er-like structure. On its top was a man all bundled up and with a mask over his face, holding the nozzle of a hose in his hand. He began to direct a forceful stream of liquid over the entire surface of the wings. What is this, I wondered? And then I realized that he was spraying the plane with an antifreeze of some sort to remove the ice which had ac­ cumulated on the wings. It was designed to strip the excess weight from the craft. As I watched I was reminded of the words of Scripture; “ . . . let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us. . . .” THOT: Christians were meant to soar

S ome months back, at the Uni­ versity of Chicago Law School, a conference was held among le­ gal specialists from various sec­ tions of the country to see what might be done to encourage peo­ ple to be willing to help others in trouble. Repeatedly, in the news, we have been hearing and reading accounts of muggings, robberies, rapes, stabbings and other types of assault — many of these in full view of bystanders. These wit­ nesses simply turn the other way rather than rush in to help. The legal specialists at the Uni­ versity of Chicago meeting, stat­ ed that the reason for this ap­ parent indifference to someone in need of help lies in the fear of personal danger, or of the possi­ bility of legal action brought against those who assist a strick­ en person. This is true, o f course. A sailor in Philadelphia was savagely beaten when he went to the aid of a girl about to be raped by a dozen teen-agers in a subway sta­ tion. Furthermore, as the law now stands in many places, the “Good Samaritan” who offers help may actually be sued for his trouble by either the victim — or even the thug who commits the crime. The law indicates that no one has to lift a finger, spend a dime for a phone call, or render any aid to assist a stranger in distress. So, these legal special­ ists at Chicago want to change the law. But actually, there is more to this than rewriting laws. At the heart of the problem is something besides the Good Samaritan’s fear of bodily harm or legal suit.

Theabove selected from the daily devotional guide, OUR DAILY BREAD, as written by Richard DeHaan, Henry Bosch, and the late Dr. M. R. DeHaan, is published monthly by RADIO BIBLE CLAS. OUR DAILY BREAD presents interesting meditations, poems, and a thought for every day of the month. Your copy is waiting far you— FRE and POSTPAID— and is yours justfor the asking.

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