King's Business - 1967-01

Continued from page 53 his hobo stick with the bundle tied on it and started for the door. The policeman was afraid the tired boy had decided to be just a tramp anyway, but at the door Jimmy turned and said, “ I’m go­ ing home and get my first lesson. When Mom sees me, I’ll get so many ‘Don’ts’ that it will be fun to see which ones she says the right way and which ones the wrong way.” The little boy swag­ gered a bit as he added, “ I might even learn enough to be captain of the police force some day.” “How about my coming with you and telling your mother that you’re starting out the new year with a resolution to be a police­ man when you grow up ?” “Yeah, that’d be great.” Then Jimmy looked a bit worried, “but what if I fail again?” “There’s a secret sou rce of power I call on when I need help, and I’ll share it with you. When­ ever you feel like doing something that a would-be po licem an shouldn’t do, then you stop right then and pray, ‘Lord Jesus, You’re the King of kings. You can help me when no one else can. Help me now.’ ” “Will it work?” Jimmy asked, wide-eyed. “Will He really help me?” “The King of kings never fails anyone who calls on Him for help. He’s never failed me.” The two walked side by side toward Jimmy’s house, but now his feet were not tired, his shoul­ ders did not sag, and, instead of tears in his eyes, there was a bright sparkle. Jimmy suddenly had something wonderful to live for. Instead of dreaming about stalking Indians, he was thinking about the day when he would be a policeman, when he would be telling people “Don’t” in the right way and they would do just as he told them. He knew he would be a success with the King of kings in charge. His feet began to skip. He could hardly wait to get home and hear his mother say, “Jimmy, don’t do that!”

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EDITORIAL (cont. from page 7) nothing about the living and true God, the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is not dead. One would love to introduce to these individuals the Lord Jesus Christ who liveth and who was dead, but, thank God, who is alive forever more, that through faith in Him they might come to God and thus be able to call Him “ Abba, Father,” as do His beloved children. By coming in simple faith, believing, they too could discover personally that God is not dead, but indeed He is alive for­ evermore. And because He lives, we too shall live. Praise His name!

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