the U.S. territories in the western Pacific and Latin America, leading to U.S. emergence as a world power. S TATE T RAINING S CHOOL FOR THE F EEBLE - M INDED , Clinton , South Carolina . Founded in 1918 as a state institution for the care and treatment of mentally ill patients. The Training School’s first superintendent was Dr. Benjamin O. Whitten (1886–1970), who had been the assistant superintendent of the South Carolina State Hospital for the Insane in Columbia. In 1953, it was renamed Whitten Village in his honor, and became Whitten Center in 1972. In 1967, it was placed under the new South Carolina Department of Mental Retardation, now the Department of Disabilities and Special Needs. T ABERNACLE . A spiritual and civic place that if it existed today would be located along Coronaca Creek in northeast Greenwood County, South Carolina. Also known as the Tabernacle, Methodists who settled there in the 1770s and 1780s formed a society and built several schools and houses of worship. T ANNING Y ARD [ T ANYARD ]. The outside area of a tannery containing vats where hides were tanned. The hides were soaked in a caustic lime solution to loosen the hair/fur, which was scraped away. Then, they were immersed in a vat of tanbark and water for several months. Tanbark is tannin extracted from trees by stripping, drying and grinding bark into a powder. Finally, after the hides were dried, oiled, colored and polished, they were ready to use. The entire process took about a year. Joyce -- These were later submissions, which you were going to confirm. I think you were editing Militia Districts. --Margaret CITATION . When someone died without a will, the Court of Ordinary (Probate Court) in South Carolina summoned all interested parties to show cause why the court should not grant administration of the estate to a named individual. The summons was called a citation. Posting it at a central location like a church was a reliable way to reach members, neighbors and anyone else concerned with the deceased person’s estate. In legal parlance, a citation is a notice to appear in court due to the probable commission of a minor crime, or a notice to appear in a civil matter, customarily for probate actions. D ISMISSION (Presbyterian term) A certificate of DISMISSION is issued by a Presbytery (ruling body of ministers and elders from district congregations of Presbyterian churches). It is necessary when a church member relocates to another area, and must transfer membership to another Session of the Church, or in this particular instance, from the Methodist Church to the Presbyterian Church. M ILITIA D ISTRICTS : In colonial days, Georgia counties were divided into "Militia Districts," creating a militia to defend against American Indian raids or other threats. This continued after the Revolution, and as new counties were formed, new Militia Districts were created within their boundaries. In 1804, each Militia District was assigned a number, which remain in use today. The smaller the number, the earlier the district was formed. Ultimately, each district was also labeled with a "place name," and these names have also remained unchanged. This practice was discarded during the Civil War, but the district boundaries remain intact and retain their function as political subdivisions. Aside from providing protection, Militia Districts were used as boundaries for census, voting and taxation. (Georgia taxpayers are still divided by GMD today.)
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