Georgina McMaster | Into the Wild | February 2023


EDUCATION 1998 - 2002: Edinburgh College of Art - BA (Hons) Visual Communication specialising in Drawing and Painting 2003 - 2004: Bath Spa University, Teacher Training

AWARDS 2008: David Cargill Award, Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts 2008: Elected Artist Member of The Glasgow Art Club 2007: “First Time Exhibitor”, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow

COLLECTIONS Private collections throughout the United Kingdom, Switzerland, America, Australia, Singapore, Dubai and Bahrain. MAGAZINE & NEWSPAPER FEATURES Listen to Georgina’s Homes & Interiors Scotland Podcast (episode 4), “This Life” Homes & Interiors Scotland, The Scottish Farmer, Scottish Field Magazine, Art News Scotland Journal, The Herald Newspaper, Galleries Magazine, Scottish Women Magazine, Sunday Mail, The Scotsman Newspaper and The Glasgow Magazine.

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