Our Lady of Lourdes
Feast Day: February 11
The Nuñez Family
» Your Family as a Domestic Church
What does living liturgically mean to you? To us it means living our faith everyday of our lives. Making Mass a family affair on Sundays and holy days of obligation. How did you start liturgical living with your family? Both my husband and I came from families that were Catholic. Both families were close to the Church and were in service to it. We were married by the Church and raised our daughter to be close to the Church and of service to it. What feast day do you look forward to celebrating each year? Share what you’ve done for that feast day or what you plan on doing. I look forward each year to Christ- mas. In the past years I’ve had the opportunity to collect Nativity sets and now have over 100 of them. Each one is displayed with love in our home. I was given the oppor- tunity one year to create a display for our Church and will do it again this year.
we go to eat out and many times it gives us the opportunity to talk about the homily. Do you have any tips on how other families can start on the journey of living liturgically? If anyone has not had the opportu- nity to marry in the Church, please do so as soon as possible. Then, continue by going to Mass on Sun- day and Holy days of obligation. If you invite God into your life you will grow in love for him and your family. The other tip is that there is nothing more rewarding than doing volun- teer work for the church. God will multiply your blessings for all you do for him.
Living Liturgically Resources:
• catholic.com • catholic.org • sacredspace.com
What fruits have you seen within yourself and your family?
How are you nurturing your domestic church? Share your story.
Nuñez Family Immaculate Conception Cathedral Brownsville
The fruits have been many but the most special to me is seeing my daughter and her husband helping and becoming part of the Church community. On Sundays after Mass
Cut out each image; make a slit where indicated by the dotted lines; and fit the pieces onto the image of the saint.
For personal use only. Not for commercial use. ©Diocese of Brownsville
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