Christus Vivit in the RGV
3 Journeys of Vocational Discernment
n Pope Francis encourages young people, saying, “Your vocation inspires you to bring out the best in your- self for the glory of God and the good of others” ( Christus Vivit , 257). As young adults across the Rio Grande Valley embark on their journey of faith, they find themselves discerning how best to serve God. It is a process of identifying and cultivating gifts and placing them at the service of others. For many, this process is not just a moment of decision but a gradual unfolding, shaped by experiences, prayers, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Here three young adults share their stories. – Compiled by Angel Barrera and Jose Palermo
Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes
Anadalia’s Path: Discerning a call to Religious Life
Aubrey’s Journey: Called to serve in marriage
Ana's Story: Facing the challenges of modern dating
Oh ever Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy, Health of the Sick, Refuge of Sinners, Comfortess of the Afflicted, you know my wants, my troubles, my sufferings. Look upon me with mercy. When you appeared in the grotto of Lourdes, you made it a privileged Sanctuary where you dispense your favors, and where many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal. I come, therefore, with unbounded confidence to implore your maternal intercession. My loving Mother, obtain my request. I will try to imitate your virtues so that I may one day share your company and bless you in eternity. Amen.
ANA TOLENTINO Las Milpas, Mother Cabrini Parish
AUBREY CASTAÑEDA Originally from El Paso
Aubrey’s discernment journey began with an early desire for family and community. Growing up with strong examples of marriage in her home, she was naturally drawn to the vocation of marriage. Reflecting on her experiences at the Newman Center, she found joy and fulfillment in serving others, often in small and unnoticed ways. Aubrey shared, “It was in those small, ordinary acts of ser- vice where I found true joy and felt closest to God. Cooking for others, cleaning the chapel, and just being there for people – that’s where God showed me that this is my path.” Despite societal pressures to pursue independence and self-fulfillment, Aubrey embraces traditional roles with pride, finding in them a way to serve God and nurture her community. “Society tells us to put down these roles of service, but embracing them has allowed me to open my heart more to God’s call. I believe that these roles help me prepare to serve my future family and my community,” she ex- pressed. Aubrey’s journey of discernment continues to grow as she finds confirma- tion in her day-to-day interactions with others and in the peace she feels when serving. “The Lord has slowly shaped me through my daily actions and relation- ships, and I feel he’s leading me towards a life of marriage and family,” said Aubrey.
For Anadalia, vocational discernment has led her towards a consecrated life. She reflects on how, since childhood, she felt a desire to heal and help others. “I always thought I would fulfill this desire through a career in the medical field and by having a family of my own. However, recently, the Lord revealed to me that he was calling me to surrender everything to follow him,” she explained. This revelation marked the beginning of a deep journey into discerning religious life. Anadalia began meeting regularly with a spiritual director, and with his guidance, she started attending daily Mass, reading the Bible, and participating in vocational retreats. “At the start of this journey, I was attending Bible studies and daily Mass, and I felt this deepening call to serve God more fully,” she shared. Her spiritual director encouraged her to evaluate her past and look at religious communities that fit her charisms. After exploring, she found a connection with the Salesian Sisters in San Antonio and joined their vocations retreat. “The retreat was a turning point. I felt at home and deeply at peace, and I knew God was leading me here,” Anadalia revealed. Yet, discerning this path has not been without its challenges. “Leaving my family behind is difficult, and there’s a constant battle between the flesh and the spirit,” she said. Anadalia recognizes the enemy’s attempts to pull her away but remains steadfast in her commitment. “I now try to view everything through a spiritual lens. Each day, I surrender my will to him and strive to respond to challenges with Christ’s love and mercy,” she shared.
Ana, at 25, discerns her call to marriage, inspired by the strong examples set by her parents. She shared, “I have seen beautiful examples of marriage, like my parents, who showed me what a loving, faithful relation- ship looks like. That’s what I want to build – a family grounded in faith.” While she is open to God’s will, Ana does not feel called to religious life, explaining, “I believe that you need to feel that calling in your heart, and God hasn’t led me in that direction. In- stead, I feel a deep desire to build a family.” Modern dating, however, presents chal- lenges. She described the difficulty of find- ing someone with similar values in today’s landscape, which relies heavily on dating apps. “Dating apps are not really my thing. They focus so much on appearances, and you never know if the person on the other side is being truthful,” she said. Finding a partner who shares her faith is essential to Ana. “I’ve always been active in the Church, and I want someone who shares that commitment. It’s not just about finding a partner; it’s about finding someone who will walk this path of faith with me,” she emphasized. Ana prays daily for her future spouse. “In my prayers, I ask God to prepare both of us for what’s ahead and to bring us together when the time is right., she shared. Through prayer and patience, Ana continues to trust that God will lead her to the right person.
Pope Francis reminds young people, “Every vocation is a summons to follow Jesus on the path he has marked out for us, for our own happiness and for the good of those around us” (Christus Vivit, 265). These young adults offer a glimpse into the beauty and complexity of vocational discernment. Through prayer, community, and a willingness to trust in God’s plan, they continue to navigate the callings placed on their hearts. Join us in praying that God continues to illuminate and accompany all young people as they discern his call in their lives. May they find the courage to respond generously, the wisdom to listen attentively, and the grace to follow faithfully wherever he leads them.
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