1. Catholic Charities Gala The annual fundraising gala for Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley was Aug. 22 at the Embas- sy Suites by Hilton Hotel at the McAllen Conven- tion Center. CCRGV Director Sister Norma Pimentel gets a thank-you from Kathy Collins, who with her husband Jim Collins at left were recognized as the 2024 Hope Award honorees for their support of CCRGV and the Humanitarian Respite Center. 2. Relic Pilgrimage of Knights Founder Blessed Michael McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus, was beatified by Joseph Cardinal Tobin on behalf of Pope Francis on Oct. 31, 2020. A first class relic of Father McGivney came to the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle-National Shrine on Sept. 5 as part of a r elic pilgriamge in five Texas dioceses. Mass followed an afternoon of ven- eration and a rosary. 3. Biker Mass and Blessing of the Bikes The 4th Annual Biker Mass and Blessing of the Bikes was Oct. 5 at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle-National Shrine. The Blessing of the Bikes included a regional gathering of the Catholic Cross Bearers motorcycle ministry, with members joining from Houston, Oklahoma, and Louisiana, and the founder and president riding in from Ohio. The Cross Bearers made what they called the Cav- alry of Christ Ride starting in Laredo with stops in Roma, Rio Grande City, the basilica. The pilgrimage concluded with afternoon Mass at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church in Port Isabel. In the top photo, Fa- ther Jorge Gomez, rector of the basilica, is present - ed with a souvenir T-shirt of the Cavalry of Christ, the Oblate fathers who rode horses in a circuit around the Rio Grande Valley more than a century ago to bring Masses and ministry to Catholics. In the second photo, Father Gomez blesses the lines of parked motorcycles. 4. Catechetical Convocation The Diocese of Brownsville’s Parish Catechetical Leaders (PCLs) and catechists convened Sept. 14 at the Harlingen Convention Center to celebrate and pray with their chief catechist, Bishop Daniel E. Flores. During the celebration, catechists who have completed 10, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 years of ser- vice were recognized. The audience applauds three catechists marking 50 years of service: (left to right) Bertha Rangel from Sacred Heart Church in Edinburg, Mary Pedra- za from Good Shepherd Church in Brownsville, and Jaine Flores from St. Ignatius Church in San Benito. 5. Walk for Life Advocates for life gathered Oct. 5 at the Immacu- late Conception Cathedral in Brownsville for a Pro- Life rally. Due to weather conditions, the walk was made inside the auditorium.

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6. White Mass The Diocese of Brownsville’s annual White Mass for doctors, nurses and all healthcare professionals was cel- ebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Mario A. Avilés Oct. 16 at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle-National Shrine. Catholic doctors and chaplains renewed their vows at the end of the White Mass.

7. Red Mass Auxiliary Bishop Mario A. Avilés cele- brated the Red Mass for all those work- ing in the legal profession on Oct. 24 at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Brownsville. Bishop Eugenio Lira Rugarcía from the Diocese of Matam- oros-Reynosa was also in attendance.


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