8. First Binational School At the edge of the Rio Grande, the Catholic Lead- ers Academy launched their first Binational School between the Dioceses of Brownsville and Matam- oros-Reynosa on Nov. 2. Cardinal Diego Padrón from Colombia gave his life testimony in advocacy for the community. Also present were Bishop Daniel E. Flores and Auxiliary Bishop Mario A. Avilés from the Diocese of Brownsville, and Bishop Eugenio Lira Rugarcía from the Diocese of Matamoros-Reynosa, José Antonio Ro- sas Amor, General Director of the International Catho- lic Leaders Academy, and others who will be class pre- senters. The Diocese of Brownsville had 15 students in the program, which will have both in-person and virtual sessions and is designed to foster dialogue among participants from both sides of the border. 9. Blessing of pets On the memorial of St. Francis of Assisi on Oct. 4, many parishes celebrated the saint by inviting the community to present their pets to receive a blessing. At Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Harlingen, not only did Father Ruben Delgado bless the pets that were taken to the parish, he also blessed pictures of pets that their owners presented. 10. Migrant Welcoming Festival The Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle-National Shrine’s annual Migrant Welcoming Festival Oct. 19-20 on the grounds in San Juan filled the northeast parking lots with visitors and fair attractions, including a midway with food and souvenir vendors, live music from acts like Brownsville’s Choco Band, and children’s rides as shown in the photo.

11. Pro-Life Rosary The community gathered at the foot of the mosaic mural at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valley - National Shrine to pray the holy rosary to end the death penalty. This annual gathering hosted on Oct. 26 is a collaboration between the offices of Pro-Life and Jail and Prison Ministry. 12. Holy Hour for Vocations In celebration of National Vocations Awareness Week, Bishop Daniel E. Flores and Father Robert Moreno Jr. invited the community to a Holy Hour for Vocations at St. Benedict Catholic Church in San Benito on Nov. 3. Religious and members of the community attended to pray, sing, and listen to Bishop Flores’ message on vocations. Among those present were the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, who have a long history in the diocese. 13. Special Sunday for Altar Servers Altar servers from the parishes of the Rio Grande City Deanery made a pilgrimage Nov. 17 to the Basilica of San Juan del Valle - National Shrine for Holy Mass celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Mario A. Avilés. On that same Sunday, Father Joe Villalón held an installment and blessing for more than three dozen altar servers at St. Theresa Parish in San Benito after their preparation and training for this important role. 14. Youth Jam The Office of Parish Engagement invited mid - dle school students to Youth Jam on Nov. 9 at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Harlingen. Over 200 youth experienced Christ in Adoration, the sacra- ments, talks and fellowship.



“Desde este lugar emblemático frente al Río Bravo, iniciamos nuestra escuela de líderes, sembrando la semilla de una nueva generación que dará testimonio de unidad y colaboración.” Jose Antonio Rosas











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