Elevate March 2025 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine





hola España

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

March 2025

Mart 2025.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

Širenje flote omogućava nam da povećamo kapacitete , otvorimo nove destinacije, unapredimo udobnost i iskustvo putovanja naših putnika i ujedno jačamo poziciju Er Srbije kao vodeće avio-kompanije u regionu. S tim u vezi, nedavno je u flotu stigao novi, četvrti po redu širokotrupni avion „erbas A330-200“, koji je, baš kao i njegov prethodnik, brendiran u bo- je i oznake specijalizovane izložbe EXPO 2027. Ti avio- ni povezuju Beograd sa udaljenim destinacijama širom sveta, od Njujorka i Čikaga na zapadu do Guangdžoua i Šangaja na istoku. Mart je mesec u kom ceo svet slavi žene i prilika da se podsetimo koliko su važne u svakom segmentu društva, pa i u avio-industriji. Sve se više dama bavi pilotiranjem, inženjeringom i upravljanjem, a mi u Er Srbiji s ponosom ističemo da polovinu svih zaposlenih čine žene. Njihova posvećenost i stručnost snažno doprinose našem uspehu, i trudimo se da kontinuirano stvaramo prilike za njihovo dalje profesionalno napredovanje, verujući da njihovi talenat i liderstvo mogu oblikovati budućnost avijacije. U martu se obeležava i Svetski dan sreće, a ona se često krije u otkrivanju novih destinacija, upoznavanju različitih kultura i stvaranju nezaboravnih trenutaka. Putovanja inspirišu, otvaraju nove perspektive i pružaju priliku za povezivanje sa svetom. Pred nama su uskršnji praznici, pa je ovo savršen trenutak da isplanirate kraći predah od svakodnevice i kvalitetno vreme sa porodicom i prijateljima. Bilo da tražite avanturu, opuštanje ili samo želite nova iskustva, putovanje donosi radost. Iskoristite praznike da pronađete sreću na nekoj sasvim novoj destinaciji i stvorite uspomene koje ćete dugo pamtiti. Ukoliko još niste odlučili gde želite da putujete, mi vam u ovom broju magazina „Elevejt“ predlažemo Španiju, do koje letimo čitave godine. Bilo da se odlučite za Madrid, Barselonu, Valensiju i Malagu, ili za Palma de Majorku, nesumnjivo ćete se oduševiti kulturom, neverovatnom arhitekturom, prelepim plažama i gastronomijom. Upravo zbog toga Španija je destinacija kojoj se putnici rado vraćaju. Izaberite destinaciju, spakujte kofere, ponesite dobru energiju i najlepši osmeh i – krenite na put. U avionu će vas ugostiti naša dobro raspoložena i visoko profesionalna kabinska posada i omogućiti da putovanje započnete udobno i prijatno. Hvala vam što birate Er Srbiju. Dobro došli na naše letove.

The expansion of our fleet enables us to in- crease our capacity , establish new destinations and enhance the comfort and travel experience of our pa- ssengers, all while strengthening Air Serbia’s position as the region’s leading airline. In line with this, our fleet recen- tly welcomed a new, fourth wide-body Airbus A330-200, which - like its predecessor - has been branded with the colours and insignia of the specialised EXPO 2027 exhi- bition. These aircraft connect Belgrade with remote de- stinations worldwide: from New York and Chicago in the West, to Guangzhou and Shanghai in the East. March is a month when the whole world celebrates women, offering a chance to remember how important they are in every segment of society, including the aviation industry. An increasing number of women are involved in piloting, engineering and management. At Air Serbia, we proudly highlight the fact that women account for half of all our employees. Their dedication and expertise contribute significantly to our success, and we strive to continuously create opportunities for their further professional development, believing that their talent and leadership can shape the future of aviation. We also have the International Day of Happiness during March, and happiness often lies in discovering new destinations, exploring different cultures and creating unforgettable moments. Travel inspires, opens new perspectives and provides an opportunity to connect with the world. With the Easter holidays fast approaching, now is the perfect time to plan a short break from your daily routines and enjoy quality time with family and friends. Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, or simply new experiences, travel brings joy. Take advantage of the upcoming holidays to find happiness in a completely new destination and to create lasting memories. If you haven‘t yet decided where to travel, in this issue of Elevate magazine we suggest Spain, to which we fly year- round. Whether you choose Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Malaga or Majorca, you will undoubtedly be enchanted by the culture, stunning architecture, beautiful beaches and gastronomy. That’s precisely why Spain is a destination to which tourists love to return time and again. Choose your destination, pack your bags, bring positive energy and your best smile, and set out on your journey. Aboard our planes, our cheerful and highly professional cabin crew will welcome you warmly and ensure your trip starts comfortably and pleasantly. Thank you for choosing Air Serbia. Welcome to our flights.

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek

BRŽE I JEDNOSTAVNIJE MOBILNA APLIKACIJA ZA KUPOVINU AVIO-KARATA • Pronađite najbolju ponudu • Skenirajte i bezbedno čuvajte putne dokumente na svom profilu • Brža prijava na let • Karta za ukrcavanje uvek uz vas • Svoje ideje i sugestije možete podeliti sa nama putem aplikacije


MOBILE APP TO BUY FLIGHT TICKETS • Find the best offer • Scan and securely store travel documents on your profile • Faster flight check-in • Boarding card always with you • Share your ideas and suggestions with us in the app

Jirži Marek, Generalni direktor Er Srbija

JIRI Marek, CEO Air Serbia

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5



The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektura / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Jovana Subotić Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektura za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs

Er SRBIJA air serbia 60. Nastavlja se širenje flote: Novi avion Er Srbije u Beogradu / Fleet expansion

u fokusu in focus 08.

Veliki finansijski uspeh: Er Srbija zabeležila istorijski rezultat / Major financial success: Air Serbia posts historic result

continues: new Air Serbia plane arrives in Belgrade

destinacija destination 100. Dobro došli u Valensiju: Uživajte na suncu,


Intervju interview 20.

Više od 276.000 putnika na letovima Er Srbije u januaru / More than 276,000 passengers on Air Serbia flights in January

Reflektor Spotlight 66

putujte pametno smart travel 10.

 Marinko Arsić Ivkov: Pravi humor je veoma tužan / Marinko Arsić Ivkov: real humour is very sad

 Međunarodni dan žena: Moćne žene Er Srbije / International Women‘s Day: the mighty women of Air Serbia  Na braniku porodice i otadžbine: Uticajne žene srednjovekovne Srbije / In defence of the family and homeland: influential women of medieval Serbia

jedite paelju, divite se Kalatravi / Welcome to Valencia: enjoy the sunshine, eat paella and admire Calatrava

 Vodimo vas u Barselonu i Madrid / We’re taking you to Barcelona and Madrid

moda fashion 78.

kultura culture 34.


Top trendovi za proleće: Moda je ponovo postala zabavna / Top spring trends: fashion has become fun once again

sport sports 106  Velikani „Kluba 40“: Lebron, Hamilton i

 Legenda ostaje živa: Besmrtni Dejvid Linč / Legends don’t die: the immortal David Lynch

Ronaldo čekaju Noleta / Greats of “Club 40”: Lebron, Hamilton & Ronaldo await Nole


Lejla Hatavej: Beograde, dođi na najbolji nastup ikada! / Lalah Hathaway: hey Belgrade, come to the best show ever! Hoće li strimeri pojesti bioskope / Will streaming devour cinemas?

ritam grada rhythm of the city 86.  Prelepe staze pored Dunava

Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

i Save: Beograd je raj za šetnju sa ljubimcem / Beautiful walkways beside the Danube and Sava: Belgrade is a paradise for walking with pets


Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Čekamo proleće u Španiji / Awaiting Spring in Spain Foto/ Photo: Depositphotos

Broj / Issue No. 373 Naslovna strana / Cover Depositphotos

6 | Sadržaj » Contents

Contents » Sadržaj | 7

U fokusu

In focus

Major financial success Air Serbia posts historic result

Nacionalna avio-kompani- ja Republike Srbije je u 2024. go- dini, u redovnom i čarter-saobra- ćaju, prevezla više od 4,4 miliona putnika, a sa aerodroma u Beo- gradu, Nišu i Kraljevu realizovano je preko 47.000 letova na 87 ru- ta ka 33 zemlje na četiri kontinen- ta. Flota kompanije trenutno ima 28 letelica, odnosno četiri široko- trupna aviona, četrnaest uskotru- pnih i deset turboprop letelica. Tre- ći „erbas A330-200“, registarske oznake YU-ARD brendiran u boje i oznake specijalizovane izložbe EX- PO 2027, u Beograd je stigao po- četkom oktobra 2024. godine, a četvrta letelica istog tipa i sa istim vizuelnim identitetom priključila se floti Er Srbije sredinom februara 2025. godine. Er Srbija je već početkom 2025. godine mrežu destinaci- ja proširila još jednom, veoma važ- nom tačkom. Pored Njujorka, Čikaga i Guangdžoua, srpska naci- onalna avio-kompanija u dugolinij- skom saobraćaju od 11. januara leti i do Šangaja. Letovi do tog grada re- alizuju se dva puta nedeljno. Kompanija je ranije najavila da- lje širenje evropske mreže destina- cija, pa će od 18. aprila ponovo bi- ti uspostavljeni i direktni letovi Er Srbije između Beograda i Firence, dok će od 10. juna biti uspostavlje- ni i redovni letovi između Beogra- da i grada Algero na Sardiniji. Na taj način broj gradova u Italiji do ko- jih leti srpska nacionalna avio-kom- panija biće deset. Er Srbija planira da 6. juna uvede i direktnu avio-li- niju između Beograda i popularnog grčkog ostrva Mikonos.

Veliki finansijski uspeh Er Srbija zabeležila istorijski rezultat Preliminarni finansijski rezultati za 2024. godinu pokazuju da je, po prvi put u istoriji srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije, neto profit veći od 50 miliona evra

Air Serbia’s post-tax pro- fit for last year will amo- unt to €41.3 million , marking a better financial result than in the record-setting year of 2023. The airline’s total annual revenue ex- ceeded €700.3 million in 2024 for the first time ever. “During 2024, our fleet was expanded with the addition of three new ATR 72-600 aircraft, one Airbus A330-200 for long-haul operations and one Embraer E-195 aircraft. Fleet renewal and expansi- on, as well as the introduction of a new aircraft type, entail significant costs and major investments. Des- pite that, according to preliminary information, we achieved better operational and net results compa- red to 2023, which had been our proudest year until now. Thanks to a good financial performance over the past year, we restructured busi- ness arrangements with one of our leasing partners and became the owner of three aircraft. This allowed us to reduce future financial obliga- tions and further boost stability. We will continue to operate responsibly and strategically, in the best inte- rest of the company, the Republic of Serbia and all our passengers, striving to contribute to the further growth of Air Serbia,” said Air Ser- bia CEO Jiri Marek. The national airline of the Re- public of Serbia carried more than 4.4 million passengers on its sche- duled and charter flights in 2024. Over 47,000 flights departed from the airports in Belgrade, Niš and Preliminary financial results for 2024 show that Air Serbia’s net profit exceeded €50 million for the first time in the history of the Serbian national airline

Nakon plaćanja poreza dr- žavi profit Er Srbije iznosi- će 41,3 miliona evra , što je bo- lji finansijski rezultat u odnosu na do sada rekordnu 2023. godinu. Uku- pan godišnji prihod kompanije u 2024. godini prvi put iznosi više od 700,3 miliona evra. – Tokom 2024. godine naša flota je osnažena sa tri nova avio- na tipa ATR 72-600, jednim „erbas A330-200“ avionom za dugolinij- ski saobraćaj i jednim avionom ti- pa „embraer E-195“. Podmlađivanje i širenje flote, kao i uvođenje novog tipa aviona, podrazumeva značaj- ne troškove i velika ulaganja. Uprkos tome, prema preliminarnim infor-

macijama ostvarili smo bolji ope- rativni i neto rezultat u odnosu na 2023. godinu, na koju smo do sada bili najponosniji. Zahvaljujući do- brom finansijskom poslovanju to- kom prethodne godine, restruktu- rirali smo i poslovne aranžmane sa jednim od lizing partnera i posta- li vlasnici tri aviona. To nam je omo- gućilo da smanjimo buduće finan- sijske obaveze i dodatno ojačamo stabilnost. Nastavićemo da poslu- jemo odgovorno i strateški, u najbo- ljem interesu kompanije, države Sr- bije i svih naših putnika, trudeći se da doprinesemo daljem rastu Er Sr- bije – rekao je Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbije.

Od 18. aprila ponovo će biti uspostavljeni i direktni letovi Er Srbije između Beograda i Firence Direct Air Serbia flights between Belgrade and Florence will resume as of 18 th April

angzhou, Serbia’s national airline has also been operating long-haul flights to Shanghai twice a week since 11 th January. The airline previously anno- unced the further expansion of its network of European destinations. Direct Air Serbia flights between Belgrade and Florence will resume as of 18 th April, while scheduled fli- ghts between Belgrade and the Sardinian city of Alghero will be in- troduced on 10 th June. This will bring the number of Italian cities served by the Serbian national airline to ten. Air Serbia also plans to laun- ch a direct service between Belgra- de and the popular Greek island of Mykonos on 6 th June.

Kraljevo, flying 87 routes to 33 co- untries across four continents. The company’s fleet currently consists of 28 aircraft: four wide-body, fo- urteen narrow-body, and ten tur- boprop planes. The third Airbus A330-200, registered as YU-ARD and branded in the distinct livery of the specialised EXPO 2027 wor- ld exposition, arrived in Belgrade in early October 2024. A fourth air- craft of the same type and design joined Air Serbia’s fleet in mid-February 2025. Air Serbia has already further expanded its destination network in early 2025, with the addition of another important location. Alon- gside New York, Chicago and Gu-

Sa aerodroma u Beogradu, Nišu i Kraljevu realizovano je prošle godine preko 47.000 letova na 87 ruta ka 33 zemlje na četiri kontinenta Over 47,000 flights departed from the airports in Belgrade, Niš and Kraljevo in 2024, flying 87 routes to 33 countries across four continents

Nacionalna avio-kompanija je u 2024. godini, u redovnom i čarter-saobraćaju, prevezla više od 4,4 miliona putnika Serbia’s national airline carried more than 4.4 million passengers on its scheduled and charter operations in 2024

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Jedan od kulinarskih i kul- turnih centara zapadnog sveta, destinacija koja obe- ć ava nezaboravno iskustvo, od svoje živahne kulture do pejzaža koji oduzimaju dah. Planirate putovanje u Špa- niju u martu? Odlična odlu - ka jer je ovaj mesec pravo vreme za odlazak, zbog pri - jatnog vremena, manje gu - žve i pristupačnijih cena. Ako još znate da Er Srbija direktnim letovima brzo i la - ko može da vas preveze do Barselone i Madrida, nama ostaje samo da vas podse - timo šta možete da doživite u ovom periodu.

One of the Western world’s ma- in culinary and cultural centres, it is a destination that promi- ses an unforgettable experien- ce, from its vibrant culture to its breathtaking scenery. Are you planning a trip to Spain this Mar- ch? If so, that’s an excellent deci- sion, because this month is the right time to visit – given the ple- asant weather, reduced crowds and more affordable prices. If you are also aware that Air Ser- bia can transport you quickly and easily to Barcelona and Ma- drid on its direct flights, all that’s left for us to do is to remind you of what you can experience the- re during this period.



barselona barcelona


BARSELONA / Barcelona 160 min. od Beograda: From Belgrade:


me scan


Sweets in Barcelona fall from the sky March is a month that many have been awaiting, just be- cause it marks the official start of spring. While it might not yet be the right time for paddling in the sea, there are definitely a lot of other fun things to enjoy in Barcelona. It isn’t necessary for us to tell you about how you should tour all the ma- sterpieces of the unsurpas- sed Gaudí or stroll La Ram- bla street while nibbling on syrupy churros. That’s why we’re suggesting some lesser-known thin- gs that you’re sure to enjoy in Barcelona this March – though we also advise, as always, that you lose yourself in the city and discover authentic experien- ces that are uniquely yours… FESTIVAL OF SWEETS The children of Barcelona enjoy one of the city’s “sweetest” fe- stivals each March. The streets and squares of the charming district of Gràcia host this festi- val of sweets, bands and hor- sedrawn carriages. This is the Sant Medir Festival which, ac- cording to tradition, origina- tes from the saint who lived in Barcelona in the year 303 AD, during the period of the Ro- man rule of Diocletian. Accor- ding to legend, Sant Medir’s be- ans grew immediately after being planted and this resul- ted in him being imprisoned. The Sant Medir Festival dates back to 1830, when a local ba- ker vowed to honour Saint Me- dir, the patron saint of farmers, if he recovered from an illne- ss. He promised to make a pi- lgrimage to the hermitage of Sant Medir in the Collserola hi-

Slavljen u kvartu Grasija, Sand Medir je poznat i kao Festival slatkiša. U pitanju je živopisan i radostan doga - đaj koji zapravo slavi duh za - jednice. Najiščekivaniji deo je parada, gde učesnici na ko - njima i kočijama idu ulicama Grasije, bacajuć i hiljade bom - bona okupljenima koji stoje sa strane. Pogled na šarene slatkiše koji pljušte sa ne- ba oduševljava i decu i odra- sle. Naravno, nijedan festival u Barseloni nije potpun bez ukusne hrane, pa Sant Medir nije izuzetak. Lokalni resto - rani i ulični prodavci nude ra - znovrsna tradicionalna kata- lonska jela i slatkiše, što je odlična prilika da probate lo - kalnu kuhinju i uživate u pra - zničnom duhu. MARATON Godišnji maraton, poznat i kao „Zurich Marato de Barcelo- na“, održava se od 1978. godi - ne. Neverovatno je popularan, sa hiljadama učesnika. Poči - nje u 8.30 u Avinguda Rejna Marija Kristina 16. marta. Ako ste ljubitelj trčanja, ovo je za vas „must“ s obzirom na to da se trči pored svih najvažnijih atrakcija Barselone. Ali bilo da ste zainteresovani za trčanje ili ne, zabavan je trenutak da krenete u grad dok se održava maraton jer ima obilje štando - va sa hranom, živom muzikom i raznovrsnim zabavnim aktiv - nostima. PROLEĆNI FESTIVAL Početak proleća u Barsi obe - ležava i muzički festival „Obertura“. Počinje 5. i traje do 24. marta, sa više od 500 muzičara i preko 40 konce - rata koji se održavaju širom grada. Ovo je neverovatno ra - znovrstan muzički festival, pa obavezno pogledajte sve

lls. True to his word, he made the pilgrimage on horseback

of Gràcia, this festival, which is also known as the “Festival of Sweets”, is a vibrant and joyful event that fills the streets with candies, parades and commu- nity spirit. The most anticipated part of the Sant Medir Festi- val is the parade, where partici- pants on horseback, carriages and floats travel through the streets of Gràcia, tossing tho- usands of candies to the chee- ring crowds. The sight of colo- urful sweets raining down from the sky is a delight for both chi- ldren and adults alike. No fe- stival in Barcelona is comple- te without delicious food, and

following his re- covering, inviting his friends and ne- ighbours to join him over subsequent years. This tradition grew to beco- A city known for its vibrant fe- stivals and rich traditions, Bar- celona offers a unique and deli- ghtful experience with the Sant Medir Festival. Celebrated in the charming neighbourhood me the lively festival that we see today.

Slatkiši u Barseloni padaju sa neba

FESTIVAL SLATKIŠA Svakog 3. marta deca Barse - lone uživaju u jednom od naj - slađih festivala u gradu. Ulice i trgovi šarmantnog okruga Grasija postaju scena puna slatkiša, bendova i konjskih zaprega. Festival Sant Me - dir po predanju potiče od sve - ca koji je živeo 303. godine u Barseloni pod rimskom upra - vom Dioklecijana. Prema le - gendi, njegov pasulj je po- rastao odmah nakon što je zasađen, a Medir je zbog to - ga bio zarobljen! Sam festival pak datira iz 1830. godine ka - da se lokalni pekar zakleo da ć e poštovati Svetog Medira, sveca koji je i zaštitnik farme - ra, ako se oporavi od bolesti. Obeć ao je da ć e hodočasti - ti u njegovo ime, što je nakon oporavka i učinio na konju, a godinama je pozivao prijate - lje i komšije da mu se pridru - že. Ova tradicija je prerasla u živahni festival kakav danas poznajemo.

Mart je mesec koji su mno - gi čekali – zvanični početak proleć a. Iako možda još ni - je vreme za uranjanje u mo - re, u Barseloni definitivno ima mnogo drugih zabavnih stvari u kojima možete uživa - ti. Nema potrebe da vam pri - čamo kako treba da obiđete sva remek-dela neprevaziđe - nog Gaudija ili da prošeta- te La Ramblom dok gricka - te sočne ć urose. Predlažemo zato neke možda malo ma - nje poznate stvari u kojima ć ete u Barseloni uživati ovog marta, ali kao i uvek savetu - jemo da se izgubite u gradu i otkrijete samo svoja, auten - tična iskustva...

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umetnike na veb-stranici fe - stivala kako ne biste propu- stili nešto što vam se dopa - da. „Dansa Metropolitana“ se takođe vrać a ove godine, sa čitavim nizom umetnič - kih predstava, od pozorišta i plesa do bioskopa. To je sa - vršena prilika da istražite ak - tivnosti u centru grada, ali i posetite neke od okolnih gra- dova. Postoji preko 190 ak - tivnosti kojima možete prisu - stvovati, kao što su radionice, plesne predstave, konferen - cije, a na raspolaganju vam stoji ceo mesec da u Barselo - ni istražujete i vidite šta vas najviše inspiriše. KALSOTADA Ako živite u Barseloni, vero - vatno ste primetili dolazak kalsote, to jest mladog luka, na lokalne markete i prodav - nice prehrambenih proizvoda. Kalsotadas su zapravo tradi- cionalni katalonski roštilji ko- ji se održavaju od januara do aprila, a fokus je, naravno, ovo sveže povrće. Pečen na žaru na otvorenom plamenu, slatki luk se oljušti i umoči u bogat romesko sos, što či - ni jedno ukusno (i isflekano) iskustvo. Iako možete pro - nać i kalsotade u centru Barselone, najbolji način da uživate u njima je na selu, gde je ova tradici- ja najživlja.

an incredibly diverse music fe- stival, so be sure to check out all the different artists on the festival’s website to see whi- ch one you simply mustn’t mi- ss! Dansa Metropolitana is al- so returning this year, with a whole range of artistic perfor- mances encompassing thea- tre, dance and cinema. It is the perfect opportunity to not on- ly explore activities in the city centre, but also to visit some of the surrounding cities. It is guaranteed to be an enriching and inspiring experience. The- re are over 190 activities that you can attend, such as works- hops, dance performances, ci- nema screenings and confe- rences. You have all of March in Barcelona to explore the fe- stival and see what inspires you the most! CALÇOTADA If you live in Barcelona, you’ve probably noticed the arrival of calçots on local markets and in grocery stores. Calçotadas are traditional Catalan barbecues that take place from January to April, with the focal point na- turally being fresh calçots. Gri- lled over an open flame, these sweet spring onions are peeled and dipped in rich romesco sa- uce, making for a delicious (and messy) experience. While you can find calçotades in Bar - celona city centre, the best way to enjoy one is in the countrysi- de, where the tradition truly co- mes to life.

Sant Medir is no exception. Lo- cal eateries and street vendors offer a variety of traditional Ca- talan dishes and sweets, whi- le the community feasts provi- de a great way to sample the local cuisine and enjoy the fe- stive spirit with friends and ne- ighbours. MARATHON The city’s annual marathon, al- so known as the Zurich Barce- lona Marathon, has been held each year since 1978. An incre- dibly popular event that attra- cts thousands of participants, it starts at 8.30am on the ave- nue Avinguda de la Reina Maria Cristina. If you’re a fan of urban running, this is an incredi- ble marathon due to the fact that participants

run past all of Bar- celona’s highlights. Whether you’re in- terested in running or not, the marat- hon provides a fun reason to head in-

to the city, where food stands, live music and a diverse range of activi-

ties can be found.

SPRING FESTIVAL The Barcelona Obertura Spring Festival is a music festival that marks the start of spring in the city. Starting on 5 th March and running until 24 th March, it inc- ludes over 500 musicians and sees over 40 concerts take pla- ce all around the city. This is

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

MADRID / MADRID 195 min. od Beograda: From Belgrade:


me scan



Prestonica kulture i uživanja


If you arrived in Madrid this March, you’ll undoubtedly set aside time to tour its world-fa- mous museums. And for star- ters is the Museo del Prado, which is probably the most fa- mous museum – not only in the Spanish capital, but worl- dwide. It has existed for more than two centuries, having first opened its doors in 1819, and there you can today see mo- re than a thousand sculptures, but also more than 7,600 pa- intings. Apart from works by Spanish artists, there are al- so works by Flemish and Ita- lian greats. In addition to the Prado Mu- seum, Madrid is also home to two other important muse- ums, which are often mentio- ned as forming the city’s “Gol- den Triangle of Art”. These are the Thyssen-Bornemisza Na- tional Museum and the Rei- na Sofia Museum. The Thys - sen-Bornemisza Museum has almost a thousand pieces cre- ated by artists who worked between the 1920s and the ‘80s. Located in the Palace of Villahermosa, it is named after the family responsible for the creation of its art collection. And that rich collection inclu- des works by many important European artists, such as Ru- bens, Dürer, Rembrandt, Van Gogh and Caravaggio. The Re- ina Sofia Museum, the city’s third most important museum, boasts almost two thousand exhibits. Although other works by contemporary and modern artists are also represented, Pi- casso’s Guernica is considered this museum’s most impor- tant exhibit. However, if you find yourself in Madrid and tired of classic art this month, and if you’re trave- lling with children, there‘s plen- ty more to see in this city...

Until 20 th July, the María Cristi- na Masaveu Peterson Founda- tion is presenting an exhibition that brings together the most outstanding works of 20 th cen- tury art included in the founda- tion’s collections. It will conta- in one hundred paintings and sculptures that are highly re- presentative of different move- ments and artists. Curated by the professor of Art History at the Complutense University of Madrid, this exhibition is divi- ded into several sections that lead visitors on a tour of Spa- nish art through the last centu- ry. This is a complete itinerary that includes works by diffe- rent movements and artists, such as Pablo Picasso, María Blanchard, Joan Miró, Salvador Dalí, Antonio López, Manuel Millares, Soledad Sevilla, Cristi- na Iglesias, Miquel Barceló and many others. CHANGING THE GUARD Head to the Royal Palace to witness a true spectacle: the biweekly Changing of the Gu- ard (held on Wednesdays and Saturdays) and the extra-spe- cial monthly event: the Solemn Changing of the Guard (on the first Wednesday of the month – 5 th March). From 11am until 2pm, in front of Puerta del Prín- cipe gate, four members of the

Prve srede svakog meseca Muzička jedinica počinje svečanu smenu straže / On the first Wednesday of every month, the Music Unit begins a ceremonial changing of the guard

Ako ste ovog marta stigli u Madrid, nema nikakve sum - nje da ćete obići njegove ši - rom sveta čuvene muzeje. Za početak – „Prado“, verovatno najpoznatiji ne samo u glav - nom gradu Španije već i u svetu. Postoji više od dva ve - ka, budući da je otvoren još 1819. godine, a u njemu se danas može videti više od hi - ljadu skulptura i više od čak 7.600 slika. Uz dela španskih autora, tu su i ostvarenja fla - manskih i italijanskih umet - nika. Osim „Prada“, u Madridu se nalaze još dva značajna mu - zeja, koja se često pomi - nju kao deo „Zlatnog trougla umetnosti“. Nacionalni muzej „Tisen-Bornemisa“ broji goto - vo hiljadu dela umetnika koji su stvarali u periodu između dvadesetih i osamdesetih go - dina prošloga veka. Nalazi se u palati „Viljahermosa“ i naziv duguje porodici koja je i za- služna za formiranje umetnič - ke kolekcije. U bogatoj mu - zejskoj zbirci mogu se videti dela mnogih značajnih evrop - skih umetnika poput Ruben - sa, Direra, Rembranta, Van Goga i Karavađa. Muzej kralji - ce Sofije treći je značajni mu - zej u Madridu sa gotovo dve hiljade eksponata. Iako su zastupljena i druga dela sa- vremenih i modernih umetni - ka, „Gernika“ Pabla Pikasa se smatra najznačajnijim ekspo - natom ovog muzeja. Međutim, Madrid je veliki i uz - budljiv grad, pa muzeji nisu jedino u čemu ćete uživati. Ovo su tek neki od predloga...

Royal Guard are relieved of the- ir positions: two foot soldiers and two mounted soldiers dre- ssed in their gala uniforms. The soldiers march to the be- at of a fife (a very high-pitched piccolo used in military bands) and a drum playing military marches. The mounted sol- diers ride past the front of the palace every 10 minutes. On the first Wednesday of ea - ch month, the Music Unit kicks off the Solemn Changing of the Guard. The fifes and drums ac - company the marches, as the guards stand to attention, wi- th incoming and outgoing so- ldiers waiting with their wea- pons shouldered. The lancers and cuirassiers parade wi- th rifle companies, and sol - diers – both men and women – in charge of the artillery and ammunition carriages for al- most an hour. In total, 400 pe-


padnika Kraljevske garde se smenjuju sa položaja: dva pe - šaka i dva vojnika na konjima obučeni u svečane uniforme. Vojnici marširaju uz ritam fi - fe (pikolo flauta koja se koristi u vojnim orkestrima) i bubnja koji svira vojne marševe. Prve srede svakog meseca Muzička jedinica počinje sve - čanu smenu straže. Pesma i bubnjevi prate marš, dok stra - žari stoje na oprezu, vojnici koji dolaze i odlaze čekaju sa oružjem na ramenima. Skoro sat vremena paradiraju koplja - nici i vojnici – muškarci i žene – zaduženi za artiljeriju i vago - ne municije. Ukupno 400 lju - di i 100 konja priređuje smenu straže kao što je to bilo u vre - me kralja Alfonsa XII i kralja Alfonsa XIII. KARNEVAL Svake godine, od vikenda pre pokladnog utorka, Madrid sla- vi karneval sa punim progra - mom besplatnih, tematskih aktivnosti za sve uzraste. Ove godine proslave ć e se održa - ti od 1. do 5. marta. Saznaće - te da se bliže kraju kada dođe vreme za „sahranu sardine“, tradiciju koju je Goja zabele-

Do 20. jula „Fundasion Mari - ja Kristina Masaveu Peterson“ predstavlja izložbu koja sadrži najistaknutija dela umetnosti 20. veka iz Masaveu kolekci - ja – 100 slika i skulptura koje su reprezentativne za različite pokrete i umetnike. Kustoski - nja je profesorka istorije umet - nosti na Univerzitetu u Madri - du, a izložba je podeljena u nekoliko sekcija koje poseti- oce vode u obilazak španske umetnosti prošlog veka. Vide - ćete dela različitih pokreta i umetnika kao što su Pablo Pi - kaso, Marija Blanšar, Žoan Mi - ro, Salvador Dali, Antonio Lo - pez, Manuel Miljares, Soledad Sevilja, Kristina Iglesijas, Mi - kel Barselo i mnogi drugi. SMENA STRAŽE Krenite u Kraljevsku palatu kako biste svedočili pravom spektaklu: dvonedeljnoj pro- meni straže (održava se sre - dom i subotom) i posebnom mesečnom događaju, Sveča - noj smeni straže (prve srede u mesecu – 5. marta). Od 11 do 14 časova ispred kapije Puer - ta del Prinsipe četvorica pri -

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žio na jednoj od svojih slika. Kostimi se sklanjaju, fanfare utihnu i sardina je sahranjena sa počastima kako bi se ozna - čio čas da se završi slavlje i počnu pripreme za veliki post. Impresivna lomača zatvara ceremoniju, tera sva zla i sve negativne misli, a pepeo pred - stavlja sreć u, mir i harmoniju! FESTIVAL DIZAJNA Madrid ć e do 15. marta biti domać in osmog izdanja me - đunarodnog „Madrid Design Festivala“, koji ć e grad pretvo - riti u prestonicu dizajna i po- zicionirati ga na privilegova- no mesto na međunarodnoj sceni. Pod zajedničkim sloga - nom prethodnih izdanja „Redi - zajniranje sveta“, festival ima za cilj da predstavi dizajn kao sredstvo koje promoviše dija - log i pruža novi pogled na pro - bleme i okolnosti koje obe - ležavaju svakodnevni život, nudeć i kreativna rešenja. SPORTSKI HRAM Od 1947. godine stadion Real Madrida svedoči kako se sno - vi i težnje svih njegovih navi - jača ostvaruju. Godine 1943. Santjago Bernabeu je imeno - van za predsednika kluba i ubrzo je krenuo u pokretanje jednog od svojih velikih proje- kata: izgradnje stadiona koji ć e zadovoljiti zahteve sve po - pularnijeg sporta i kluba ko- ji je bio u stalnom razvoju. Uz podršku članova i navija - ča koji su kupili sezonske kar - te, Real je počeo da gradi no - vi stadion koji je otvorio svoja vrata 14. decembra 1947. Od tada je Santjago Bernabeu postao kultno mesto u svet - skom sportu, koje obavezno treba posetiti. Stadion se nalazi na odličnoj lokaciji, u samom srcu špan - ske prestonice, a kako kažu nedavna istraživanja, najfoto - grafisanije je obeležje Madri - da i najpopularnija atrakcija u španskoj prestonici.

Stadion gleda na glavnu madridsku saobraćajnicu Pazeo de la Kastelana The stadium overlooks Madrid’s main thoroughfare, the Paseo de la Castellana

common slogan of previous editions ‘Redesigning the Wor- ld’, the festival aims to advoca- te design as a tool capable of promoting dialogue and provi- ding a new perspective on the problems and circumstances that mark our daily lives, as well as offering solutions. A SPORTING TEMPLE The stadium of Real Madrid has witnessed the dreams and aspirations of all of the club’s fans come true since 1947. It was back in 1943 that Santia- go Bernabéu was named pre- sident of Real Madrid and so- on set about launching one of his major projects: the con- struction of a stadium that co- uld satisfy the demands of an increasingly popular sport and a club that was growing con- tinuously. With the support of members and fans who bo- ught season tickets, Real be- gan to build the new stadium, which opened its doors on 14 th December 1947. The Santiago Bernabéu Stadium has since been transformed to become an iconic venue within world sport. The stadium occupies a prime location, right at the he- art of the Spanish capital, and a recent study showed that it is actually Madrid’s most pho- tographed landmark and the Spanish capital’s most popular attraction.

ople and 100 horses stage the changing of the guard just as it was performed during the ti- mes of King Alfonso XII and King Alfonso XIII, wearing the same uniforms. CARNIVAL Each year, from the weekend prior to Shrove Tuesday, Ma- drid celebrates its carnival wi- th a full programme of free, themed activities for atten- dees of all ages. This ye- ar’s celebrations will take pla- ce from 1 st to 5 th March, and you’ll know that the end is co- ming when it’s time for the Bu- rial of the Sardine, a tradition captured by Goya in one of his paintings. Then the costumes are put away, the fanfares fall silent and the sardine is buried with honours to indicate that the hour has come to wrap up the festivities and get ready for Lent. An impressive bonfire closes the ceremony, as tho- ugh driving away all evils and any negative thoughts, with the ashes representing happi- ness, peace and harmony. DESIGN FESTIVAL Madrid will host the eighth edi- tion of the international Madrid Design Festival until 15 th Mar- ch, turning the city into the ca- pital of design and positioning it in a privileged place on the international scene. Under the

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Intervju Interview

Pisac je rođen 1950. godine u Staparu (Sombor). Diplomirao je Opštu književnost na Filološkom fakultetu u Beogradu. Piše romane, pripovetke, televizijske drame, knjige ogleda...

This writer was born in the Sombor village of Stapar in 1950 and graduated in General Literature studies at Belgrade University’s Faculty of Philology. He writes novels, short stories, television dramas, essay collections...

Marinko Arsić Ivkov, pisac Pravi humor je veoma tužan Ovogodišnji dobitnik Ninove nagrade posvetio je ovo priznanje svima koji veruju da knjige govore istinu i u njima nalaze utehu za svoje traume i bolove – svakom pojedinačnom čitaocu

kažu članovi žirija koji su dodeli- li Ninovu nagradu. Susret romana sa samim sobom kod Marinka Ar- sića Ivkova je burleskni, karneval- ski. Junak kroz ratni besmisao traga za svojim srpskim golubom visoko- letačem, predstavljajući nam tra- gični svet devedesetih u šaljivom i ciničnom kaleidoskopu. Na početku razgovora čestita- mo piscu i pitamo ga kako se ose- ća u elitnom društvu dobitnika Ni- nove nagrade. – Na čestitkama hvala. Što se samog priznanja tiče, ja ga prven- stveno doživljavam kao nameta- nje obaveze da budem još kritič- niji prema sebi kao piscu. Mislim da sam i inače samokritičan prema rukopisima, da ih nisam olako da- vao u štampu. Zato i nisam obja- vio mnogo knjiga, bilo da su u pi- tanju romani, pripovetke ili eseji. Dugo sam ih brusio, popravljao, a mnoge nisam ni objavio. Ne treba pisac da objavi sve što napiše. Ni- nova nagrada me obavezuje da sa- mo pooštrim ovo gledište. Mislim da bi to i trebalo da bude svrha ova- kvih nagrada. Što značajnija nagra- da, još više samokritičnosti, još više „spaljivanja“ sopstvenih rukopisa. Jeste li je priželjkivali i da li pisac ikad, kad za- vrši delo, pomisli – bra- vo, napisao sam knjigu za „Oskara“? – Na nagradu nisam ni pomi- šljao. Možda sam ponekad samo po- mislio šta li će reći čitaoci. Pisac ne sme da piše za nagrade niti da misli na njih. Da li je Dostojevski pisao za nagrade? I da li je uopšte važno da li je dobio ijednu? „NGDL“ – zašto akronim u naslovu i ko ne da golubu da leti? Hoćemo li dobiti odgovor na to pitanje? – Akronim je preuzet iz vojnog dosijea, koji je otvoren čim je junak krenuo u potragu za svojim golu- bom. I taj dosije upravo svojim po- malo zagonetnim naslovom najav- ljuje i komične i tragične avanture u koje će junak upadati. A do odgovora će doći svaki či-

– Teško je reći koji je pisac i ko- liko uticao na drugog pisca. Ne mo- gu u Servantesu da nađem upori- šte toga što sam postao pisac, niti mi je njegov roman bio inspiraci- ja, ali je činjenica da je Don Kihot jedan od najvećih romana svetske književnosti. Kad smo kod pisaca, ako bi neki mlad čovek sada otkrivao književnost, ko- je biste mu pisce obave- zno preporučili za osnov- nu lektiru? – Današnji pisac mora da po- znaje svetsku književnost, mora da zna u koje i kakvo društvo odlazi njegovo delo. Čitanje velikih dela spustiće ga na zemlju, podstaći će samokritiku. Podrezaće mu krila, ali ako ima dara i snažan poriv za pisanjem, moći će da poleti. Dok je mlad, pisac treba da pročita mnogo dela, i onih dobrih, i onih manje do- brih. To je najbolja škola. Preporu- čujem samo nekoliko najvećih, koji ne smeju da budu zaobiđeni: Ho- mera, Dantea, Servantesa, Sterna, Crnjanskog... I na kraju „NGDL“ je ro- man potrage, roman pu- ta i putovanja, a Er Srbija aktivno učestvuje u puto- vanjima. Da li, osim u se- be, rado putujete i na neke druge destinacije? – Dok sam bio mlađi, voleo sam putovanja. Kad su iz upotrebe izba- čeni oni klasični vozovi koje su vu- kle parne lokomotive, putovanja su izgubila deo draži. Od aviona naj- više sam voleo DC-9, koji je bio i u sastavu JAT-ove flote. On je dav- no prestao da leti. A polako presta- jem i ja. Sad sve više doživljavam avanture putujući i svojom dušom, i između četiri zida... To je sudbina svakog čoveka. Putovanja su uko- renjena u čovekovo biće.

talac. Naravno, odgovor nije jedan, ima ih više, možda onoliko koliko ima i čitalaca. Žiri je, obrazlažući svoj iz- bor, između ostalog, ista- kao da je vaše delo za srp- na. S obzirom na to da pti- ce ne lete i da je okruženje ratno, da li će se čitalac zaista smejati? – Mislim da se humoristični ro- sku književnost redak primer komičnog roma- mani i ne pišu da bi se čitaoci sme- jali. Oni često izazivaju više tuge nego tragični romani, tragedije. Se- timo se „Gargantue i Pantagruela“, „Don Kihota“, „Tristrama Šendija“, „Mrtvih duša“... Humor je u njima samo način da se ostvari poruka. Komično je u dobrom romanu sa- mo kolateralna šteta, da upotrebim ovaj danas moderan ratni termin. Dobro je ako se čitalac mog roma- na nasmeje, onda sam postigao ono što sam želeo. Milenko Lazin Penger u neku ruku baš asocira na vas zbog ta dva prezime- na. Znamo da niste golu- bar, ali jeste li nekad i van romana tražili goluba, šta god da taj golub pred- stavlja? – Nisam tražio goluba, ali sam tražio druge stvari. Ceo život je tra- ženje. Svako nešto ili nekoga tra- ži. Baš je lepo što ste došli na ide- ju da moj junak podseća na mene. I ja sam se u životu često borio pro- tiv raznih zabrana. Milenko je, kako kažete, pikar lutalica, dakle anti- pod umišljenim viteškim karakterima, ali i dobrica, zadovoljan malim. Zbog čega ste i odlučili da bude golubar? – Čovek je zadovoljan malim, jer je i sam mali. Samo genijalni lju- di, a njih je kroz čitavu istoriju ma- li broj, nastoje da postignu nešto veliko. Nekima to pođe za rukom, nekima ne. I Don Kihot je sebi po- stavio velike ciljeve, a Servantes je genijalno pokazao kako izgleda čo-

Knjiga je „NGDl“, au- tor Marinko Arsić Ivkov, izdavač „Niški kulturni centar“. Nagrada je Ninova, a roman naj- bolji u 2024. godini. Dobitnik je skroman, donekle iznenađen, sar- kastičan i duhovit, kao i delo koje od samog naslova „NGDL“ nago- veštava neobičnu sliku onoga što nas između korica očekuje. „Ne daj golubu da leti“ postavlja mnoga pitanja do čijih odgovora će svaki čitalac doći sam, ali u fokus stav- lja probleme koji bi morali da nas zabrinu, ili bar zamisle. Svako vredno književno ostva- renje je doprinos čovekovoj borbi da svet učini boljim. To je borba koja traje odvajkada i nikada ne prestaje – od Homerovih heroja do komičnih junaka Marinka Ar- sića Ivkova, koji se poziva na Odi- seja i time se ruga i samome sebi,

vek koji teži velikom cilju. Servan- tes je svojim romanom ostvario ve- liki cilj i zato spada u malobrojne genijalne pisce. Milenko Lazin ni- je takav, nije Don Kihot, on neće da bude vitez, on stalno ističe da je golubar. Ja sam davno objavio roman „Bački Don Kihot“, i njegov junak je antipod golubaru Milenku. Vi se podsmevate svom ju- naku, ali i divite, jer on na kraju ipak ne može da pri- stane na to da golub ne le- ti. Hoćemo li ga zavoleti, navijati za njega? – Kad se pisac podsmeva svom junaku, podsmeva se i samom sebi. Zar Flober nije rekao: „Gospođa Bo- vari – to sam ja“? Junak uvek nosi bar deo piščeve energije, bio on po- zitivan ili negativan. Piščeva ener-

gija je so svakog književnog dela. Književnog junaka krasi još nešto: sukob sa svetom koji ga okružuje. Junak mog romana ne može da pri- stane na ono u šta veruje ceo svet, a to je da golubovi više ne treba da lete. Ta ideja mora da se dopadne svakom čitaocu – u tom Milenko- vom verovanju i čitalac prepozna- je svoje verovanje. Humor i smeh su jako oz- biljne stvari. I jako du- boke, i jako tužne. Pitaj- te Servantesa, kažete vi u jednom trenutku, a to se nadovezuje na prethodna pitanja i na španski pika- ro. Da li vas je Servantes inspirisao u ovom romanu i da li ste zbog njega mož- da i postali pisac?

Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Đorđe Kojadinović

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Interview » Intervju | 21

Intervju / Interview

Just recall Gargantua and Pantagru- el, Don Quixote, Tristram Shandy, Dead Souls etc. Humour, within them, is just a way to convey a mes- sage. The comedic in a good nov- el is just “collateral damage”, to use this now-modern wartime term. It is good if the reader of my novel laughs, as I will then have achieved what I wanted.” Milenko Lazin Penger – somehow those two sur- names also have an asso- ciation with you. We know you’re not a pigeon fancier, but have you ever searched for a pigeon beyond a novel, whatever that pigeon rep- resents? “I haven’t searched for a pigeon, but I’ve sought out other things. The whole of life is searching. Everyone is seeking something or someone. It’s really nice that you came upon the idea of my hero being reminis- cent of me. I’ve also often fought various bans in my life.” Milenko, as you say, is a picaresque rogue, thus the antithesis of conceit- ed “knightly” characters, but also a good man. Some- one satisfied with the lit- tle things. Why did you also decide to make him a pi- geon fancier? “Man is satisfied with the little things, because he is himself little. Only geniuses, and they are few in number throughout history, strive to achieve something great. Some manage to do so, while some don't. Don Quixote also set great objec- tives for himself, and Cervantes dis- played genius in depicting how a man who strives for a great goal looks. Cervantes achieved a great goal with

his novel, and that’s why he ranks among the few genius writers. Milen- ko Lazin isn’t like that. He isn’t Don Quixote. He won’t be a knight and constantly emphasises that he’s a pi- geon keeper. I published the novel The Bački Don Quixote long ago, and its hero is the antithesis of Milenko the pigeon fancier.” You mock your hero, but you also admire him, be- cause he ultimately cannot agree to the pigeon not fly- ing. Will we come to love him, cheer for him? “When a writer mocks his hero, he also mocks himself. Did Flaubert not say: I am Madame Bovary? The hero always carries at least part of the writer's energy, whether “posi- tive” or “negative”. The writer’s en- ergy is the salt of every work of lit- erature. The literary hero is adorned with something else: conflict with the world around him. The hero of my novel can’t agree to what the whole world believes, which is that pigeons should no longer fly. Every reader must like that, and must rec- ognise their own belief in that be- lief of Milenko’s.” Humour and laughter are very serious matters. And they are also very pro- found and very sad. Ask Cervantes, you say at one point, and this connects to the previous questions and the Spanish “picaro” rogue. Did Cervantes inspire you to write, and is he the rea- son you became a writer? “It’s tough to say which writer influenced another writer and how much. I can’t blame Cervantes, as you say, for me becoming a writer, nor can I say that his novel was my

Marinko Arsić Ivkov, writer Real humour is very sad The winner of this year’s NIN Award dedicated the accolade to all those who believe books speak truth and who find relief from their traumas and pains in them – to every individual reader

inspiration, but it is a fact that Don Quixote is one of the greatest nov- els of world literature.” While we’re on the topic of writers, if some youngsters were to discover literature now, which writers would you recommend to them for some obligatory foun- dational reading? “Today's writer must be ac- quainted with world literature; he must know what society, and which kind, his work is released into. Read- ing great works will bring him back down to earth, encouraging self-crit- icism. It will clip his wings, but he’ll still be able to take flight if he has a gift and a strong impulse to write. While he’s young, a writer should read many works, both good and not-so-good ones. That’s the best school. I recommend only a few of the greatest, which mustn’t be over- looked: Homer, Dante, Cervantes, Sterne, Crnjanski... And to conclude, NGDL is a quest novel, a novel of the road and travelling, and Air Serbia is an active partici- pant in travel. Apart from travelling within yourself, do you also like to travel to some other destinations? “When I was younger, I loved travelling. When those classic trains pulled by steam locomotives were decommissioned, travel lost some of its appeal. Among planes, I most liked the DC-9, which was also in the composition of JAT’s fleet. It ceased flying long ago. And I’m slowly ceas- ing too. I increasingly experience ad- ventures by travelling with my soul, and between four walls... That’s the destiny of every human. Travel is in- grained in man’s very being.”

The book is NGDL. The author is Marinko Arsić Ivkov . The publisher is the Cul- tural Centre of Niš. The prize is the NIN Award for the Best Novel of 2024. The winner is modest, some- what flabbergasted, sarcastic and witty, as is the novel itself, which from the very title hints at an un- usual picture of what awaits us be- tween the covers. NGDL [DLPF] “Don’t let the pigeon fly” poses many questions that each reader will find answers to by themselves, but it brings into focus problems that should worry us, or at least make us think. Every valuable literary crea- tion represents a contribution to the struggle of man to make the world better. This is a struggle that has raged since time immemorial and is never ending – from Hom- er's heroes to the comical hero of Marinko Arsić Ivkov, who harks back to Odysseus and thereby mocks himself ~ say the members of the NIN Award jury. The nov- el’s reflection of itself in the case of Marinko Arsić Ivkov's is bur- lesque, carnivalesque. Through the absurdity of war, the hero searches for his Serbian Highflyer pigeon, presenting to us the tragic world of the ‘90s in a kaleidoscope of hu- mour and cynicism. We began this interview by con- gratulating the author and asking him how it feels to be in the elite company of NIN Award laureates? “I thank you for the congratu- lations. When it comes to the ac- colade itself, I perceive it primarily as the imposing of an obligation to

NGDL [DLPF]. Why an ac- ronym for a title and who doesn’t let the pigeon fly? Will we receive an answer to that question? “The acronym is taken from a military file, which was opened as soon as the hero set out in search of his pigeon. And it is actually that file, with its somewhat puzzling ti- tle, that announces the comical and tragic adventures that the hero will stumble into. “And every reader will find an answer. Of course, there isn’t one answer, there are many, maybe as many as there are readers.” Explaining their selection, the jury emphasised that your work is, among oth- er things, a rare example of a comic novel in Serbi- an literature. Considering that the birds don't fly and the setting is war, will the reader really laugh? “I don’t think humorous nov- els are written to make readers laugh. They often elicit more sad- ness than “tragic novels”, tragedies.

be even more critical of myself as a writer. I also think I’m generally self-critical of my manuscripts; that I haven’t submitted them for pub- lishing lightly. That’s also why I ha- ven’t released many books, whether that relates to novels, short stories or essays. I spent a long time “polish- ing” them, fixing them, and many of them I didn’t even publish. A writer doesn’t need to publish everything he writes. The NIN Award merely obliges me to reinforce this perspec- tive. I think that should also be the purpose of these kinds of awards. The more significant the reward, the more self-criticism, the more “burn- ing” of personal manuscripts.” Did you desire it; does a writer ever complete a work and then think - well done to me, I’ve written a book for an “Oscar”? “I didn’t even consider an award. Maybe I sometimes thought about what the readers would say. A writer mustn’t write for prizes or think about them. Did Dostoevsky write for prizes? And does it even matter whether he received one?”

Sve više doživljavam avanture putujući i svojom dušom, i između četiri zida... To je sudbina svakog čoveka I increasingly experience adventures by travelling with my soul, and between four walls... That’s the destiny of every human

22 | Intervju » Interview

Interview » Intervju | 23

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