Jedan od kulinarskih i kul- turnih centara zapadnog sveta, destinacija koja obe- ć ava nezaboravno iskustvo, od svoje živahne kulture do pejzaža koji oduzimaju dah. Planirate putovanje u Špa- niju u martu? Odlična odlu - ka jer je ovaj mesec pravo vreme za odlazak, zbog pri - jatnog vremena, manje gu - žve i pristupačnijih cena. Ako još znate da Er Srbija direktnim letovima brzo i la - ko može da vas preveze do Barselone i Madrida, nama ostaje samo da vas podse - timo šta možete da doživite u ovom periodu.
One of the Western world’s ma- in culinary and cultural centres, it is a destination that promi- ses an unforgettable experien- ce, from its vibrant culture to its breathtaking scenery. Are you planning a trip to Spain this Mar- ch? If so, that’s an excellent deci- sion, because this month is the right time to visit – given the ple- asant weather, reduced crowds and more affordable prices. If you are also aware that Air Ser- bia can transport you quickly and easily to Barcelona and Ma- drid on its direct flights, all that’s left for us to do is to remind you of what you can experience the- re during this period.
barselona barcelona
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