Elevate March 2025 | Air Serbia

Destinacija / Destination

Hemisfera To je zapravo digitalni 3D bio- skop, sa ogromnim konkavnim ekra- nom od 900 metara, koji gotovo oba- vija gledaoce. Dnevno se prikazuje nekoliko filmova, uglavnom eduka- tivnih dokumentaraca ne dužih od 45 minuta koji su pogodni za svu publiku. Uz kartu ć ete dobiti inova- tivne 3D naočare koje vam omogu- ćavaju da promenite jezik prikazi- vanja. Preporučujemo da proverite listu filmova i rezervišete projekciju pre nego što krenete u posetu dru- gim zgradama. Muzej nauke Ovde važi zanimljivo pravilo koje glasi „zabranjeno je ne dira- ti“, pa možete samo zamisliti ka- kvo je to mesto. Muzej nauke nudi različite interaktivne izložbe o na- uci i tehnologiji. Možete ga poseti- ti u prizemlju, gde se obično nalazi privremena izložba, neke prodav- nice i restoran. Za preostale izlož- be bić e vam potrebna karta. Muzej nudi i naučne radionice za sve po- setioce, za koje ćete morati da ku- pite posebnu kartu. Palata umetnosti Ako ste ljubitelj muzike, „Palau de les Arts“ je pravo mesto za vas. Program obuhvata opere, koncerte, sarsuelu i balet. Kada se ne koristi za nastupe, zgradu možete da obi- đete, ali je najbolje unapred rezer- visati termin na veb-stranici. PARK PRIRODE ALBUFERA (gde je izmišljena paelja) Samo 10 km od grada. Priroda u svom najčistijem obliku, magični zalasci sunca, vožnje čamcem i pri- lika da se sasvim isključite. Urbana oaza okružena pirinčanim poljima i šumama: to je ono što park prirode Albufera znači žiteljima Valensije. Definitivno ćete želeti da ga pose- tite ne biste li otkrili poreklo valen- sijske kuhinje. Jer ima li boljeg ra- zloga da dođete od činjenice da je paelja izmišljena baš ovde? Uživaj- te u ovom autentičnom jelu onako kako to rade lokalci, u tipičnoj se- oskoj kući okruženoj stablima na- randže i pirinčanim poljima.

Zaputite se potom u grad El Palmarand da probate njihove tra- dicionalne specijalitete. Oduševiće vas „all-i-pebre“ (čorba od jegulje sa belim lukom i biberom) i mari- nirani cipal. Zatim obavezno pro- šetajte jednom od šest označenih ruta kroz rezervat prirode. Upo- znajte vodene ptice i vegetaciju, ili

se oprobajte u pecanju kao pravi lokalni ribari u najvećoj španskoj laguni. Vožnja čamcem je najbolji način da vidite život ptica izbliza i opustite se u ovom fantastičnom prirodnom okruženju. U sumrak crvenkasto zlatne nijanse zala- ska sunca stvaraju zaista magič- nu atmosferu.

Welcome to Valencia

In this corner of the you’ll breathe much more than the fresh sea air: design, gastronomy, culture and tradition will be the key elements of an unforgettable visit. You can quickly reach this magical Spanish city, which really doesn’t re- semble any other city in the world, with a direct Air Serbia flight from Belgrade. HISTORIC CENTRE Start in the city’s historic city centre and find yourself transpor- ted back 20 centuries. The Gothic style Cathedral of Valencia preser- ves the Holy Chalice, which some studies and documents suggest is the actual Holy Grail that was used by Jesus during the Last Supper. The city’s cathedral is undoubtedly an architectural monument that’s worth exploring, both externally and internally. Outside you’ll cat- ch a glimpse of the bell tower, whi- le inside you should look everyw- here, but, above all, look up to see the frescoes. They are considered as being among the most important examples of early Spanish Renai- Mediterranean, Enjoy the sunshine, eat paella and admire Calatrava In Valencia, when people talk about “la terreta”, they’re referring to a set of traditions and places, a climate and feelings that are difficult to describe. It is the feeling that Valencians have towards their home

CENTRAL MARKET If you love food, then you’ll enjoy the colourful and tasty fresh produce, and if you value variety and quality in the kitchen, then Va- lencia’s Central Market is a haven that you mustn’t miss. An essential spot, with produce from the Valen- cia orchards and all the flavours and aromas of the Mediterranean, it is located in an iconic modernist bui- lding in the city and covers an area of 8,000 square metres. Its structu- re – formed by iron columns – is re- miniscent of the Eiffel Tower, tho- ugh ceramic tiles and stained glass make it even more attractive. When you visit it, you’ll not only love what you see, but also the colours, aro- mas, smells of this place that’s full of Mediterranean life. If you don’t want to buy anything but would li- ke to sample the food, you can stop at the Central Bar for tapas. MUSEUM OF CERAMICS In honour of the Valencian ce- ramics industry, the González Mar- tí National Museum of Ceramics is located in what is considered to be the best example of Baroque arc-

ssance art. If you fancy seeing mo- re, visit the Church of San Nicolás de Bari, known as the Valencian Si- stine Chapel. There is also the Lonja, a buil- ding that’s emblematic of the city and one of the most famous civil gothic monuments in Europe. Lo- cated in the city centre, in front of the Central Market, it occupies a re- ctangular area of 1,990 square me- tres. The first stone was laid in 1492, although construction was only la- unched a year later. There are three clearly defined sections and a gar- den or “orange patio”.

Čuveni arhitekta Santijago

Kalatrava rođen je u ovom gradu Famous architect Santiago Calatrava was born in this city

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