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hitecture in Spain, the Palacio del Marqués de Dos Aguas. The muse- um houses the largest national colle- ction of ceramics, dating from the 18 th century to the contemporary period, and includes pieces by Pica- sso. A museum in which you can al- so find merchandise from the Silk Route and discover how they lived in one of the most iconic Valencian noble families of the age. CITY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Checking out the work of Va- lencian architect Santiago Calatra- va on this complex is a must, with several of the buildings having be- come icons of the city. It is a scien- tific and cultural leisure complex that can be enjoyed with family or friends and that covers an area of around two kilometres of the for- mer riverbed of the River Turia. You will need tickets to enter the Hemisfèric, the Science Museum and the Oceanogràfic, which you can buy separately or combined for the buildings that you would most like to visit. Oceanogràfic Europe's biggest aquarium! Wi- th seven different marine environ- ments, almost 45,000 specimens of 500 different species can be seen, including dolphins, belugas, walru- ses, sea lions, seals, penguins and sharks. Don't miss the daily show at the dolphinarium. Set aside at least half a day for this excursion. Hemisfèric The Hemisfèric is a digital 3D cinema that boasts a huge, 900-me- tre concave screen that almost en- velops spectators. Several films are screened daily, mainly educational documentaries that are no more than 45 minutes in length and are suitable for all audiences. You’ll re- ceive a pair of innovative 3D glas- ses with your ticket that enable you to change the screening language. We recommend that you check the film listings and reserve the scree- ning before starting your visit to other buildings.


enriching an already rich entertainment programme. But Lafayette isn’t just a venue for music and dance parties. It also offers a top gastronomic experience that wi- ll satisfy even the most discerning of ta- stes. The international cuisine on offer at Lafayette Cabaret includes an abundan- ce of flavours and aromas that inundate the senses. From carefully prepared coc- ktails to exotic specialities from all corners of the world, every morsel represents a genuine gastronomic experience. As Club Lafayette founder Aleksandar Kajmaković notes: “Lafayette represents the very pinnacle of nightlife – not only in Serbia, but worldwide. The key to success is constant development, the creation of new elements, improvements to the cu- isine and always keeping pace with mo- dern trends. This ensures that Lafayette is always at the top.” Allow your evening at Lafayette to be a fusion of art, music and gastronomic in- dulgence. Enjoy the perfect symphony of sounds, tastes and elegance offered by this club, and indulge in the charms of an unforgettable evening at one of the world’s most prestigious nightlife spots. Lafayette is more than just an ordinary nightclub – it’s an experience that’s re- membered and shared with friends.

Located at the heart of Belgrade, Ca- baret Club Lafayette isn’t just an ordi- nary evening venue, rather it represents the perfect fusion of music, dance and top gastronomy, creating a unique expe- rience that can’t be found anywhere el- se. Luxury drinks, the most refined flavo- urs, the best staff and, finally, spectacular cabaret elements compose the wor- ld of Lafayette. With its refined art deco setting, Lafayette symbolises elegance and style, providing guests with an aut- hentic experience inspired by the glamo- ur of bygone times. Visitors from all over the world come to enjoy a great cabaret show each wee- kend. Lafayette has a unique atmosphe- re thanks to the engaging of the most ta- lented dancers and singers from Serbia’s most prestigious theatres. These perfor- mers deliver spectacularly breathtaking performances, with a repertoire domina- ted by world music hits packaged in spe- ctacular cabaret and theatre elements. Distinguishing Lafayette from clubs of a similar calibre is the unusual role played by its waiters and bartenders. They aren’t merely service personnel – they form part of the artistic experience. Their variations and interactions with guests add an extra dimension to the evening, elevating and

Science Museum With the philosophy “Not tou- ching is prohibited”, you can ima- gine what kind of place this is. The Science Museum offers different in- teractive exhibitions about science and technology. You can visit witho- ut entering the ground floor, where there is usually a temporary exhibi- tion, some shops and a restaurant. You’ll need a ticket for the remai- ning exhibitions. This museum al- so offers scientific workshops for all visitors, though you’ll have to buy a separate ticket for that. Palau de les Arts If you are a music-lover, then Valencia’s Palau de les Arts is the right destination for you. Its pro- gramme includes operas, concerts, zarzuela and ballet. When not being used for performances, you can visit the building by booking in advance via the website. ALBUFERA NATURAL PARK (where the paella was invented) Just 10 km from the city, you’ll find nature in its purest form, ma-

gical sunsets, boat rides and the chance to disconnect like nowhe- re else. An urban oasis surrounded by paddy fields and woods: that is what L’Albufera Natural Park means to anyone familiar with it. You’ll de- finitely want to pay it a visit if you’d like to discover the origins of Valen- cian cuisine. Because what better re- ason to come than the fact that pa- ella was invented right here? Enjoy the pleasure of this authentic dish as experienced by Valencians, in a typical country house surrounded by orange trees and rice fields. Head over to the town of El Palmar and try the traditional dis- hes. Sample some all-i-pebre (eel stew flavoured with garlic and pe- pper) and marinated mullet. Take a walk along one of the six signposted routes through the nature reserve. Discover all the waterfowl and ve- getation, live like an authentic lo- cal fisherman on Spain’s largest la- goon. A boat ride is the best way to see the bird life up close and relax in this fantastic natural environment. The reddish golden hues of the sun- set create a truly magical atmosp- here at dusk.

Address: 2-4 Karađorđeva Street, Beton Hala

Tel: +381 63 1111 211

Instagram: lafayette.belgrade

Web: www.lafayette.rs

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