Elevate March 2025 | Air Serbia

Er Srbija info

Air Serbia info

Atina Athens

Take advantage of Air Serbia’s daily flights to Athens and let your March adventure in Greece begin before you can say Acropolis

Iskoristite svakodnevne letove Er Srbije do Atine i neka vaša grčka martovska avantura počne dok kažete Akropolj

Zalazak sunca na Sunionu Posejdonov hram na rtu Sunion, najjužni- jem delu Atike sagrađen je tokom zlatnog do- ba Atine, sredinom 5. veka pre nove ere, neg- de u vreme kada je građen i Partenon. Svaki Atinjanin reći će vam da je to mesto koje oba- vezno morate da posetite. Prvo zbog mitolo- logije. Priča počinje na Kritu, sa Minotaurom. Nakon previše mladić a i devojaka iz Atine koji su žrtvovani čudovištu sa Knososa, Tezeju, si- nu kralja Egeja, konačno je bilo dosta. Ubio je Minotaura, izašao iz čuvenog lavirinta uz po- moć Arijadne, ali vraćajući se kući zaboravio da promeni crna jedra svog broda u bela – do- govoreni signal da je putovanje bilo uspešno. Kralj Egej, nestrpljivo iščekujuć i povratak svog sina stojeći na najužnijem delu Atike, na rtu Sunion, ugledao je crna jedra i u očaju se ba- cio u more dajuć i mu svoje ime. Ogromni stubovi okupani zlatnom svetloš- ć u koja zalazi... To je prizor koji treba videti, ali i prava mala ceremonija. Posetioci se okupljaju u tišini, ispraćajući potonulo sunce aplauzom. Čudesan momenat koji delite sa nepoznatim ljudima u istom osećanju divljenja i strahopo- štovanja pred lepotom koju samo priroda mo- že da pruži. sunset ON SUNION The temple of Poseidon was built during the Golden Age of Athens, in the middle of the 5 th century BC, very close to the time that the Par- thenon was built. Any Athenian will tell you that it is a must-see. First greek mythology. The story begins in Crete, with the Minotaur. Af- ter too many tributes of young men and wom- en from Athens being sacrificed to the mon- ster of Knossos, Thisseus, son of King Aegus, had finally had enough. He slayed the Minotaur, and made his way out of the famous labyrinth with the help of Ariadne, but had forgotten to change the black sails of his ship to white ones - the agreed upon signal that the voyage was a success and that he was still alive. King Aegus, anxiously awaiting his son’s return from this very spot, saw the black sails, and in his despair he jumped to the sea below, giving it his name. Formidable columns bathed in golden light... It's a sight to see and real little ceremony. Visitors gather at that moment in silence, sending off the sinking sun with applause. A wonderful mo- ment that you share with strangers in the same feeling of admiration and awe before the beau- ty that only nature can provide.

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