Elevate March 2025 | Air Serbia

Nasleđe / Heritage

Prvi međunarodni aerodrom slavi rođendan The first international airport celebrates its birthday Pre 98 godina pod Bežanijom je svečano otvoreno vazdušno pristanište „Beograd“, sa kojeg su poleteli prvi avioni „Aeroputa“ / It was 98 years ago that the “Belgrade” airfield officially opened near Bežanija, and it was from there that the first Aeroput flights departed

Maksimalna udobnost je prioritet maximum comfort is our priority

Nove mogućnosti NEW possibilities

Nacionalna avio-kompanija Republike Srbije pod imenom Er Srbija posluje od oktobra 2013. godine, kada je promenila ime i celokupan identitet, uvodeći nove kon- cepte poslovanja i usluge širom rastuće saobraćajne mre- že. Naslednica je prve avio-kompanije na ovim prostorima – „Aeroputa“, koji je osnovan u junu 1927. godine. Od tada do danas Er Srbija je bila među liderima civilnog vazduhoplov- stva, a od 1961. godine je članica Međunarodne asocijacije avio-prevoznika (IATA). Er Srbija leti do preko 90 redovnih i čarter-destinaci- ja u Evropi, na Mediteranu, Severnoj Americi i Africi, a sada i Aziji, i to u putničkom i teretnom saobraćaju. U saradnji sa partnerskim avio-kompanijama u prilici je da putnicima po- nudi letove do međunarodnih odredišta u Aziji, Australiji, Severnoj Americi i Africi. Pored matičnog Aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, Er Srbija u Srbiji leti i sa niškog aerodroma „Konstantin Ve- liki“, kao i sa međunarodnog aerodroma „Morava“ kod Kra- ljeva. Er Srbija igra ključnu ulogu u razvoju vazduhoplovstva u Srbiji, srpske industrije putovanja i turističke privrede Srbije.

The national airline of the Republic of Serbia has been operating under the Air Serbia name since October 2013, when the national carrier’s name and overall identity were chan- ged, with the introduction of new business concepts and services across its growing network of destinations. Air Serbia is the direct successor of the region’s first airline: Aeroput, which was founded in June 1927, and since then the Ser- bian national airline has been among the leaders of civil aviation, becoming a member of the International Air Transport Associati- on (IATA) in 1961. Air Serbia flies to more than 90 scheduled and charter destinations in Europe, the Mediterranean region, North America and Africa, but now also Asia, providing both passenger and cargo transport services. In cooperation with its partner airli- nes, Air Serbia is able to offer flights to international destinations in Asia, Australia, North America and Africa. Alongside Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, as its hub, Air Ser- bia also flies from Serbian airports Niš Constantine the Great and Morava Airport near Kraljevo. Air Serbia plays a key role in the development of aviation in Serbia, but also Serbia’s travel and tourism industry.

Just a few months before the establishment of Ae- roput (17 th June) , on 25 th March 1927, the civilian-military air- port in Belgrade’s Bežanija opened, and would go on to service all air traffic for the next 35 years – all the way until 1962, when the new airport in Surčin, which we fly from today, was established. Preparing the ground on the spacious plateau below Beža- nijska kosa, between Zemun and the village of Bežanija, started in 1923, and was opened there on 25 th March 1927. That day’s opening turned into a real celebration. People and officials gat- hered, and all those who had wagons and carriages. Military fighters performed stunts before landing and lining up on the new runway. Belgraders decorated the pilots with flowers, and festivities lasted until late into the night. It was only with the opening of the capital's airport that the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes fulfilled to full capacity the obligation taken on in 1919 with the signing of the Convention on in- ternational air traffic, while Belgrade was able to fully take advanta- ge of its favourable position at the world’s aviation crossroads. As of February 1928, aircraft of the first domestic airline, Aeroput, began departing from the new airport. It had four grass runways. A mo- dern terminal building was built there in 1931, then in 1936 equip- ment was installed to enable landing in conditions of poor visibility. Despite all important facts, one sets itself apart when it comes to this Belgrade airport. That is the fact that the job of designing the hangars and other concrete structures in early 1926 was assigned to engineer Milutin Milanković, one of Serbia and the world’s most fa- mous scientists. He was the first Serb to earn a degree in civil engi- neering, and also our first doctor of construction science. At the time reinforced concrete was a new construction material and Milanković was among the first experts to introduce mathematical modelling. Only one of his hangars remains standing, on the spot whe- re business centre Airport City is located, to testify to past times, knowledge and progress, and the genius of Milutin Milanković.

Samo nekoliko meseci pre osnivanja Aeroputa (17. jun ) otvoren je 25. marta 1927. civilno-vojni aerodrom na Bežaniji u Be- ogradu, preko koga se narednih 35 godina odvijao kompletan sao- braćaj, sve do 1962. godine kada je završen nov aerodrom u Surčinu sa kojeg i danas letimo. Pripreme terena na prostranom platou ispod Bežanijske ko- se, između Zemuna i sela Bežanije, počele su 1923, da bi 25. marta 1927. bio otvoren. A otvaranje se tog dana pretvorilo u pravu svetkovinu. Okupili su se ljudi, zvaničnici, svi koji su ima- li kola i fijakere. Vojni lovci su izveli akrobacije pre nego su slete- li i postrojili se na novoj pisti. Beograđani su pilote kitili cvećem, a veselje je trajalo do kasno u noć. Tek otvaranjem ovog prestoničkog aerodroma Kraljevina SHS je u punom kapacitetu ispunila obavezu preuzetu 1919. godine pot- pisivanjem Konvencije o međunarodnom vazdušnom saobraćaju, a Beograd je mogao u potpunosti da iskoristi svoj povoljan položaj na vazdušnim raskrsnicama sveta. Od februara 1928. godine sa novog aerodroma poleću i avioni prve domaće avio-kompanije „Aeroput“. Raspolagao je sa četiri travnate poletno-sletne staze. Na njemu je 1931. godine izgrađena moderna pristanišna zgrada, a 1936. ugra- đena je i oprema za sletanje pri slaboj vidljivosti. Uprkos svim važnim činjenicama, jedna je posebno izdvojila ovaj beogradski aerodrom. Početkom 1926. godine projektova- nje hangara i ostalih betonskih konstrukcija dobio je kao zadatak inženjer Milutin Milanković, jedan od najpoznatijih srpskih i svet- skih naučnika. Bio je prvi Srbin koji je stekao diplomu građevin- skog inženjera, a takođe i naš prvi doktor građevinskih nauka. U to vreme armirani beton je bio nov građevinski materijal i Milan- ković je bio među prvim stručnjacima koji su uveli matematičko modelovanje. Samo jedan deo njegovog hangara ostao je da stoji na mestu gde je otvoren „Erport siti“ da svedoči o prošlim vremenima, o zna- nju i napretku, o genijalnosti Milutina Milankovića.

Diana, Lena i Nina kao savršen primer dobre usluge na letu Diana, Lena, and Nina as a perfect example of good in-flight service

Kao ambasadori kompanije i svoje zemlje, letač- ke posade Er Srbije se svakodnevno trude da put- nicima pruže najbolju moguću uslugu, zbog čega neretko dobijaju i pohvale. Nakon leta Er Srbijom iz Beograda za London svoje impresije sa nama je po- delio putnik Nikola R. ističući perserku Dianu Deo- garević i stjuardese Lenu Stanišić i Ninu Bovan kao primer savršene usluge kabinske posade. Sudeći prema Nikolinim rečima, njihova posvećenost i pro- fesionalizam u velikoj su meri doprineli izvanrednom iskustvu letenja. As ambassadors of the airline and their country, Air Serbia flight crews always strive to provide pas- sengers with the best possible service, and often re- ceive compliments for their efforts. After the Air Ser- bia flight from Belgrade to London, passenger Nikola R. shared his impressions with us, naming cabin se- nior Diana Deogarević and flight attendants Lena Stanišić and Nina Bovan as examples of perfect ca- bin crew service. Judging by Nikola's words, their de- dication and professionalism greatly contributed to an outstanding flying experience.

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