Elevate March 2025 | Air Serbia

Er SRBIjA flota / Air SERBIA fleet

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Three questions for...

Aleksandar Zelenika, First Officer

Aleksandra Zeleniku, kopilota

Kako izgleda dolazak proleća iz vaše perspektive? – Sva su godišnja doba lepa na svoj način, ali se mi koji radimo u avijaciji naročito radujemo dolasku proleća. Lepše vreme odnosi magle, snegove i sve procedure koje uz to idu, što nas pilote posebno ra- duje. Proleće se može osetiti i u samoj atmosferi, ka- da je prelepo za letenje. Duži dan, vedro nebo – pra- vo uživanje.

How does the arrival of spring look from your perspe - ctive? “All seasons are beautiful in their own way, but those of us who work in aviation look forward to the arrival of spring in par- ticular. The improved weather carries away the fog and snow, and all the procedures that go with that, which makes us pi- lots especially happy. Spring can be felt in the atmosphere itse- lf, when it is beautiful for flying. Longer days, clear skies – proper enjoyment.” Can you notice changes to the landscape already in March and do you have any favourite areas? “Spring brings changes to the vegeta-

Da li se već u martu pri- mećuje promena pejza- ža i imate li neke omiljene predele? – Proleće donosi promene

u vegetaciji i pejzažima koje br- zo postaju vidljive čak i iz avio- na, sa većih visina. Svakako su zanimljivi i lepši kad stignete na destinaciju, jer prolećna klima donosi i omamljujući miris, na- ročito na primorskim destinaci- jama. Moj bi izbor, recimo, bio sunčana Malaga ili Porto, zbog čega bih svakako preporučio Španiju ili Portugaliju. Mada, u ovo doba godine su i planinski predeli čarobni, recimo Alpi i okolina Ciriha ili Salcbur- ga – postaju zeleni, bujni i probuđeni. Kojoj se od destinacija do kojih Er Srbija tek tre- ba da poleti ove godine najviše radujete? – Uvek se radujem novim destinacijama. Pošto posebno volim da letim na primorske odrednice u proleće i leto, željno iščekujem sva nova ostrva. Ipak, možda se najviše radujem početku linije za Algero na ostrvu Sardinija...

tion and landscape that quickly become vi- sible even from a plane, from higher altitu- des. They are certainly interesting and more beautiful when you arrive at your destinati- on, because the spring air also brings stu- nning scents, particularly in coastal desti- nations. My choice, for instance, would be sunny Málaga or Porto, which is why I’d de- finitely recommend Spain or Portugal. Tho- ugh mountainous regions are also magical at this time of year, such as the Alps and the areas surrounding Zurich or Salzburg, whi-

ch become green, lush and reawakened.” Which of the destinations that Air Serbia has yet to start flying to this year are you most looking forward to visi- ting? “I always look forward to new destinations. Given that I par- ticularly like flying to coastal destinations during the spring and summer, I’m eagerly anticipating all the new islands. However, I’m perhaps most looking forward to the launch of the route to Alghero on the island of Sardinia...”

Prolećna klima donosi omamljujući miris, naročito na primorskim destinacijama, pa bi moj izbor, recimo, bio sunčana Malaga ili Porto / The spring air brings stunning scents, particularly in coastal destinations, which is why my choice would, for instance, be sunny Málaga or Porto

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