Elevate March 2025 | Air Serbia

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Inflight entertainment SERIJE SERies

er srbija info / air Serbia info

Uživajte na našim prekookeanskim

Dodatne usluge na vašoj destinaciji

letovima Enjoy our long-haul flights Ovo je samo deo bogate ponude filmova, TV serija i animiranih filmova koja je dostupna u biznis i ekonomskoj klasi / This is just part of the rich offer of films, TV series and animated films that are available to both Business and Economy Class passengers

bebi bum Little Baby Bum

natprirodno Supernatural

Planiranje putovanja nika- da nije bilo lakše uz naše partnere . Bilo da želite da rezer- višete smeštaj iz snova, unajmi- te vozilo za sledeći porodični izlet ili izaberete turističku aktivnost, ima- mo pravu ponudu za vas. Ture & aktivnosti Otkrijte sve atrakcije i skrivene dragulje na vašoj destinaciji. Er Sr- bija i „TripAdmit“ vam donose ne- ke od najatraktivnijih tura i niz aktiv- nosti koje će vaše putovanje učiniti nezaboravnim. Za rezervaciju usluge i više

Ancillary services at your destination

Val Strit wahl street

Punija kuća Fuller House

Tom i džeri The Tom and Jerry Show

informacija posetite www.airserbia.com Hotel Pronađite najbolji smeštaj za

Hotels Find the best accommodation for your next journey through our partner Booking.com. Explore co- untless options worldwide, as well as special offers at the local level, and all at affordable prices and with greater flexibility when booking ac- commodation. Book services and find more information by visiting www.airserbia.com Car rental Renting a vehicle has never been easier or more affordable than it is with our partner Rental- cars.com. Search, select and bo- ok a vehicle with more than 900 agencies in over 60,000 locations worldwide. Book services and find more information by visiting www.airserbia.com



svoje naredno putovanje preko na- šeg partnera Booking.com. Istraži- te bezbroj mogućnosti širom sveta, kao i posebne ponude na lokalnom nivou, a sve to uz povoljne cene i veću fleksibilnost prilikom rezerva- cije smeštaja. Za rezervaciju usluge i više

With our partners, planning a journey has ne- ver been easier . Whether you want to book your dream accom- modation, rent a car for your next family excursion or choose a tou- rist activity, we have the right offer for you. Tours and activities Discover all the attractions and hidden gems of your destination. Air Serbia and TripAdmit bring you some of the most attractive tours and activities that will ensure your travels are unforgettable. Book services and find more information by visiting www.airserbia.com

Hari poter i dvorana tajni / Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

džoker joker

Džon Vik 4 John Wick: 4

mumije Mummies

beležnica notebook

informacija posetite www.airserbia.com Najam vozila Najam vozila nikada nije bio

jednostavniji i povoljniji uz našeg partnera Rentalcars.com. Pretraži- te, odaberite i rezervišite vozilo kod više od 900 agencija na više od 60.000 lokacija širom sveta. Za rezervaciju usluge i više

Drama drama 122 min. I 2019.

fantazija fantasy 161 min. I 2002.

akcija action 169 min. I 2023.

informacija posetite www.airserbia.com

dečji kids 88 min. I 2023.

drama drama 123 min. I 2004.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 121

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