Elevate March 2025 | Air Serbia

umetnike na veb-stranici fe - stivala kako ne biste propu- stili nešto što vam se dopa - da. „Dansa Metropolitana“ se takođe vrać a ove godine, sa čitavim nizom umetnič - kih predstava, od pozorišta i plesa do bioskopa. To je sa - vršena prilika da istražite ak - tivnosti u centru grada, ali i posetite neke od okolnih gra- dova. Postoji preko 190 ak - tivnosti kojima možete prisu - stvovati, kao što su radionice, plesne predstave, konferen - cije, a na raspolaganju vam stoji ceo mesec da u Barselo - ni istražujete i vidite šta vas najviše inspiriše. KALSOTADA Ako živite u Barseloni, vero - vatno ste primetili dolazak kalsote, to jest mladog luka, na lokalne markete i prodav - nice prehrambenih proizvoda. Kalsotadas su zapravo tradi- cionalni katalonski roštilji ko- ji se održavaju od januara do aprila, a fokus je, naravno, ovo sveže povrće. Pečen na žaru na otvorenom plamenu, slatki luk se oljušti i umoči u bogat romesko sos, što či - ni jedno ukusno (i isflekano) iskustvo. Iako možete pro - nać i kalsotade u centru Barselone, najbolji način da uživate u njima je na selu, gde je ova tradici- ja najživlja.

an incredibly diverse music fe- stival, so be sure to check out all the different artists on the festival’s website to see whi- ch one you simply mustn’t mi- ss! Dansa Metropolitana is al- so returning this year, with a whole range of artistic perfor- mances encompassing thea- tre, dance and cinema. It is the perfect opportunity to not on- ly explore activities in the city centre, but also to visit some of the surrounding cities. It is guaranteed to be an enriching and inspiring experience. The- re are over 190 activities that you can attend, such as works- hops, dance performances, ci- nema screenings and confe- rences. You have all of March in Barcelona to explore the fe- stival and see what inspires you the most! CALÇOTADA If you live in Barcelona, you’ve probably noticed the arrival of calçots on local markets and in grocery stores. Calçotadas are traditional Catalan barbecues that take place from January to April, with the focal point na- turally being fresh calçots. Gri- lled over an open flame, these sweet spring onions are peeled and dipped in rich romesco sa- uce, making for a delicious (and messy) experience. While you can find calçotades in Bar - celona city centre, the best way to enjoy one is in the countrysi- de, where the tradition truly co- mes to life.

Sant Medir is no exception. Lo- cal eateries and street vendors offer a variety of traditional Ca- talan dishes and sweets, whi- le the community feasts provi- de a great way to sample the local cuisine and enjoy the fe- stive spirit with friends and ne- ighbours. MARATHON The city’s annual marathon, al- so known as the Zurich Barce- lona Marathon, has been held each year since 1978. An incre- dibly popular event that attra- cts thousands of participants, it starts at 8.30am on the ave- nue Avinguda de la Reina Maria Cristina. If you’re a fan of urban running, this is an incredi- ble marathon due to the fact that participants

run past all of Bar- celona’s highlights. Whether you’re in- terested in running or not, the marat- hon provides a fun reason to head in-

to the city, where food stands, live music and a diverse range of activi-

ties can be found.

SPRING FESTIVAL The Barcelona Obertura Spring Festival is a music festival that marks the start of spring in the city. Starting on 5 th March and running until 24 th March, it inc- ludes over 500 musicians and sees over 40 concerts take pla- ce all around the city. This is

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