Elevate March 2025 | Air Serbia

MADRID / MADRID 195 min. od Beograda: From Belgrade:


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Prestonica kulture i uživanja


If you arrived in Madrid this March, you’ll undoubtedly set aside time to tour its world-fa- mous museums. And for star- ters is the Museo del Prado, which is probably the most fa- mous museum – not only in the Spanish capital, but worl- dwide. It has existed for more than two centuries, having first opened its doors in 1819, and there you can today see mo- re than a thousand sculptures, but also more than 7,600 pa- intings. Apart from works by Spanish artists, there are al- so works by Flemish and Ita- lian greats. In addition to the Prado Mu- seum, Madrid is also home to two other important muse- ums, which are often mentio- ned as forming the city’s “Gol- den Triangle of Art”. These are the Thyssen-Bornemisza Na- tional Museum and the Rei- na Sofia Museum. The Thys - sen-Bornemisza Museum has almost a thousand pieces cre- ated by artists who worked between the 1920s and the ‘80s. Located in the Palace of Villahermosa, it is named after the family responsible for the creation of its art collection. And that rich collection inclu- des works by many important European artists, such as Ru- bens, Dürer, Rembrandt, Van Gogh and Caravaggio. The Re- ina Sofia Museum, the city’s third most important museum, boasts almost two thousand exhibits. Although other works by contemporary and modern artists are also represented, Pi- casso’s Guernica is considered this museum’s most impor- tant exhibit. However, if you find yourself in Madrid and tired of classic art this month, and if you’re trave- lling with children, there‘s plen- ty more to see in this city...

Until 20 th July, the María Cristi- na Masaveu Peterson Founda- tion is presenting an exhibition that brings together the most outstanding works of 20 th cen- tury art included in the founda- tion’s collections. It will conta- in one hundred paintings and sculptures that are highly re- presentative of different move- ments and artists. Curated by the professor of Art History at the Complutense University of Madrid, this exhibition is divi- ded into several sections that lead visitors on a tour of Spa- nish art through the last centu- ry. This is a complete itinerary that includes works by diffe- rent movements and artists, such as Pablo Picasso, María Blanchard, Joan Miró, Salvador Dalí, Antonio López, Manuel Millares, Soledad Sevilla, Cristi- na Iglesias, Miquel Barceló and many others. CHANGING THE GUARD Head to the Royal Palace to witness a true spectacle: the biweekly Changing of the Gu- ard (held on Wednesdays and Saturdays) and the extra-spe- cial monthly event: the Solemn Changing of the Guard (on the first Wednesday of the month – 5 th March). From 11am until 2pm, in front of Puerta del Prín- cipe gate, four members of the

Prve srede svakog meseca Muzička jedinica počinje svečanu smenu straže / On the first Wednesday of every month, the Music Unit begins a ceremonial changing of the guard

Ako ste ovog marta stigli u Madrid, nema nikakve sum - nje da ćete obići njegove ši - rom sveta čuvene muzeje. Za početak – „Prado“, verovatno najpoznatiji ne samo u glav - nom gradu Španije već i u svetu. Postoji više od dva ve - ka, budući da je otvoren još 1819. godine, a u njemu se danas može videti više od hi - ljadu skulptura i više od čak 7.600 slika. Uz dela španskih autora, tu su i ostvarenja fla - manskih i italijanskih umet - nika. Osim „Prada“, u Madridu se nalaze još dva značajna mu - zeja, koja se često pomi - nju kao deo „Zlatnog trougla umetnosti“. Nacionalni muzej „Tisen-Bornemisa“ broji goto - vo hiljadu dela umetnika koji su stvarali u periodu između dvadesetih i osamdesetih go - dina prošloga veka. Nalazi se u palati „Viljahermosa“ i naziv duguje porodici koja je i za- služna za formiranje umetnič - ke kolekcije. U bogatoj mu - zejskoj zbirci mogu se videti dela mnogih značajnih evrop - skih umetnika poput Ruben - sa, Direra, Rembranta, Van Goga i Karavađa. Muzej kralji - ce Sofije treći je značajni mu - zej u Madridu sa gotovo dve hiljade eksponata. Iako su zastupljena i druga dela sa- vremenih i modernih umetni - ka, „Gernika“ Pabla Pikasa se smatra najznačajnijim ekspo - natom ovog muzeja. Međutim, Madrid je veliki i uz - budljiv grad, pa muzeji nisu jedino u čemu ćete uživati. Ovo su tek neki od predloga...

Royal Guard are relieved of the- ir positions: two foot soldiers and two mounted soldiers dre- ssed in their gala uniforms. The soldiers march to the be- at of a fife (a very high-pitched piccolo used in military bands) and a drum playing military marches. The mounted sol- diers ride past the front of the palace every 10 minutes. On the first Wednesday of ea - ch month, the Music Unit kicks off the Solemn Changing of the Guard. The fifes and drums ac - company the marches, as the guards stand to attention, wi- th incoming and outgoing so- ldiers waiting with their wea- pons shouldered. The lancers and cuirassiers parade wi- th rifle companies, and sol - diers – both men and women – in charge of the artillery and ammunition carriages for al- most an hour. In total, 400 pe-


padnika Kraljevske garde se smenjuju sa položaja: dva pe - šaka i dva vojnika na konjima obučeni u svečane uniforme. Vojnici marširaju uz ritam fi - fe (pikolo flauta koja se koristi u vojnim orkestrima) i bubnja koji svira vojne marševe. Prve srede svakog meseca Muzička jedinica počinje sve - čanu smenu straže. Pesma i bubnjevi prate marš, dok stra - žari stoje na oprezu, vojnici koji dolaze i odlaze čekaju sa oružjem na ramenima. Skoro sat vremena paradiraju koplja - nici i vojnici – muškarci i žene – zaduženi za artiljeriju i vago - ne municije. Ukupno 400 lju - di i 100 konja priređuje smenu straže kao što je to bilo u vre - me kralja Alfonsa XII i kralja Alfonsa XIII. KARNEVAL Svake godine, od vikenda pre pokladnog utorka, Madrid sla- vi karneval sa punim progra - mom besplatnih, tematskih aktivnosti za sve uzraste. Ove godine proslave ć e se održa - ti od 1. do 5. marta. Saznaće - te da se bliže kraju kada dođe vreme za „sahranu sardine“, tradiciju koju je Goja zabele-

Do 20. jula „Fundasion Mari - ja Kristina Masaveu Peterson“ predstavlja izložbu koja sadrži najistaknutija dela umetnosti 20. veka iz Masaveu kolekci - ja – 100 slika i skulptura koje su reprezentativne za različite pokrete i umetnike. Kustoski - nja je profesorka istorije umet - nosti na Univerzitetu u Madri - du, a izložba je podeljena u nekoliko sekcija koje poseti- oce vode u obilazak španske umetnosti prošlog veka. Vide - ćete dela različitih pokreta i umetnika kao što su Pablo Pi - kaso, Marija Blanšar, Žoan Mi - ro, Salvador Dali, Antonio Lo - pez, Manuel Miljares, Soledad Sevilja, Kristina Iglesijas, Mi - kel Barselo i mnogi drugi. SMENA STRAŽE Krenite u Kraljevsku palatu kako biste svedočili pravom spektaklu: dvonedeljnoj pro- meni straže (održava se sre - dom i subotom) i posebnom mesečnom događaju, Sveča - noj smeni straže (prve srede u mesecu – 5. marta). Od 11 do 14 časova ispred kapije Puer - ta del Prinsipe četvorica pri -

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