Elevate March 2025 | Air Serbia

žio na jednoj od svojih slika. Kostimi se sklanjaju, fanfare utihnu i sardina je sahranjena sa počastima kako bi se ozna - čio čas da se završi slavlje i počnu pripreme za veliki post. Impresivna lomača zatvara ceremoniju, tera sva zla i sve negativne misli, a pepeo pred - stavlja sreć u, mir i harmoniju! FESTIVAL DIZAJNA Madrid ć e do 15. marta biti domać in osmog izdanja me - đunarodnog „Madrid Design Festivala“, koji ć e grad pretvo - riti u prestonicu dizajna i po- zicionirati ga na privilegova- no mesto na međunarodnoj sceni. Pod zajedničkim sloga - nom prethodnih izdanja „Redi - zajniranje sveta“, festival ima za cilj da predstavi dizajn kao sredstvo koje promoviše dija - log i pruža novi pogled na pro - bleme i okolnosti koje obe - ležavaju svakodnevni život, nudeć i kreativna rešenja. SPORTSKI HRAM Od 1947. godine stadion Real Madrida svedoči kako se sno - vi i težnje svih njegovih navi - jača ostvaruju. Godine 1943. Santjago Bernabeu je imeno - van za predsednika kluba i ubrzo je krenuo u pokretanje jednog od svojih velikih proje- kata: izgradnje stadiona koji ć e zadovoljiti zahteve sve po - pularnijeg sporta i kluba ko- ji je bio u stalnom razvoju. Uz podršku članova i navija - ča koji su kupili sezonske kar - te, Real je počeo da gradi no - vi stadion koji je otvorio svoja vrata 14. decembra 1947. Od tada je Santjago Bernabeu postao kultno mesto u svet - skom sportu, koje obavezno treba posetiti. Stadion se nalazi na odličnoj lokaciji, u samom srcu špan - ske prestonice, a kako kažu nedavna istraživanja, najfoto - grafisanije je obeležje Madri - da i najpopularnija atrakcija u španskoj prestonici.

Stadion gleda na glavnu madridsku saobraćajnicu Pazeo de la Kastelana The stadium overlooks Madrid’s main thoroughfare, the Paseo de la Castellana

common slogan of previous editions ‘Redesigning the Wor- ld’, the festival aims to advoca- te design as a tool capable of promoting dialogue and provi- ding a new perspective on the problems and circumstances that mark our daily lives, as well as offering solutions. A SPORTING TEMPLE The stadium of Real Madrid has witnessed the dreams and aspirations of all of the club’s fans come true since 1947. It was back in 1943 that Santia- go Bernabéu was named pre- sident of Real Madrid and so- on set about launching one of his major projects: the con- struction of a stadium that co- uld satisfy the demands of an increasingly popular sport and a club that was growing con- tinuously. With the support of members and fans who bo- ught season tickets, Real be- gan to build the new stadium, which opened its doors on 14 th December 1947. The Santiago Bernabéu Stadium has since been transformed to become an iconic venue within world sport. The stadium occupies a prime location, right at the he- art of the Spanish capital, and a recent study showed that it is actually Madrid’s most pho- tographed landmark and the Spanish capital’s most popular attraction.

ople and 100 horses stage the changing of the guard just as it was performed during the ti- mes of King Alfonso XII and King Alfonso XIII, wearing the same uniforms. CARNIVAL Each year, from the weekend prior to Shrove Tuesday, Ma- drid celebrates its carnival wi- th a full programme of free, themed activities for atten- dees of all ages. This ye- ar’s celebrations will take pla- ce from 1 st to 5 th March, and you’ll know that the end is co- ming when it’s time for the Bu- rial of the Sardine, a tradition captured by Goya in one of his paintings. Then the costumes are put away, the fanfares fall silent and the sardine is buried with honours to indicate that the hour has come to wrap up the festivities and get ready for Lent. An impressive bonfire closes the ceremony, as tho- ugh driving away all evils and any negative thoughts, with the ashes representing happi- ness, peace and harmony. DESIGN FESTIVAL Madrid will host the eighth edi- tion of the international Madrid Design Festival until 15 th Mar- ch, turning the city into the ca- pital of design and positioning it in a privileged place on the international scene. Under the

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