Elevate March 2025 | Air Serbia

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Pod sloganom „We speak dance“ Beogradski fe- stival igre najavljuje svoje 22. izdanje. Od 7. marta do 15. aprila 18 kompanija iz 13 zemalja, sa 28 izuzet- nih koreografskih postavki i dve svetske premijere, bi- će predstavljeno u Beogradu, Novom Sadu i Subotici. Igri u čast okupiće se vrhunski umetnici i sjajne trupe sa različitih strana sveta. Majstori neobjašnjivog po- kreta, zanatlije najdragocenijih instrumenata otvo- riće teme koje analiziraju aktuelne pojave i društvo, ili jednostavno dodiruju dušu i svedoče o beskrajnim mogućnostima igre! Zahvaljujući ovom festivalu, Be- ograd je postao važna stanica u umetničkim biografi- jama, mesto gde se otkrivaju nove produkcije i sa jed- nakom pažnjom predstavljaju poznati i mladi autori. Aktuelnost programa odredila je poziciju manifesta- cije na međunarodnoj mapi, dok su visoki standardi i hrabro uvođenje različitih koreografskih rukopisa i estetike, neprekidno unapređivali očekivanja i dikti- rali trendove. Under the slogan “We speak dance”, the Belgrade Dance Festival is announcing its 22 nd edition. From 7 th March to 15 th April, 18 dance companies from 13 countries will be presented in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Subotica, with 28 exceptionally choreographed works and two world premieres. Top artists and great bands from different parts of the world will come together in honour of dance. These masters of inexplicable move- ment and champions of the most precious instruments will address topics that analyse current phenomena and society as a whole, or that simply touch the soul and testify to the endless possibilities of dance! It is thanks to this festival that Belgrade has become an im- portant port of call in the biographies of artists and a place where new productions are discovered and equal attention is given to presenting both renowned and emerging authors. The programme’s topical nature has determined this event’s position on the international map, while high standards and bold introductions of different choreographic signatures and aesthetics have raised expectations and dictated trends continuously.

FESTIVAL / FESTIVAL We speak dance

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