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Plemstvo u srpskoj vizuelnoj kulturi XVIII veka / The Nobility in the Serbian visual culture of the 18 th century
Kako je izgledao život srpskog naroda na području Habzburške monarhije pod vladavinom carice Marije Terezije? Na koji način su srpski plemići dolazili do svojih ti- tula i kako su se razlikovali od au- strijskog plemstva? Odgovore na ova pitanja pružiće nova velika izložba u Galeriji Matice srpske, pod nazivom „Plemstvo u srpskoj vizuelnoj kulturi XVIII veka“. Pre- ko 80 umetničkih dela, predmeta i arhivske građe analizira fenomen plemstva iz različitih perspektiva, a izložba nas vraća u period u kom reč „plemstvo“ ne označava imaginar- ne likove, već stvaran sloj društva koji je zbog svojih zasluga i vrlina uživao privilegovan položaj. Tokom trajanja izložbe biće realizovan bo- gat prateći program u vidu različi- tih predavanja stručnjaka iz oblasti društvene i kulturne istorije novog veka, a publika će moći da pogleda izložbu sve do 1. juna.
How did the life of the Serbian peo- ple look on the territory of the Habsburg Monarchy under the rule of Empress Ma- ria Theresa? How did Serbian nobles gain their titles and how did they differ from the Austrian nobility? Answers to these questions will be provided by a major new exhibition at the Gallery of Mati- ca Srpska, under the title The Nobility in the Serbian Visual Culture of the 18 th Century. More than 80 artworks, articles and archival materials provide analysis of the phenomenon of the nobility from different perspectives, while this exhi- bition transports us back to a period in which the word nobility didn’t denote imaginary characters, but rather an ac- tual layer of society that enjoyed a priv- ileged position thanks to its perceived merits and virtues. With the public able to enjoy this exhibition until 1 st June, a rich ancillary programme will be imple- mented throughout its presentation, in the form of various lectures by experts in the field of social and cultural history. The documentary Holly- woodgate, which attracted plenty of attention at last year’s major film festivals, including Belgrade’s own Beldocs festival, will have its domestic cinematic premiere in the Hall of the Belgrade Cultural Centre on 21 st March. This bold documentary by Egyptian direc- tor Ibrahim Nashat depicts Af- ghanistan in 2021, just a few days after the withdrawal of the U.S. military from the country. Having regained control of the devastated country once again, the Taliban have discovered Hollywoodgate: an American base packed with weapons… The director spent a year in Afghanistan, enabling him to provide incredible and direct insight into the state of affairs in today’s Afghanistan.
FILM / movie
Jedinstveni „Holivudgejt“ Unique Hollywoodgate
Dokumentarni film „Holivud- gejt“ (Hollywoodgate), koji je proš- le godine privukao veliku pažnju na svim značajnijim filmskim festi- valima, uključujući i beoogradski „Beldocs“, imaće domaću bioskop- sku premijeru 21. marta u Dvora- ni kulturnog centra Beograda. Ovaj odvažni dokumentarac egipatskog reditelja Ibrahima Našata prikazuje Avganistan 2021. godine samo ne- koliko dana nakon što se američka vojska povukla iz ove zemlje. Tali- bani su ponovo preuzeli kontrolu nad razorenom zemljom i pronaš-
li holivudgejt – američku bazu pu- nu oružja... Reditelj u Avganistanu provodi godinu dana pružajući ne- verovatan i direktan uvid u stanje stvari u Avganistanu danas.
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