Reč dobrodošlice
Welcome message
March 2025
Mart 2025.
Dear passengers,
Dragi putnici,
Širenje flote omogućava nam da povećamo kapacitete , otvorimo nove destinacije, unapredimo udobnost i iskustvo putovanja naših putnika i ujedno jačamo poziciju Er Srbije kao vodeće avio-kompanije u regionu. S tim u vezi, nedavno je u flotu stigao novi, četvrti po redu širokotrupni avion „erbas A330-200“, koji je, baš kao i njegov prethodnik, brendiran u bo- je i oznake specijalizovane izložbe EXPO 2027. Ti avio- ni povezuju Beograd sa udaljenim destinacijama širom sveta, od Njujorka i Čikaga na zapadu do Guangdžoua i Šangaja na istoku. Mart je mesec u kom ceo svet slavi žene i prilika da se podsetimo koliko su važne u svakom segmentu društva, pa i u avio-industriji. Sve se više dama bavi pilotiranjem, inženjeringom i upravljanjem, a mi u Er Srbiji s ponosom ističemo da polovinu svih zaposlenih čine žene. Njihova posvećenost i stručnost snažno doprinose našem uspehu, i trudimo se da kontinuirano stvaramo prilike za njihovo dalje profesionalno napredovanje, verujući da njihovi talenat i liderstvo mogu oblikovati budućnost avijacije. U martu se obeležava i Svetski dan sreće, a ona se često krije u otkrivanju novih destinacija, upoznavanju različitih kultura i stvaranju nezaboravnih trenutaka. Putovanja inspirišu, otvaraju nove perspektive i pružaju priliku za povezivanje sa svetom. Pred nama su uskršnji praznici, pa je ovo savršen trenutak da isplanirate kraći predah od svakodnevice i kvalitetno vreme sa porodicom i prijateljima. Bilo da tražite avanturu, opuštanje ili samo želite nova iskustva, putovanje donosi radost. Iskoristite praznike da pronađete sreću na nekoj sasvim novoj destinaciji i stvorite uspomene koje ćete dugo pamtiti. Ukoliko još niste odlučili gde želite da putujete, mi vam u ovom broju magazina „Elevejt“ predlažemo Španiju, do koje letimo čitave godine. Bilo da se odlučite za Madrid, Barselonu, Valensiju i Malagu, ili za Palma de Majorku, nesumnjivo ćete se oduševiti kulturom, neverovatnom arhitekturom, prelepim plažama i gastronomijom. Upravo zbog toga Španija je destinacija kojoj se putnici rado vraćaju. Izaberite destinaciju, spakujte kofere, ponesite dobru energiju i najlepši osmeh i – krenite na put. U avionu će vas ugostiti naša dobro raspoložena i visoko profesionalna kabinska posada i omogućiti da putovanje započnete udobno i prijatno. Hvala vam što birate Er Srbiju. Dobro došli na naše letove.
The expansion of our fleet enables us to in- crease our capacity , establish new destinations and enhance the comfort and travel experience of our pa- ssengers, all while strengthening Air Serbia’s position as the region’s leading airline. In line with this, our fleet recen- tly welcomed a new, fourth wide-body Airbus A330-200, which - like its predecessor - has been branded with the colours and insignia of the specialised EXPO 2027 exhi- bition. These aircraft connect Belgrade with remote de- stinations worldwide: from New York and Chicago in the West, to Guangzhou and Shanghai in the East. March is a month when the whole world celebrates women, offering a chance to remember how important they are in every segment of society, including the aviation industry. An increasing number of women are involved in piloting, engineering and management. At Air Serbia, we proudly highlight the fact that women account for half of all our employees. Their dedication and expertise contribute significantly to our success, and we strive to continuously create opportunities for their further professional development, believing that their talent and leadership can shape the future of aviation. We also have the International Day of Happiness during March, and happiness often lies in discovering new destinations, exploring different cultures and creating unforgettable moments. Travel inspires, opens new perspectives and provides an opportunity to connect with the world. With the Easter holidays fast approaching, now is the perfect time to plan a short break from your daily routines and enjoy quality time with family and friends. Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, or simply new experiences, travel brings joy. Take advantage of the upcoming holidays to find happiness in a completely new destination and to create lasting memories. If you haven‘t yet decided where to travel, in this issue of Elevate magazine we suggest Spain, to which we fly year- round. Whether you choose Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Malaga or Majorca, you will undoubtedly be enchanted by the culture, stunning architecture, beautiful beaches and gastronomy. That’s precisely why Spain is a destination to which tourists love to return time and again. Choose your destination, pack your bags, bring positive energy and your best smile, and set out on your journey. Aboard our planes, our cheerful and highly professional cabin crew will welcome you warmly and ensure your trip starts comfortably and pleasantly. Thank you for choosing Air Serbia. Welcome to our flights.
Jirži Marek Jiri Marek
BRŽE I JEDNOSTAVNIJE MOBILNA APLIKACIJA ZA KUPOVINU AVIO-KARATA • Pronađite najbolju ponudu • Skenirajte i bezbedno čuvajte putne dokumente na svom profilu • Brža prijava na let • Karta za ukrcavanje uvek uz vas • Svoje ideje i sugestije možete podeliti sa nama putem aplikacije
MOBILE APP TO BUY FLIGHT TICKETS • Find the best offer • Scan and securely store travel documents on your profile • Faster flight check-in • Boarding card always with you • Share your ideas and suggestions with us in the app
Jirži Marek, Generalni direktor Er Srbija
JIRI Marek, CEO Air Serbia
Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5
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