Kultura / Culture
Beogradski irski festival
Belgrade audience can get to know us as well as possible. They say that the Irish and Serbs are similar, that we both know how to be loud and mel- ancholic, but I’ve always liked that. I like it when people give in to their emotions, as it means that they are able to enjoy both art and life”. Her music is a combination of jazz, blues, folk and rock, and mu- sic connoisseurs are able to recog- nise in her work the influences of Billie Holiday and Bessie Smith, but also Edith Piaf and Peggy Lee. She released the album Repeat Rewind last year, thus marking her 40 years on the world stage. GODARD BARDOT EXHIBITION We will have the chance to check out a series of photos from Jean-Luc Godard’s 1963 masterpiece Con- tempt starring Brigitte Bardot. The exhibition includes 13 hand-pro- cessed prints in the almost defunct technique of dye-transfer process. The result is scenes that are very strik- ing visually and dominated by colour. Authored by Irish visual artist Jean Curran, who is known for this specific technique, it is no coincidence that she chose to process shots from this film in particular, given that God- ard and his cameraman were working in Technicolor for the first time, cre- ating an implosion of images saturat- ed by rich colours. The exhibition will be presented in Belgrade’s Monolog Gallery (26 Kralja Petra Street) on 6 th March and will remain on public dis- play for the next month. BIF also provides an oppor- tunity to socialise with the small but very active community of Irish people who’ve chosen to live and work in Serbia, including artists, businesspeople and humanitarian workers. The festival culminates with the celebration of Ireland’s national holiday, Saint Patrick's Day, when recognisable buildings in Belgrade, but also in other capi- tal cities around the world, will be illuminated in green. You can check out the full programme of the 13 th Belgrade Irish Festival on the web- site www.belgradeirishfestival.rs.
Beli grad se u martu boji u zeleno
bolje upozna. Kažu da su Irci i Srbi slični, da umemo da budemo i gla- sni i melanholični, ali to mi se do- padalo oduvek. Volim kad se ljudi predaju emocijama, znači da umeju da uživaju i u umetnosti i u životu“. Njena muzika je kombinaci- ja džeza, bluza, folka i roka, a po- znavaoci muzike u njenom opusu otkrivaju uticaje Bili Holidej, Besi Smit, kao i Edit Pjaf i Pegi Li. Proš- le godine izdala je album „Repeat Rewind“ kojim obeležava 40 godi- na na svetskoj sceni. IZLOŽBA „GODAR BARDO“ Imaćemo priliku da vidimo se- riju fotografija iz remek-dela Žana Lika Godara „Prezir“ iz 1963. godi- ne sa Brižit Bardo. Reč je o 13 ruč- no obrađenih printova u gotovo već izumrloj tehnici prenosa boje na fo- to-papir („dye-transfer proces“). Re- zultat ove tehnike su vizuelno vrlo upečatljivi kadrovi u kojima domi- nira boja. Autorka izložbe je irska vizu- elna umetnica Džin Karen, koja je poznata po ovoj specifičnoj tehni- ci. Nije slučajno odabrala da obradi kadrove iz ovog filma jer su Godar i njegov kamerman prvi put radili u tehnikoloru, stvarajući imploziju slika bogate, zasićene boje. Izložba će biti postavljena u Galeriji „Mo- nolog“ (Kralja Petra 26) 6. marta i publika će moći da je vidi narednih mesec dana. BIF je prilika za druženje sa ma- lom ali vrlo aktivnom zajednicom Iraca koji su odabrali da žive i rade u Srbiji, među kojima su umetnici, poslovni ljudi, humanitarni radnici. Festival se završava proslavom naci- onalnog irskog praznika, Dana sve- tog Patrika, kada će i u Beogradu, kao i u drugim prestonicama, pre- poznatljive zgrade zasijati zelenom bojom. Više o programu 13. Beograd- skog irskog festivala pogledajte na sajtu: www.belgradeirishfestival.rs.
Belgrade Irish Festival
The white city is painted green in March Belgraders know that this period of the cultural calendar is reserved for the Irish – for their culture, art and celebrations of Saint Patrick’s Day
T he Belgrade Irish Festi- val has already become a traditional event that presents contemporary Irish culture – film, mu- sic, visual art and literature – to lo- cals over the course of ten days. So, if you happen to be in Belgrade from 6 th to 17 th March, don’t miss out on the chance to see some very good guests! NEIL JORDAN: FIRST TIME IN BELGRADE The guest star of this year's BIF is great Irish film director, writer and screenwriter Neil Jordan, who is per- haps best known to us for the epic film Michael Collins, about the life of the famous Irish freedom fight- er. We will also watch this film at the opening of the Irish Film Week, after which we’ll enjoy three more of Jor- dan's works over the next ten days: The Butcher Boy, which also features Sinead O'Connor; The Good Thief, in which Emir Kusturica plays a casino owner; and The Company of Wolves, based on the eponymous short sto- ry in the book The Bloody Chamber, representing a feminist adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood. Apart from Jordan, Belgrade will also welcome director Terry McMahon, young Irish actress Ha- zel Doupe and screenwriter and ac- tor Mark O’Halloran. We will watch a total of 15 films, including the new
biopic comedy and hit from last year Kneecap, which is about an Irish rap band from Belfast and was nominat- ed for six BAFTA awards. It picked up BAFTA for outstanding debut. THE IRISH BILLIE HOLIDAY AT THE YOUTH CENTRE Irish jazz and blues musician Mary Coughlin is coming to Belgrade for the first time, as she commemo- rates four decades of her career. She has been dubbed the “Irish Billie Holi- day” not only because of her powerful vocals, but also because of a life sto- ry that’s been full of ups and downs. Mary will be performing at the Belgrade Youth Centre on 13 th March. She arrives in Belgrade with her four-member band and has the following message for the audience: “I have 15 albums and 40 years of mak- ing music behind me. We will create a good selection of songs to ensure the
B eogradski irski festi- val je već tradicio- nalna manifestacija koja domaćoj publi- ci tokom desetak da- na predstavlja savremenu irsku kulturu – film, muziku, vizuelnu umetnost, literaturu. Zato, ako ste u Beogradu od 6. do 17. mar- ta, nemojte da propustite neke mnogo dobre goste! NIL DŽORDAN PRVI PUT U BEOGRADU Zvezda ovogodišnjeg BIF-a je Nil Džordan, veliki irski reditelj, pi- sac i scenarista, kojeg možda naj- bolje poznajemo po epskom filmu „Majkl Kolins“, o životu čuvenog ir- skog borca za slobodu. Taj film će- mo i gledati na otvaranju Nedelje irskog filma, a onda narednih de- setak dana uživati u još tri Džorda- nova ostvarenja: „Mali kasapin“, u Beograđani znaju da je ovo vreme koje je u kulturnim kalendarima rezervisano za Irce, njihovu kulturu, umetnost i proslavu Dana Svetog Patrika
kom se pojavljuje i Šinejd O’Konor, „Dobar lopov“, u kom Emir Kustu- rica igra vlasnika kazina, i „Čopor vukova“, zasnovanom na priči „Kr- vava soba“, feminističkoj obradi baj- ke o Crvenkapi. Pored Džordana, u Beograd sti- žu i reditelj Teri Mekmehon, mla- da irska glumica Hejzel Dup i sce- narista i glumac Mark O’Haloran. Gledaćemo ukupno 15 filmova, me- đu njima i novu „biopic“ komediju, prošlogodišnji hit „Kneecap“ o ir- skom rep bendu iz Belfasta koji je nominovan za šest BAFTA nagrada, a osvojio onu za najbolji debi film. IRSKA BILI HOLIDEJ U DOMU OMLADINE Prvi put u Beograd dolazi i Me- ri Kohlin, irska džez i bluz muzičar- ka koja obeležava četiri decenije ka- rijere. Zovu je „irska Bili Holidej“, ne samo zbog prodornog vokala već i zbog životne priče, pune uspona i padova. Meri nastupa u Domu omladi- ne Beograda 13. marta, a dolazi sa svojim četvoročlanim bendom i po- ručuje publici: „Imam 15 albuma i 40 godina pravljenja muzike iza se- be. Napravićemo dobar izbor pesa- ma da nas beogradska publika što
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