Kultura / Culture
S eries 9-1-1: Lone Star has kept audiences glued to screens for five seasons, presenting to us the chal- lenging life of members of the emergency services through dramatic rescues and the complex personal stories of the main char- acters. We’re watching the latest 12 episodes on the Star channel, but al- so Rob Lowe, who portrays Captain Owen. He reveals what it was like to shoot this series, and what that role meant to him... What were the greatest challenges? “Shooting large theatrical scenes, such as the train accident and the toxic cloud over the city, required precise coordination, plenty of pa- tience and teamwork. we Sometimes spend hours, and even days, creat- ing just one perfect scene. But the result – when you see that adrena- line and tension on the screen – is always worth it”. How would you describe the difference in television pro- duction today compared to when you first started? “The difference is huge! When I started, TV was a different world – linear and predictable. Today’s TV production standards are as high as standards for blockbuster mov- ies. The quality of the script, direc- tion and even the effects is now in- credible. And, most importantly, the stories we tell now are deeper and more diverse”. Can a role change an actor as a person? “Absolutely! Playing Owen gave me a deeper awareness of just how dedicated and courageous the peo- ple working in the emergency ser- vices are. I think I now appreciate the moments I have with my fam- ily and friends even more, because you never know when life can shift completely. Likewise, playing some- one who endures such great challeng- es has taught me to be grateful for everything I have and to face prob- lems with more patience and under- standing. I also learned through him how important it is to be adaptable – both as an actor and as a person.
ROB LOU ROB LOWE Oblikovali smo pop kulturu jednog vremena /
Može li uloga da promeni glumca kao osobu? – Apsolutno. Igranje Ovena mi je dalo dublju svest o tome koli- ko su ljudi koji rade u hitnim služ- bama požrtvovani i hrabri. Mislim da sada još više cenim trenutke sa porodicom i prijateljima, jer nikada ne znate kada život može da se preokrene. Takođe, igrajući nekoga ko prolazi kroz tako ve- like izazove, naučio sam da bu- dem zahvalan na svemu što imam i da se suočavam sa problemima sa više strpljenja i razumevanja. Kroz njega sam naučio i koliko je važno biti prilagodljiv – i kao glumac i kao čovek. To je vero- vatno jedan od mojih omiljenih likova u karijeri. Kada vam je bilo lakše da stanete pred kame- re – na početku karijere ili sada? – Definitivno sada. Iskustvo donosi neku vrstu mirnoće i sigur- nosti u ono što radim. Na počet- ku karijere bio sam mlad, neisku- san i ponekad sam previše brinuo kako izgledam ili kako će publi- ka reagovati. Danas se više foku- siram na likove koje igram i na poruke koje želim da prenesem. Smatrate li da ste presta- ri za akcione scene? – (smeh) Iskreno, ima dana kada se osećam kao da jesam, po- sebno posle intenzivnih scena. Ali s druge strane, radim na tome da budem u formi, i uživam u izazovi- ma koje akcione scene donose. Ne bih rekao da sam prestar, ali sva- kako se trudim da se prilagodim. Da li doživljavate sebe kao pop ikonu jednog vre- mena, s obzirom na va- šu ogromnu popularnost krajem 20. veka? – Teško mi je da sebe posma- tram na taj način, ali ne mogu po- reći da je to bio neverovatan peri- od. Bila je to era kada su filmovi i TV serije oblikovali pop kulturu, i srećan sam što sam bio deo to- ga. Mislim da se trudim da se ne osvrćem previše na to, već da na- stavim da rastem i dajem svoj do- prinos i danas.
We shaped the pop culture of an era
ing. The sea isn’t always merciful – we regularly battled wind, waves and unpredictable weather conditions. However, that all adds to the authen- ticity of the story. I’ve always loved the water, but filming this show gave me a new level of respect for the sea. It’s a force of nature that can test you in ways you never expected”. What were you taught by the role of a ship’s captain? “Playing the captain of a ship taught me how important it is to take responsibility – not only for your- self, but also for others. A captain can’t allow himself to be insecure – his team depends on him. This can be easily transferred to everyday life: regardless of the situation, a leader must remain calm and make the best decisions for everyone”. How do you view your work on the show Miami Vice? “Ah, Miami Vice was a magical moment in my career. That series wasn’t just entertainment – it de- fined the aesthetic and tone of an entire era. It was fantastic to be part of something that had such an im- pact on pop culture. I’m still proud of that time, but I’m also grateful that I’m today able to work on dif- ferent projects”. Do you see yourself as a pop icon of an era? “I believe it’s up to the audience to judge that. I’ve been part of some projects that have become iconic, like Miami Vice, and I’m certainly glad that people experienced it that way. However, I personally just see my- self as an actor who loves his job and seeks new ways to tell stories”.
He’s probably one of my favourite characters in my career”. Was it easier to stand in front of the cameras at the beginning of your career or is it easier today? “Definitely today. Experience brings a kind of serenity and cer- tainty in what I do. At the beginning of my career, I was young, inexperi- enced and sometimes too concerned about how I looked or how the audi- ence would react. I today focus more on the characters I play and the mes- sages I want to convey”. Do you consider yourself too old for action scenes? “[laughs] Honestly, there are days when I feel as though I am, especially after intense scenes. But, on the oth- er hand, I work on keeping fit and en- joy the challenges that action scenes bring. I wouldn't say I’m too old, but I’m definitely trying to adapt”. Do you see yourself as a pop icon of an era, considering your huge popularity at the end of the 20 th century? “It’s hard for me to see myself that way, but I can’t deny that it was an incredible period. That was an era when movies and TV shows shaped pop culture, and I’m happy that I was part of that. I think that I try not to look back on the time too much, but rather to continue growing and con- tributing today”.
Tokom pete sezone rad na sceni sa mojim sinom Džonom Ovenom Louom bio je poseban trenutak Working on set with my son John Owen Lowe during season five was a special moment
S erija „9-1-1: Teksas“ već pet sezona drži publi- ku uz ekrane, predstav- ljajući nam kroz drama- tične spasilačke akcije i kompleksne lične priče glavnih junaka izazovan život pripadnika službi za hitne intervencije. No- vih 12 epizoda pratimo na kana- lu „Star“, a Rob Lou, koji tumači kapetana Ovena, otkriva kako je izgledalo snimanje ove serije, šta je za njega značila ta uloga... Šta su bili najveći izazo- vi? – Snimanje velikih teatralnih scena, poput železničke nesreće i toksičnog oblaka nad gradom, za- htevalo je preciznu koordinaciju,
puno strpljenja i timski rad. Po- nekad provodimo sate, pa i dane, kako bismo dobili samo jednu sa- vršenu scenu. Ali rezultat – kada vidite taj adrenalin i napetost na ekranu – uvek se isplati. Kako biste opisali razliku u televizijskoj produkciji danas u poređenju sa peri- odom kada ste počinjali? – Razlika je ogromna! Kada sam počinjao, TV je bio drugači- ji svet – linearan i predvidljiv. Da- nas su standardi za TV produkciju visoki kao za filmske blokbastere. Kvalitet scenarija, režije, pa čak i efekata sada je neverovatan. I što je najvažnije, priče koje pričamo sada su dublje i raznovrsnije.
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