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Sluškinjina priča / The Handmaid’s Tale Šesta sezona nas vodi do kraja priče Season six takes us to the story’s conclusion

The dark skies over Gilead are preparing for a storm as Hulu tees up the sixth and final season of The Handmaid’s Tale. The final instalment of the tel- evision adaptation of Margaret At- wood’s novel will premiere on Hulu on 8 th April, with the first three ep- isodes to be released simultaneous- ly. New episodes will follow week- ly on Tuesdays until the finale on 27 th May. We last saw June Osbourne flee- ing Toronto in search of safety, to- gether with her husband Luke and their daughter Nichole. The family found themselves in hot water af- ter Luke caused the death of a Gile- adean who intended to cause fur- ther harm. Knowing June would never agree to escape without him, Luke tricked her into taking the next train to Vancouver with Nichole as he was arrested by police... The new season will tie up many loose ends and will no doubt lead June back to Gilead. With Luke in prison and Nick Blaine in similar or worse circumstances back in Gile- ad for punching Commander Law- rence, June won’t stop until she has her eldest Hannah back in her cus- tody. Oh, and there’s still that pesky conversation to be had about the brutal slaying of Fred Waterford…

Tamno nebo iznad Gi- leada se sprema za olu- ju dok „Hulu“ pakuje šestu sezo- nu „Sluškinjine priče“. Poslednji deo televizijske adaptacije roma- na Margaret Atvud bić e premijer- no prikazan na „Huluu“ 8. apri- la sa prve tri epizode, da bismo nakon toga nove epizode pratili svakog utorka do finala 27. maja. Kada smo poslednji put vide- li Džun Ozborn, bežala je iz To- ronta sa svojim mužem Lukom i njihovom ćerkom Nikol. Porodi- ca se našla u problemima nakon što je Luk izazvao smrt Gileađa-

nina koji je nameravao da im na- udi. Znajuć i da Džun nikada ne bi pristala da pobegne bez njega, Luk ju je na prevaru naterao da uzme sledeći voz za Vankuver sa Nikol, nakon što ga je policija uhapsila... Nova sezona ć e popuniti mno- ge nepojašnjene rupe i bez sum- nje vratiti Džun u Gilead. Dok je Luk u zatvoru, a Nik Blejn u slič- nim okolnostima, Džun neć e sta- ti dok ne povrati starateljstvo nad Hanom. O da, i dalje treba da se povede onaj dosadni razgovor o brutalnom ubistvu Freda Voter- forda...

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