Elevate March 2025 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia news Er Srbija vesti

Nastavlja se širenje flote Fleet expansion continues

Četvrti širokotrupni avion, „erbas A330-200“, svečano je sredinom februara dočekan na beogradskom aerodromu / The Serbian national airline’s fourth wide-body aircraft, an Airbus A330-200, was ceremoniously welcomed at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport in mid-February Novi avion Er Srbije u Beogradu New Air Serbia plane in Belgrade

Najnovije pojačanje u floti srpske nacional- ne avio-kompanije nosi registarsku oznaku YU-ARE i vizuelni identitet EXPO 2027, proizveden je 2014. go- dine i ima konfiguraciju od 22 sedišta u biznis i 240 se- dišta u ekonomskoj klasi. – Naš novi avion za dugolinijski saobraćaj pred- stavlja važno pojačanje i doprineće daljem širenju mreže destinacija. Kao nacionalna avio-kompanija že- limo da pružimo snažnu podršku specijalizovanoj izlož- bi EXPO 2027, koja će se od 15. maja do 15. avgusta 2027. godine održati u Beogradu, i upravo zbog to- ga je i ova letelica u tom vizuelnom identitetu. Nada- mo se da će putnici uživati u komforu koji YU-ARE pru- ža i da će im letovi do Severne Amerike i NR Kine biti veoma prijatni – izjavio je Jirži Marek, generalni direk- tor Er Srbije.

- Vizuelni identitet EXPO 2027 na novom avionu Er Srbije predstavlja još jedan snažan simbol povezano- sti Srbije sa svetom i prilike koju Beograd ima da se kroz ovu specijalizovanu izložbu predstavi na globalnoj sce- ni. Ova letelica, koja će povezivati Beograd sa ključnim međunarodnim destinacijama, istovremeno nosi po- ruku o značaju EXPO 2027 i doprinosi njegovoj prepo- znatljivosti širom sveta. Ponosni smo što EXPO 2027 već sada dobija ovako značajnu podršku – rekao je Du- šan Borovčanin, direktor EXPO 2027 Beograd d.o.o. Na brendiranju nove letelice Er Srbije tokom pet neprekidnih dana radilo je po osam ljudi u dve smene i tom prilikom upotrebljeno je 270 nalepnica. Avion ima „rols-rojs“ motore jačine 71100 N, raspon krila od 60 metara i dužinu od približno 59 metara. Može da leti na maksimalnoj visini od 41.450 stopa.

Avion ima „rols-rojs“ motore, a može da leti na maksimalnoj visini od 41.450 stopa The aircraft is equipped with Rolls-Royce engines and can fly at a maximum altitude of 12,634 metres

The latest addition to the fleet of Serbia‘s national airline carries the registration mark YU- ARE and EXPO 2027 livery. Manufactured in 2014, it features a configuration of 22 seats in business class and 240 seats in economy class. “Our new aircraft for long-haul flights is an im- portant addition and will contribute to further expan- ding our network of destinations. As the national airli- ne, we want to offer strong support to the specialised EXPO 2027 exhibition, which will be held in Belgrade from 15 th May to 15 th August 2027, and that’s why this aircraft has been adorned with that logo. We hope that passengers will enjoy the comfort that YU-ARE provides and that their flights to North America and the People‘s Republic of China will be enjoyable,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. „The visual identity of EXPO 2027 on the new Air Serbia aircraft represents another strong symbol of

Serbia‘s connection with the world and the oppor- tunity that Belgrade has to present itself on the glo- bal stage through this specialised exhibition. This aircraft, which will connect Belgrade with key inter- national destinations, simultaneously carries a me- ssage about the importance of EXPO 2027 and con- tributes to its worldwide recognition. We are proud that EXPO 2027 is already receiving such significant support,“ said Dušan Borovčanin, CEO of EXPO 2027 Belgrade d.o.o. Eight people worked in two shifts for five conse- cutive days and used 270 stickers to complete the decorative branding of the new Air Serbia aircraft. The aircraft is equipped with Rolls-Royce engines wi- th a thrust of 71,100 N, a wingspan of 60 metres and a length of approximately 59 metres. It can fly at a maximum altitude of 12,634 metres.

Najnovije pojačanje u floti srpske nacionalne avio- kompanije ima vizuelni identitet EXPO 2027 The latest addition to the fleet of Serbia’s national airline sports the livery of EXPO 2027

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